Harem Overlord System

40. Banter between Lisa and Ninja




Well hello, readers, how you all have been doing, great, If not then good luck with finding your moments.

I know how hard it is to write without having a proper mood and good inspiration for it, so you could say after struggling for a few weeks I now know, how great those Authors are who can write and updates two or even three chapters per day.

My respect for you all great Authors has increased yet again and I solute your greatness...

Anyways, now enjoy the chapter and give me your opinions about it. Let me know if anyone has a good idea.



" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


              ///// (Third person Pov) \\\\\\


Swish! Swoosh!!

Clang! Clang!!

"Hahahahaha. ....I always wanted to taste what you have to offer, now I know you have gotten a little dull when it comes to finishing off your opponents," In the royal Biblia academy field, there can be seen two girls exchanging high-speed attacks in blur manner but a mocking voice can be heard from one of the girls who is laughing creepily and at the same time having erotic expression, making the male laying on his back exhausted and huffing a few distances away from there shiver with a complicated expression, which makes him confuse to why his body is shivering.

Clang! Swoosh!! Slash!!

In reply to charm exploding girl who induce seductive grace in every action of hers, the girl who looked like a ninja confronted her with high-speed attacks with her short katana in her hands which mostly were dodged by the seductress.

The fight has been going at a very high intensity where only blurs can be seen and the sound of attack can be heard.

A little distance away from them two guys were conversing or more like, one battered half-dead guy leaning over with his back supported by a wall and one clean with a cute tiger mask standing over him.

"Am I the only one or they are fighting way too seriously, as I can barely see what is going on at the moment," the boy who is now sitting on his back supported by the wall, voice his concerns.

"No, you are not imagining it, they are fighting seriously. But you don't need to care about that as you still need to answer my questions," asked the guy who has the cute tiger mask covering his face and deep blue ocean eyes staring at the battered and beaten guy.

"Ouch ..oww..ow.w..owe...Sir can you take your hand back, you know my whole body is aching from pain right now,..ouch..," the battered guy cried out with a pained expression which looks pretty funny watching his expression so the masked guy took his hand back from his shoulders.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone before that how much did your relationship with Arin progress, did you guy kiss or better, did you go ahead and do the deed," asked the masked guy with a hint of teasing in his words and a little twinkle in his eyes, like a person who was waiting for the gossip and can't wait to spread around.

"Wha..what ....Nooooooooo...we are not like that, don't imagine something like that ...," battered guy almost made his eardrum erupt from the sudden shout as mask guy was leaning closer to him then mask guy hurriedly distance himself from there and turn around not listening to whatever nonsense hypocrisy dead beat guy was throwing around.

He also saw from the corner of his eyes that the expressionless girl who has a problem showing emotions on her face has worry and anxious emotions at the moment. If someone focuses carefully then they will be able to tell that her expressionless expression cracked a little and it's very slowly getting larger. That was one of the reasons he gave the deadbeat guy the good beating and left from there after seeing her arrival.

Then the masked guy got to the side a few distances away from the violent area where different beauties with their unique features sat there and watched the fight happening a little distance away from them between seductress and ninja.

"Hey, Kosei, what do you think who will be the winner among them," ask the twin tail blond-haired girl with the camera on hand taking photos sometimes whenever both can be seen clashing.

Ahh the masked guy is Kosei and the girls are Trinity seven, the two fightings are, the seductress Lisa and Ninja Levi.

"Ohh so that's what you all have discussed with great enthusiasm and Selina I don't think, I'll be able to tell much as you can see both have something they are great at so I am not sure about who will win. Btw what do you think about this fight," Kosei got near them and heard about what they were busy gossiping about then Selina asked his opinion so he replied with doubt on his face and ask their own opinion. And admired the beautiful wonder of his new life he got to see as one of the fortunate ones.

"Hmmm. Lisa has gotten stronger than the last time we met. I don't know what happened with her to make her this strong as she is now but it's not very clear who is going to win. I doubt Levi has many advantages with her speed on Lisa as you all can see, Lisa is dodging very fluidly without apparent difficulty," answered the Megane sexy sensei, Lilith Asami. She didn't notice this but when she mentioned Lisa becoming stronger suddenly, Kosei who was having his wild fantasies who know what kind off, have his body shaken from sudden shivers all over then calm down.

Kosei got dazed for a few seconds after seeing the scene where 5 fives girls are sitting together in a grass field. Winds blowing slowly making their clothes and hairs flutter, standing near them he can even smell the maiden fragrance coming from them which is making him excited all over and the feeling of tranquillity he got from them makes him calm down so the roller coaster emotion he having because of that he got into a daze.

After he got a stare from a few eyes he came back to his senses and shook off the mix feeling inside him and sat near his now lover Yui who immediately coiled her hands around his neck and lay down on his lap making cute expressions so he patted her head subconsciously making her purr in his embrace like a certain cat in heat would do.

The girls sitting around him saw this lovy-dovy scene, having an embarrassed expression and longing in their eyes.

If Kosei is not having his focused on his soon to be wife then he might have seen the lovely faces of girls and scored some browny points from them.

"Ahem...cough ..umm Kosei, why did you bring her here, you do know that she is wanted at the moment and we as Grimoire Security have a responsibility to bring her to justice then you should know that I won't allow her here, right," After coming out of her embarrassment, Mira faster than her fellow sisters asked the question with a serious expression but because there is still slight blush on her cheeks that destroyed the serious atmosphere.

Kosei wanted to tease her a little and wanted to know what he missed that made girls have this kind of expression.

"I also wanted to ask you when I saw you with her, now we are all here so you can explain to us why did you bring her here. I ..we believe in you that you won't do anything without any good reason, Right," Lilith also asked Kosei, who was thinking in his head that how should he explain that won't cause a misunderstanding in their relationship and how can he make them able to accept Lisa in their group again like old times.

But girls thought that he was hesitating on telling them so Lilith encouragingly said that to him which made Kosei have a question mark on his head and when he understood, made him speechless at the girl's imagination. Also, he has a sweet and warm feeling which made him smile a little bit because of the mask nobody was able to witness that charming smile on his face.

So he organises his thoughts on how to explain inefficient manner before the girls have more wild imagination and destroy his reputation by thinking something absurd in their minds.

"Ahem...Girls, do you know why Lisa started to behave like that and did those things, do any of you have any idea what happened with her. I think no. I am pretty sure all of you have some kind of bad past and a lot of bad memories about it, you should be able to deduce that both sisters also have their fair share of bad past moments and some kind of trauma related to it. I am not sure what she wanted to achieve by doing what she did. So I am asking you, girls, to just give Lisa one more chance and I will make sure she won't do anything bad, think about it what your decision will be and later tell her yourself what you have to say," He expressed whatever he felt from bottom of his heart and he wanted to see the seven of them together in action, just imagining that makes him excited to join them in action himself. 

(A/N:Action mean in the fighting scene not in bed action you dirty minds).

As he was focused on observing their reaction to how they felt about it. Then suddenly he heard the ground vibrate it little so he turn to see the source of the rumble.

There stood Levi with her katana in hand with a downward slash towards the ground where now lay a big crater and Lisa on her knee on the ground some distance away.

"Umm Girls, excuse me for a bit, I will go see how they are doing," Kosei said and arrived at Lisa's side in a few seconds and observed her, see if she got hurt herself badly or is just superficial wounds.

"What are doing staring at my body like that as its piece of fresh lily flower which got blown by winds and have its petal scattered around. You know I strong girl, you don't have to worry about me getting hurt," listening to Lisa's words Kosei's concentration and serious expression got broken then he did some knocking on her special nerve and places to speed up the natural healing of the body by several times. But it will take body stamina and physical energy when it's done, it will cause her to have extreme hunger and exhaustion.

"Here drink it, it will restore your energy to one-tenth and it will be enough for you have your body recover physically so rest for few hours and don't do anything like exercising the body as it will have opposite reaction in your body. After a whole day of rest, you are free to roam around," Kosei gave her the recovery potion which restore one-tenth of the energy reserve for her to recover her body as the technique he performed on her will take whatever energy she have on her body to restore it to tip-top condition physically, he thought why not help her a little and not make her embarrassed when her stomach starves and make a sound.

Kosei lay her on the ground forcefully having her rest for a while then her sister Selina came by so he let her handle it and he got over to Levi's side to check on her condition and ask her what the hell move she used before.

"Levi what was that before, I've never seen and heard of you, using that kind of move and it looks quite dangerous," before Kosei could question Levi, his lover's voice heard from behind him asking Levi first.

"Sigh ...I just came up with that move a day ago I call it 'Wind blade', I was just applying what I heard and saw from Kosei practising himself. I observe sometimes seeing how different his magic and his so-called absurd martial art are. So I got interested in knowing how it works then we exchanged our ideas a few times in the past month. I was practising like usual and this technique came to my mind by pure coincidence. Anyway, I feel a little tired at the moment so would you mind, Yui taking me to my dormitory," Kosei heard the name of the technique so he understood what just happened then he ignored the rest of the talk then he checked her condition seeing her fine and had only little scratches here and there with her magic power exhausted so he let Yui take her to her room so she can rest.

"Ok guys, Yui take her to her room and rest for while there and keep her company. Selina take your sister with you to your room and have Lilith accompany you so she can keep watch over Lisa for peace of mind. Ok, girl takes care, if you need anything just call me as I will be in my room at the dormitory," Kosei instructed on what to do then all of them disperse from there and forgot about one pair of couples in the place.

"Ummm I think we should also go, ouch ouch damn that guy did number on me. Seriously, can't he go a little easy on me, haa I'm feeling very sour physically and mentally, so Arin could you lend me a hand a little and take me to my room so I can rest my tired body a little. As you can see all of them ignored me or us again," this guy here is Arata, The Demon lord candidate and the main protagonist of this world but got ignored most of the time as a background character even the world will have ignored him a few times.

Anyway afterwards they also departed from there.





Ohh we forgot to a flashback of how this moment came to be after the last time joke scene. Whatever see you next chapter on Webnovel.....

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