Harem Overlord System

23. Small Time Skip



" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


(Mc Pov)

It's been a few months since the wonderful party day.

From then on I started the simple routine from morning exercising then opening the restaurant for a few hours then going to academy fields for heavy training and sparing with girls from time to time.

 Akio and I spar on hand to hand combat to improve ourselves as I can hold against her with the accumulating experience I have.

I take a few minutes rest, then I train with Lilith in accuracy shooting and different gun handling skills.

Before ending the training for the day, I compete with ninja in speed and always end up losing as we only use our pure physical strength but It does help me when it comes to improving my leg strength and breaking the limits of my body, especially when it comes to stamina.

The next day, I swap with Arin, Yui and Mira in spear handling, illusion magic & sound magic and practise finding opponent weak points respectively.

Like this I spar with everyone giving mine and taking their little bit of time to learn in fighting different kinds of enemies and situations, also improving our relationship with this making us closer.

I am improving in visible rate when it comes to physical strength but magical energy capacity have reached to limit my body can handle. So I have to take my time to meditate and increase my amount of strings energy so later I can transform it into the better and purer energy in the form of 'Stream', also enter into the next realm.


Now I am in academy fields testing my weapon I got from the coupon I forgot about it until now then suddenly I remembered it from a comment from Arin when she mentioned her weapon.

My weapon name is 'Myriad changes' as the name implies and it has many forms but for now, only blunt or bladed forms are unlocked. To unlock other forms a few certain conditions needed to be fulfilled so I leave it for now.

First I have to get used to it, that is why I am in an open space.




After slashing around making a lot of mess and craters on the ground. I find this weapon to my liking. Also, it comes with accessories form and I like a lot in black bracelet form in my wrist. As it is a Soul Bound weapon so I don't have to worry about losing it.

Once I am done checking my weapon out and got used to it. Then I got back to practise my martial arts as if I want to improve then I will need to constantly practise it. 

I am fond of martial arts and always wanted to learn it myself but for several reasons, I wasn't cut out for it, in my previous life so now at least I want this dream of mine to be fulfilled.

In a few months of practice, my martial arts has become more refined and I have developed a very decent technique from it.

If I can touch my opponent then it will be game over for my opponent, of course, the opponent has to be in the same power level or have only one level difference.

This technique that I have developed accidentally is derived from an anime I have seen before so I was experimenting with techniques by combining them like the pressure of water waves and knowledge of human body structure.

In the end, I came up with is this, when I punch a human being in a middle area, the attack makes use of waves generated by water present in the body then the opponent will feel like they are being hit with sea weaves which will be enough to knock their innards or crush them enough to make them stop working for few second and If I hit just above the heart, then the heart will stop for few seconds and that will be enough for me to make the opponent to knocked unconscious.

There are many combinations like that but they needed specific conditions like that to work with many weaknesses so they can be avoided or outright negated.

To make it more deadly I ended up combining space and gravity with knocking art and it came out with a deadly technique I name it 'Inverse Knocking'. I was only able to perform once before losing strength from my whole body and sprawled on the ground.

If it performs on any living creature when coming contact with it as the name implies, it makes it upside down If it hit on any part of the body it will directly mush that part because gravity pressure and space contract together making it like the part are grinding between space limited by technique.

As I have only basic knowledge of different attributes and not deep process so it's still very crude, so I'm able to perform it only once before draining my stamina and energy.

But 'Sys' informed me that I completed a hidden mission...


When I was resting after performing the technique for the first time and absorbing the experience and feeling I got from it.

Then suddenly 'Sys' inform me to open the quest I just completed.


[Hidden Quest:  Make your technique that is above your level in destructive capabilities.

Rewards: Knowledge of different attributes ( intermediate and high).

Transferring the knowledge in the host mind.]

After then I had a little headache then lots of knowledge started to pour in so I had to arrange it in my memory palace.

A few moments later I had a big smile plastered on my face you asked why because I just got through intermediate knowledge roughly and I had the direction to work on teleportation magic, Stealth Magic, etc.

(Flashback end)


Once I got the direction on magic how to go about it, first and foremost I started to work on teleportation magic, just in a few days of working on it I am pretty sure that  I will be able to finish it then I will have the most convenient magic for travelling around.

"Hey, Kosei what are you up to, you look like you haven't eaten in a few days," On the way to the canteen I met up with the ninja girl looking at my exhausted face so she commented like that.

"Ohh, it's nothing big I just ended up like this due to my research on something," I just got refreshed myself from sweat after taking a quick bath and was feeling hungry so I thought why not eat something to soothe my hunger and fill some energy to not look like a malnourished patient.

" Hey, Ninja I have a surprise for you and I will give it to you in a few days" thinking mischievously I thought of teaching Ninja the stealth magic with this, she will become a true Ninja. I thought of what she would do first when she learns that with her mischievous personality.

"What it is, tell me..tell me.." Just as I said that I have a surprise for her she started to demand from me to tell her what that is and I did then that won't be a surprise anymore, so I didn't tell her.

"No, wait for a few days and I am sure you will like it, also will be worth the wait for it," I said serious looking face but inside I was sweating as even I don't have any idea how to do the stealth properly, and It's not like I have to teach her myself because I can just transfer the knowledge about stealth into her brain directly.

Fews minutes of talking to each other, we reached the canteen so taking our portion of food, we sit at the table opposite to one another.

Having my fill from talking and eating with cute and sexy ninja, I parted with her then came directly to my dorm room.

This room has my nameplate hung on it as I sometimes sleep here when I get too exhausted to go to my apartment. After a few hours of meditation and refining, I slept like log.


On the second day,

I woke up early then finished with daily business and washing my face, I started my morning training exercise.

An hour and a half later I came to take a bath and after finishing then I headed toward the canteen to grab my breakfast.

" Hi Lilith, Good morning, where are going in a hurry," In a way, I came across Lilith who was in a hurry so I followed her and greeted her.

"Ohh Morning Kosei, It's headmaster, he said there was an emergency mission so I was going to his office," she greeted back and answered my query then I followed her to see what it was about.

In a while, we are standing in front of the headmaster who was giving us his iconic cool pose by standing in the front window facing back towards us with little side turn and his face is facing outside from where academy students can be seen.

"Good morning, headmaster," both of us greeted him to show him respect for being a wise elder and also a respectable man, even if he is slightly perverted but he has been kept in like by Lilith or his assistant.

"So what's the mission about, headmaster," Lilith asked about the mission detail and I just stand on the side If necessary I will accompany her.

"There's a city-wide breakdown phenomenon detected but once we send some people to investigate they found the city as if nothing has happened but they detected high-level illusion magic on the whole city so I sending you to find the source of the problem and eliminate it otherwise it might be endangered the other areas and many innocent lives will be lost," listening to the headmaster's description I had a doubt and remember a piece of information about this phenomenon so I thought of confirming with my own eyes if it's true or not. So I ask the headmaster for permission to join in this mission.

"Hmm, Ok, It would be good for you to gain experience in solving these kinds of problems but you have listened to Ms Lilith on this one. Just don't mess it up, alright go asap," taking permission we got ready to leave for the mission and from Lilith, I got to know that Mira and Akio duo is also gone to the mission, and tomorrow they might come back.

If my guess is right then canon going to start from today, Ohh well, it's about damn time to mess with Mc of this world.





A/N: I am sorry for not updating daily as I have been busy with a lot of party invitations. But when I will become free from this then I will make sure to update 50+ chapters in two weeks.

Again sorry for the wait...

Enjoy the chapter.😁

Don't forget to comment and leave a power stone...



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