Harem Overlord System

07. Meeting with Headmaster



" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


   (Mc Pov)


[Quest: Become B class mage within a week.

Requirement- 1. Master in hand to hand combat.

2. Refine magic energy to become more pure and strong.

3. Refine body enough to reach above 50 Stat in all stats.

Rewards - Gravity magic and slip magic (From Another world with my smartphone).

Punishment - Become sexually impotent for Year.]

I was about to go towards the headmaster office for my dorm room to shift near where trinity seven lives. Suddenly quest popped up in front of me.

'Hey, Sys you don't have to be harsh on me by giving that kind of punishment. At least have a little faith in me.' Now that I have motivation in form of harsh punishment, I need to top up my work.

Thinking like that I went towards the headmaster office by asking directions from random students.

'Let's see, how to make him agree to let me stay near trinity girls. From the anime, I remember correctly he is a massive pervert. Let's bribe him by giving him the Holy Book for men of culture.' I thought in mind as I reached my destination.

"Knock knock"

I knocked on the door and waited for permission to go inside.

"Come in"

From inside I heard a calm and authoritative voice making me relax a little. 

I went inside after straightening my clothes a little, I am not worried about him doing anything to me as he has never shown hostile intention towards students even if he is a little perverted from his actions but he also has his good qualities.

"Hello headmaster, My name is Kosei Hesperia." After standing in front of him I bow a little and introduced myself to make a good first impression. I can see him standing in from of the window looking outside.

He looks young for his age and a little handsome. Master Biblia is a tall slender man with long pale hair that he wears in a ponytail and red eyes.  He is always seen with glasses and a coat and uniform.

Master Biblia is a Paladin-Class mage and is the headmaster who presides over the Biblia Magic Academy.

His true Identity is, he is also one of the Heavenly Arbitrators. His Torah Ark is "Sacrifice", and his Attribute is "Fury". His pillar symbol is a "Taurus".

(Arbitrators or the Heavenly Arbitrators are a group of mages with unique abilities, and each one possesses its attribute. All of them possess higher class magic than a Paladin. Respectively, It consists of pillars that each member stand on, which has a mark of what is their Sacred Chest. There are only three free pillars for candidates. Unlike the Trinity Seven, they don't possess a Grimoire, nor a Thema or an Archive to connect to. Arbitrators are those who are at the pinnacle level and who can connect to the Clouds, which represent the eight cardinal sins and the four cardinal virtues. Something on a higher level and more ancient than "Archive". According to Master Biblia, if there is a missing Arbitrator, they can be replaced by another, though they must meet the requirements.)

'Anyway I getting off-topic here, So let's make some stupid story and make him agree to my idea. Even though he will see through my lies with his vast experience as a veteran, well let's just hope he will not ask about it.' I thought about how to go about telling him my story.

" So Mr Kosei, what do you need I suppose this should be your first time here as I haven't seen you around. Care to explain."Just as I thought this guy is perceptible even able to tell that I was not from here. So let's tell him a half-lie half-truth.

"Umm...You see headmaster, I came here not too long ago so you haven't seen me around. I came here hoping the headmaster was willing to help me in my endure.

From childhood to now I haven't interacted much with children of my age because I like new things and discoveries, my parents were also mages so I started reading magic theories and their uses. After my parents passed away they told me about this academy and headmaster's greatness." In end, I have to start to praise the headmaster so at least he consider my suggestion.

"I can't connect with normal kids and I heard seven prodigies are living here so I was hoping they can help in my training." I paused here to try to see any reaction on his face but as expected of the headmaster same small smile hung on his face from start to up until now.

"Hmm..you have one peculiar childhood, you right about prodigies, Trinity Seven is a group of seven female mages that mastered their respective Archives of magic, I proud of them having in my academy." It looks like when it comes to his students, he surprisingly shows this enthusiasm.

"So I was hoping, can I move near their dorm. This way we can help each other and form a friendship. Before that here a gift I heard you are a man of culture so I bought this holy book, I hope it's your liking."I in a hurry and without delay gave the erotica I bought from the system. This is surprisingly very good and it works in attracting the attention of even the Saints.

" Ahem... You are good, Kid where did you get this book by the way." Headmaster looked at my face and then the cover of the erotica book.

"Well headmaster, that's a trade secret so do want it or not" I smiled a little seeing the headmaster putting away his cool persona and coming back to his usual shenanigans.

"I accept your gift, I can also approve your request as a favour for this book. Take this note to give it to Teacher Lilith Asami, she will take care of your accommodation." As I was about to put the book away suddenly the book flew from my hand and fell into the headmaster's hand and seeing that I understood that the headmaster just his magic which works like telekinesis.

Then he gave me a small note with his sign and some words written on it which I took it from him then bowed to him a little to show my respect and took my leave from his office.

After coming out of his office I went straight to the field where I last saw Lilith Asami.



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