Harem Overlord System

06. Trinity Seven II


" " Conversion or speech
' ' thoughts
[ ] Sys talking


(Mc Pov)

Fourth is Yui Kurata; Yui is a well endowed young woman with shoulder-length grey-white hair with a single ahoge. Possessing the Phantom Cross eye, giving her distinct yellow eyes with cross-shaped pupils that can change colour. Her hair is normally tied into pigtails held together with pink ribbons, along with three pink heart-shaped hair clips on her bangs.

She generally wears her school uniform, which consists of a white collared shirt worn under a dark blazer jacket with cuffs and the school insignia on the left breast pocket. The lower half includes a plaid mini skirt, black dress socks, and brown loafers.
Yui has a very happy and bubbly personality, which often makes her seem childish at times. As such, she is very open with her thoughts, almost always expressing her feelings vocally and physically. For most of the time, Yui is usually excited and joyful, remaining cheerful in even the tense and most dangerous circumstances.
Additionally, she rarely holds grudges and thinks ill will of others. After being saved by Arata, she remained friendly towards Mira, who previously was willing to kill her to stop her Breakdown Phenomenon. However, her mood can also easily shift depending on the situation, becoming frustrated when things do not go her way or becoming scared when confronted by something she is afraid of. Ironically, Yui is quite frightened by ghosts but finds the monsters are cute. Yui is very friendly and easy to get along with, but notably, due to being placed in the school dungeon alone to sleep, she does not have many friends or close relationships. Except for the other Trinity Seven members, specifically Levi, she has remained relatively isolated from people until meeting Arata, whom she has become very attached to. Since then, Yui has become more interactive with her friends, happily playing and enjoying their company. Additionally, she can also be fairly mischievous and daring, oftentimes teasing her friends which she greatly takes delight in. Ordinarily, she is not shy about her body, making suggestive remarks or acting boldly, particularly towards Arata. On one occasion, she independently slept naked in his bed with him. Yui cares very deeply for her friends, willing to fight and protect them from harm. During Iscariot's attack on Biblia, after Levi was defeated by Lugh, she was determined to go and fight by herself, becoming tearful and unwilling to let Levi shoulder the burden by herself.

"Yui is my favourite among the seven girls, her bubbly, cheerful and outgoing personality make her liked by most of the people. I like her cause she is cute when cheerful and sexy when she dresses up,' I thought of my well-liked waifu of mine which puts a smile on my face.

Fifth is Akio Fudo; Akio is a tall, long-legged, slender young woman who is almost always smiling due to her cheerful and friendly nature. She has a modest bust and long dark hair that covers her entire back. 

On the right side of her head, a small red ribbon is tied to several strands of her hair. For her normal attire, Akio wears a white long-sleeved button-up shirt that exposes her cleavage, stomach and navel, a long dark skirt with double slits revealing both sides of her legs and a pair of dark slip-on shoes.
Akio is a friendly, cheerful young woman, almost always enjoying the moment in any situation. Easy going and confident, she is generally easy to get along with, and very optimistic in even the most dangerous circumstances. Rarely becoming overly serious with a few exceptions, Akio, for the most part, will act light-heartedly and very accepting of others, being cordial to even most of her enemies. Even when visiting her former destroyed hometown, she remained composed. For example, despite being a member of Grimoire Security, Akio would treat Arata amicably even though he was a Magic King Candidate. Akio enjoys being with her friends, teasing and bantering with them regardless of the topic or their positions. She is highly loyal and caring, willing to fight to protect them.

 Additionally, Akio tends to be the older sister figure to her friends, watching over and supporting them. She would greatly influence Mira to accept her powers and help teach Arata her magic to help him defeat Lieselotte. Also, Akio is surprisingly quite pure, becoming embarrassed when she loses her clothes despite not being shy.

'What I like Akio most about is her easy-going attitude and straightforward attitude, I also like her figure when she dressed up in a bikini which shows her long legs and beautiful curves,' I have a fantasy of her inside my head with different attire which empathize her long legs and great figure. I also don't have to put much effort into getting her attention as she is a glutton when it comes to food so as long as I learn food wars world's cooking techniques, I will get her without any problem.

Sixth is Mira Yaman; Mira is a short, slender girl with long blond hair. Her hairstyle is mostly short all around with her bangs swept to both sides, along with twin ahoges on top of her head. A portion of the back is grown much longer, reaching to her legs. Lastly, she has a small red ribbon tied to the right side of her hair. 

Mira's daily attire is usually her school uniform which consists of a white collared dress shirt worn under a dark blazer jacket with the school symbol under the right breast,  and a plaid ribbon tied in a cravat knot around her neck. Additionally, she wears a plaid mini-skirt, black dress socks, and brown penny loafers.
Mira is a serious and driven individual, having a very passionate belief in injustice. Dedicated to her role as the head of Grimoire Security, she can be quite cold and ruthless sometimes. To stop or prevent a Breakdown Phenomenon, she will not hesitate to take a life to complete her mission. Because of her strong sense of responsibility, she normally has a no-nonsense attitude, appearing unfriendly and strict most of the time. Furthermore, Mira greatly dislikes anything or anyone she considers impure, becoming agitated or even greatly embarrassed in some situations. However, she has shown some concern about her role as Grimoire Security, feeling conflicted about the dark nature of her job. Despite this, she remains determined to fight against impure existences. Mira has also been shown to be a very capable leader and fighter, usually remaining calm and collected during dangerous conditions. This allows her to act and think intelligently, planning her moves to avoid trouble.

'Mira is the only person who is hard to approach and if you mistakenly said something she finds it's annoying then she might just blow you with her magic, but as long as you get to know her she will become a good friend' I thought about Mira and how to approach her as there not many things she gets interested, only options left is melting her defence little by little with gentle approaches.

Seventh and last is Arin:She is a petite, slender young woman with short light blue-grey hair and a single horn. Notably, she also bears a striking resemblance to Hijiri Kasuga. However, Arin normally has an emotionless expression, rarely changing her expressions. Although, since meeting with Arata, she has begun to show a wider range of emotions. Her usual outfit consists of her school uniform, a white collared dress shirt worn with a dark blazer jacket with the school emblem, and a plaid mini-skirt. She also sports a plaid cravat bowtie, black knee-length socks, and loafers. On her left ring finger, she wears a simple band ring with rune inscriptions that are seen when activating her magic.

Arin is quite blase, typically only having a serious or blank expression and rarely showing any other emotions. Because of this, many of her actions and expressions usually do not match. Furthermore, Arin has often been shown to be blunt and lack common sense, generally never reacting the same way most people do in many situations. For example, Arin on one occasion chose to bathe in the male bathroom because she preferred the quiet. Even when Arata discovered her naked by chance, she barely showed any reactions and acted nonchalant despite his presence. Oftentimes, others have to correct and chide her for her behaviour, which she usually finds difficult. However, despite her lack of expression, Arin is not quite as cold as she appears to be. In actuality, she can be kind and caring, even if she does not show that often. Arin gets along very well with her friends, caring for their safety and willing to fight for them. She has also been shown to be perceptive, once immediately noticing Mira's change of attitude towards Arata.

'Arin doesn't much interest me with her -A cup boobs and emotionless expressions, don't take me wrong as long as a girl have some figure like bubbly butt or long slender legs or some marshmallows, I mean if a girl doesn't have anything to distinguish from others then how can I get interested in her. And Arin has troublesome destiny being related to the Miko of the world tree.' I thought of my preferences and even he compromise it but remembering Arin has a strong connection with the demon lord candidate cause of being related to Miko so I don't want to meddle in this trouble.


'This should be enough information for making my move-in gaining their trust and I believe.' I thought grinning to myself.
[Host, can stop being creepy for a moment and look around you.]
'Sys, where were you gone, I haven't heard from you' I ask and look around to make sure, students around me are not looking at me like some weirdo.
[Host, you should check your Quest function, there's a new quest.
I didn't remind you as you were in your fantasy now It would be better you check it sooner than by letter.]
'Ok, Sys whatever' I thought, It wouldn't hurt to check it might be good for me.

Don't fear because Cliffhanger Kun is here ...

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