Harem King from A Slave in Another World

Chapter 577: Demonicus, the crusher

"Miss Reina, please help us!" Her allies called her as they were being hard-pressed by enemies.

In the midst of the tumultuous battlefield, there was a girl, Reina, whose very presence seemed to defy the chaos surrounding her. With long, flowing orange hair cascading down her back in a sleek ponytail, she stood out among the drab hues of the war-torn landscape. Her striking appearance was further emphasized by her piercing orange eyes, their intense gaze hinting at a determined and cunning spirit.

Clad in light clothing that matched the vibrant shade of her hair and eyes, she moved with an air of effortless grace. Her outfit, tailored for stealth and agility, consisted of form-fitting trousers that hugged her lithe legs, allowing for swift and precise movements. The fabric, a muted orange color with subtle patterns, seemed to blend harmoniously with her overall appearance.

Though her fighting skills were deemed average by some, it was her exceptional speed that set her apart from her adversaries. Her legs possessed an almost inhumane swiftness, enabling her to dart across the battlefield with unparalleled agility. With each step, she left a fleeting trail of orange behind, a testament to her rapidity and elusiveness.

As she moved, her lithe figure showcased a lean yet well-toned physique, evidence of the physical demands required by her occupation as a thief. Her slender limbs were sculpted with both grace and strength, capable of executing swift strikes and evasive maneuvers. With every movement, it was as if she danced through the chaos of the battlefield, her orange-clad form a blur of speed and finesse.

Though her abilities as a fighter might not have matched the prowess of seasoned warriors, it was her quick reflexes and nimble footwork that allowed her to outmaneuver and outsmart her opponents. She relied on her exceptional speed and agility to swiftly navigate the battlefield, slipping through cracks in the enemy's defense and striking with precision when least expected.

As the orange-haired thief fought alongside the soldiers of Marquis Cyril, her unique appearance and lightning-fast legwork drew the attention of enemies. 

"Fight me, Demonicus!"

She was called by hoarse voice when she stabbed an enemy.

Reina, the orange-haired thief girl, found herself in a precarious situation as she stood face to face with an intimidating opponent. Demonicus, the man who stood before her was a hulking figure, his sheer size and girth a testament to his immense strength. Reina's eyes widened as she took in the sight of the fat man, a foreign fighter hired by the Orlais-Fanoss Union.

The man's armor strained against the weight of his bulging frame, creaking under the pressure. His heavy breaths filled the air, punctuating the tension that hung between them. But it wasn't just his size that sent shivers down Reina's spine; it was the giant glaive he wielded with ease. The weapon gleamed in the dim light, its blade sharp and deadly.

As the man swung the glaive in a wide arc, the force behind the weapon was evident. Reina could almost feel the air being sliced apart as the blade whistled through it. She knew that a single touch of that monstrous weapon could easily cleave a man in two, and she had no intention of becoming its next victim.

"Should I run away?" As she muttered, a female voice called her from her side.

"Reina, I will help you. It's us two against him."

Malty Melromarc, a lovely girl from a recently dissolved noble family, possessed a striking appearance that caught the attention of many. She had wavy semi-long crimson hair, cascading down her back in a vibrant display of color. To keep her hair out of her face during the heat of battle, she tied it up in a ponytail, with chest-length hair strands gracefully framing her visage on either side. Her emerald-green eyes sparkled with determination and a hint of mischief, adding a captivating allure to her overall charm.

Malty's face boasted pretty, cute, and youthful features that seemed to radiate an aura of innocence. Her smooth complexion and rosy cheeks lent her an approachable and friendly demeanor, making her a likable presence among her fellow soldiers. Though her appearance hinted at a delicate nature, her brute on the battlefield spoke of a different story.

As a foot soldier under Marquis Cyril's army, Malty donned an average battlesuit that provided essential protection without compromising her mobility. The battlesuit was crafted from sturdy materials, its dark hues blending seamlessly with the rugged terrain of the battlefield. It featured reinforced armor plates on vital areas, such as her chest, shoulders, and thighs, ensuring a degree of defense against enemy attacks.

Completing her ensemble, Malty wore flexible leather boots that allowed her to move swiftly across the battlefield, enabling her to respond quickly to changing circumstances. Her gloves, made of a combination of leather and lightweight metal, offered both dexterity and protection, allowing her to grip her weapons firmly and parry enemy strikes with precision.

Though Malty's fighting skills and physical abilities were not outstanding compared to some elite soldiers, she possessed a level of competence that placed her above the average fighter. Her training and dedication to improving herself had honed her reflexes and combat instincts, allowing her to hold her own in battle against average fighters.

In the weeks since her initiation, she had proven her worth by taking the lives of dozens of enemies, showing a resourcefulness and adaptability that surprised both her comrades.

Demonicus boasted, "Hahaha. Two little girls against me, the men crusher. Fine by me!"

Reina and Malty looked at each other and gulped.

Reina's orange eyes narrowed, while Malty's emerald-green eyes sparkled with a mix of determination and a mischievous glimmer.

Reina took a step forward, her lithe figure radiating confidence. She tightened her grip on her dual daggers, the blades gleaming with a deadly sheen. Her agility and speed were her greatest assets, and she planned to make full use of them against the towering adversary before her.

Malty, standing beside Reina, raised her shield, emboldened by her companion's bravery. She held her sword firmly in her other hand, ready to strike with precision and accuracy. Though petite in stature, her resolve burned brightly, fueling her determination to protect her allies and fight for what she believed in.

Reina's voice cut through the tension that hung in the air. "We might be little, but our hearts burn with courage! Prepare yourself, Demonicus!"

Without wasting another moment, Reina darted forward with her blinding speed, her orange-clad form becoming a blur of motion. She expertly weaved between the swings of Demonicus' massive glaive, her agile movements allowing her to stay just out of reach. With each dodge, she struck with her daggers, aiming for vulnerable spots in his armor.

Malty followed closely behind, utilizing her shield to deflect the brute force of Demonicus' attacks. She seized every opportunity to strike back, aiming for gaps in his defense. Her sword sliced through the air, finding its mark with calculated precision.

The battle raged on, the clash of steel and the grunts of exertion filling the air. Reina and Malty fought with a synchrony that came from countless hours of training and mutual trust. They complemented each other's strengths, seamlessly switching between offense and defense to keep their opponent off balance.

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