Harem Overlord System

24. Canon Begins



" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


(Kosei Hesperia )

(Mc with cheat)

Once I heard that there will be a new toy to tortu...cough .. to play with so I felt a little excited at the moment, thinking like that we reached the city where I felt a massive amount of unstable energy. I saw a big black sun in the sky and when I tried to look at it for little clarity it made me immediately close my eyes as what I saw made me want to puke.

The black sun in the sky above the city is made of pure unstable energy, swirling like tendrils and looking like it would be spill out any time now, I also felt little pressure from it in my body but otherwise fine.

Then we split up to find the source of the problem and meet up in an hour.

So I was wandering around for an hour but found nothing as the whole city is like some kind of dome. The whole city is shrouded in pretty strong illusion magic so it looks like nothing has happened but any veteran or mage who knows illusion magic will notice this abnormality.


"So did you find the source or do we have to wander around again as I am starting to feel a little hungry," after meeting up with Lilith I asked the first thing that came to mind as I was getting a little uncomfortable with the atmosphere here and before going back I have to make sure this land is purified with this erry feeling and blackish miasma.

"Hmm...I had contact with him and tried to wake him from his illusion but it has little effect. Okay, let's go to the location he most likely is," she replied then started to lead me to where the source of this problem is present at the moment.


We are standing on the roof of some school on high ground beside a water tank and I am masking our presence to see what our target is up to.

" Lilith isn't the girl beside the target is little suspicious and the guy looks like a pretty novice to me so how the heck he able use large city-wide illusion magic," we were observing the target who was busy arguing with a girl but from their argument, they look like they have a pretty close relationship. If I haven't known beforehand that the girl is a physical manifestation of Grimoire then I might get fooled by her cute acting.

"Hmm..you are right, she most likely the one who cast this magic on the city but I also felt the magic signature same as the boy on the city-wide magic," she replied with a thoughtful face which make her look a little charming in my eye so I kept the picture in my memory for later uses.

"Well, If my hypothesis is right then that girl might be a Grimoire and that has some connection to it. Why don't you just test her If she is capable of making this partial world then she is highly dangerous," I said whatever bullshit I came up with to sound convincing for her to continue like the canon.

As I already have changed many things so I highly doubt that things will go the same.

'Well things happened and I just have to become stronger to solve whatever problem standing in my way of getting to my Waifus' I thought with strong determination. Coming to my senses I gave a nod to Lilith to start the show for me to enjoy.

I started to hide my presence as nobody has seen me and Lilith as a distraction I can always use the miss direction. Seeing as Lilith using big ass sniper type gun loaded with magic bullets ready to fire.



(sound of the bullet making a sound when Lilith pull the trigger. The Grimoire erected a magic shield-like dome to stop the bullet).

" That's one hell of a way to greet people. Miss mage," after deflecting the bullet the Grimoire girl greeted us sarcastically.

"Well...I am impressed of you taking my attack without a scratch," commented Lilith then got interrupted by a pervert on the scene.

" Woah you are from before, a girl with sweet racks," he blurted out just like a pervert, making Lilith incensed and I got ready to give him a beating of life If he utter any other nonsense.

"I have a name and It's Lilith Asami, got that," replied in a cold voice and adjusted her glasses.

Then everything went the same way Arata commented on her dress then Lilith explained to him that she is wearing her combat mage uniform.

Then Grimoire girl who acted and took Hijiri's place commented then Arata started to remember what had happened. After fake hijiri snapped her fingers and lifted the illusion making Arata and us see what had left after the destruction blabla...

All that drama I find boring so I started to think about how I am going to punish that naughty Grimoire or fake Hijiri. If she has miscalculated a little bit then a lot of innocent lives would have been lost above what happened to this city.

So I have to make sure she remembers her mistakes. I will punish her by giving her ass some slapping. I am not thinking about feeling her butt. I have a pure mind and this is only for punishment. (A/N: Yes, like heck I would believe you fucking virgin weeb).

When I was busy thinking nonsense in my head I saw that fake Hijiri was trying to slip away I hurriedly used my magic slip on the spot her feet were about to land and at the same time I flash away from my position to just behind the naughty Grimoire then I caught her before she fell over.

"Whoa there miss Grimoire, are you trying to literally slip away without taking the punishment for the mistake you committed. Now that I am here, I won't let you get away without punishment so be a good girl and take it obediently," Once I knock away her magic circulation temporarily so she can't use any magic for a while as she is Grimoire so she is different from the average mage, but it will give me enough time to feel her ass cough ahem I mean enough for me to give her a punishment.

"Who are you mister and what did you do to me, I can't move my body or use any magic energy, let me go you bastard," she came back to her senses then she started to question me and shout vulgarities at me to let her go.

"Pipe down girl and I am with that Lilith girl you met before. My name is Kosei Hesperia, remember that now that I introduced myself it's time for your punishment," I made her calm down forcefully by knocking some bodily nerves, of course, it won't have any side effect as it's just a technique to make someone calm from their panicked state.

Once she calm down I lay her on my lap as I was sitting on edge of the floor then started her punishment.

*phaw!* phaw!* phaw!*

"Mhg...mmmn.." Just after a few slaps, some moaning sound leaked from her.

"Did you just moan, are you by any chance an M. you naughty girl needs more slaps," listening to the moaning sound of the girl and seeing those glares of resentment I thought it would be overkill If added a little bit more force so I control my force.


"I a...am...so...sorry...please..stop it," a few more rounds of slaps she started to sob and murmur sorry so I let her go and set her on the floor a little bit away from the edge.

As we are away from them directly by one building and I am also tired little as I have to use my speed magic for point mili second to catch up to her.

Hmm..smoke gas where it's coming from as I was again sitting on the edge and it was on purpose to let her escape.

" Hey, girl are you some ninja using smoke bomb here ..cough..cough... Damn, what is it mixed with making me cough...," Some minute later the smoke started to cover the whole roof and I was sitting on the edge so I didn't move and this gas also made me cough. Then I heard the words which every third category of a villain speaks before running away.

"Bastard I will take revenge for the humiliation you have given me today. Mark my word," she shouted at me and ran from there, I was waiting for her to get out when I was sure she was not there then I clenched my fist and throw a punch in the air which generated enough gust of wind to clear the smock screen.

"Damn girl, if I catch you again I punish you double I gave you today," I dusted myself then cleared my throat from the cough which happened cause inhaling the smock, I jump from this roof to the previous roof where Lilith was waiting for me with her gun pointing at the source of the problem.

"So what were you doing I heard some voices and where that Grimoire," once I came near Lilith she asked one after another question when I heard the first part I started to sweat and thought of some excuse to appease her otherwise If she knew what I was doing she might start fire her bazooka at me.

"Well we have confronted each other and I have given her a heavy blow that time so you might have heard her cry of pain. Then after that she caught me off guard and used some gas to make me dizzy for a moment, taking that opportunity she escaped from me," I gave her the rundown of excuse I came up with so she won't be suspicious of me. Well, even though I let Grimoire girl escape I am pretty sure she will not going harm anytime out there and I am pretty certain we will meet her soon enough.

"Okey, let's go we have to report this to the headmaster and Mr Arata has decided to enrol in our academy to find her cousin hijiri as the fake hijiri stated she might be alive somewhere. As I can't decide on these things so we have to let the headmaster decide what he going to do," she replied for what transpired with her side and seeing as she bought my excuses made me sigh of relief.

Then we have some discussion then decided to report to the headmaster first so we started to move towards the academy as we have one more person and can't keep up with us so it took us more time but we reached in time for me to make time for dinner.



A/N: Hello everyone.

Sorry for not uploading daily as I have some health problems.


Enjoy the chapter...

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