Harem Overlord System

41. Extensive Lecture




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


   /////// (Flashback to the moment before the banter) \\\\\\\

     ///// (Third person Pov) \\\\



"Nobody moves, stand down with your hand behind your back and sit on your knee on the straight in two lines. Otherwise, I will do what I did with this girl on my shoulder..hahahajajjaa..cough cough...," the tiger mask guy a.k.a. Kosei Hesperia who entered through the window by breaking the glass and making the cool entry then pointed the gun at his hand towards the students who were looking at him with nervousness and fear, in the hallways of the dormitory room. Then he tried to laugh like a typical villain would do after the speech but ended up choking on it.

When the female students who were busy with themselves suddenly heard the cracking of windows simultaneously, they got frightened and started to panic so when a sudden shout came full of authoritatively, they obeyed like obedient little rabbits.

And sat on their knees in two-row neatly with their hands behind their back which left their front assets very much in a visible position. The one who caused the mess appreciated the scene in front of him very much.

"Hey, will they notice this or do we have to cause some more damage like blasting whole building windows, isn't that a more exciting and fun thing to do," the seductress asked cheerfully a.k.a. Lisalotte Sherlock, which made female students more frightened.

"My my..don't get so excited and they will come so no need to do more damage as these windows are fixed by the headmaster so he might get angry for no reason. Anyway look, they already noticed us and are on their way to this place so just wait for a few seconds more," Kosei said with a small smile on his face which was hidden by the cute tiger mask but the female students still calm down just by the gentle voice of his and hopefully, this won't leave trauma in their minds from the harmless play.

"Sis, don't cause more trouble for Ko-nii, just do according to the plan. If you cause too much problem then the headmaster might get angry at us as he might have already noticed us but he is not doing anything means he believes Ko-nii won't go overboard, right," The one talking slowly on the Kosei shoulder is Lisa sister a.k.a. Selina Sherlock, Lisa who has not gotten to activate or obtained the demon lord element like canon so here she is much more cool-headed and knows when to back off or what is good for her.

"Ohh, here they come, Lisa activated your magic and put the girls to sleep, which is your part to play and I know how good you are at that, now I will change my voice a little to the heavy type," Kosei said to Lisa then he changed his voice to sound like a middle-aged man.

Lisa also activated her magic and knocked unconscious all the girls. A few seconds later, the ninja arrived with Lilith in tow then Mira and Akio also arrived.

"Yo guys, how's your evening I thought, I should greet you all as I was passing by from here. Yo Miss Lilith, it's dangerous when you point that thing into me as my partner's hand might slip and those girls who knew what would happen with them. Common guys, you don't have to be so angry, I am not going to eat you," If you don't know beforehand you might get fooled by her acting skills. Lisa is pretty good, with just a few words and actions, she made the four of them angry.

Lilith has her magnum ready to fire at any second, Levi has her katana ready, Akio has her mantra enchant activated and Mira has her Grimoire ready to take action at any moment.

Kosei seeing this scene already speechless, you know if someone is standing in the little space which closed around you and also there are people present in that closed space, even then you don't even pay attention to those people and got ready with the big gun which might accidentally blow up the whole place and endanger the people in the area, just thinking about this makes him speechless over those girls thinking and actions.

"Ahem Lisa, don't antagonise them, this place is too small for any kind of fight and there are people here, I am already disappointed with their action. What kind of responsible people let the innocent bystander get in their skirmish and you four, what's with your reaction when we have a hostage in our hands and yet you all just started to aim at us with your magic. What If by chance my hand got slipped and those girls got in the middle of an attack, what do you think would happen to them. So think before taking action with that little brain of yours," Kosei changed his voice and gave them his peace of mind, the more he talked the angrier he got, just by thinking about the consequences of what would happen in this situation if it was real and in his place, someone else was here then there was chance that fight would have started and those innocent girls would be gotten in the middle of their fight and ended up dead without any suspense.

At the end of the speech he even forgot to change his voice and spoke up in a normal voice which btw was heard by Yui who came at that coincidence time.

"Ehhh...Ko-nii, is ..is that you and what are you doing wearing sketchy getup for. Here I was searching all day for you to accompany me. Come on, let's go I am feeling a little hungry after going around here and there in search of you and also you owe me a treat for letting me wait this long, now let's go what are you waiting for," Yui asked and complained about him.

Just by listening to the voice once and feeling the person, she can tell who he is under the disguise even after when he was wearing a black robe which covers his whole body and masks on his face so it's very hard to tell apart who this person is.

That's why there's a saying that women's intuition is sharp and terrifying.

Once the girls heard the Yui shout and started to talk, they had dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

"Hey, didn't you say that nobody would discover your identity, if you don't tell and show any sign then how the hell she can tell you instantly with just hearing your voice," this also confuses the girls as to how Yui is so sure that he is Kosei when they didn't find out.

"Well let's see, maybe it's woman intuition, what, I am just joking," Kosei said as a joke but girls look at him as an idiot.

"Hmm ohh, I forgot that I gave the engagement ring to Yui, which has a few features but they are still locked except the bond one, which can tell my location if we are near each other. Anyway, I am not in the mood anymore, the happy mood got destroyed by these people's unintentional behaviour," He thought for while then slapped his forehead that he forgot about the ring then he explained about it to them to which Yui showed her finger in which a beautiful ring is adorned and it was glowing a little. The ring has a neat function which lets it become invisible to the naked eye, that's why the girl didn't know about it.

Then Kosei took off his robe and mask then throw them in his inventory and showed his dissatisfaction with their earlier handling of the situation and the action in that particular situation.

"Umm Ko-nii, can you put me down now as it's uncomfortable carried like this," A voice like a mosquito can be heard in Kosei's ear then he remembered that he is carrying Selina on his shoulder so he put her down, If not for her reminder, he might not remember that he was carrying someone that's how much incensed he had become.

"Sorry about that, I know you are tired but deal with it for a while, okay, Hmm, you guys where do you think you are going, I am not done with you all so get back here," Kosei got distracted by Selina so Levi, Lilith, Mira and Akio took this opportunity to get away from there. As they already knew nothing will come out good, arguing with angry Kosei when it's their fault.

Kosei shouted at them and then led the group to the empty classroom after everyone settles down in their seats, he stood on the front of the board with chalk in his hand and wrote something on board.

"Here is what you should pay attention to, in the future when facing a situation like this:

1. Always pay attention to your surrounding.

2. Never involve the bystander in your fight.

3. If there are innocent people nearby then distract your opponent and get the innocent out of there then you can engage in a fight.

4. Don't cause unnecessary trouble.

..etc..etc.." He gave them an extensive lecture for a few hours and when someone did not pay attention to him then he would move instantly in front of her and flick her forehead strongly so it would sting for a few minutes.

He didn't let them go until he was satisfied that they understood, only then did he let them leave. Of course not before taking the most troublesome in the group Lisa with him but Selina and Yui also followed behind, one because of her sis and the other because she didn't want to sleep alone.


After he took them to his room he first gave them a little snack to eat and a special bento for Yui as she reminded him about being hungry so he gave her enough to have her fill.

"Mmmn yummy, no matter how many times I eat this, I will never have enough as it's tastes heavenly, right Sis," Selina showed a satisfied smile after having her fill as I have kept snacks and sweets for the last few days so it's enough for these three gluttons.

As for why I said gluttons because they eat like they won't get to eat for a few days and a few plates of snacks are gone in a few minutes.

"You are right, if I don't know better I might not have imagined you to be so good. You are strong, handsome, good at taking care of and great at making delicious food. In a way, you are perfect husband material," Lisa voiced out her thoughts and give Kosei heavy compliments.

"Hmmm...My hubby is great, isn't he, I am proud of him and very fortunate to get to be with him," Yui boosted her nonexistent pride which she didn't look good with her cheerful and bubbly personality.

"Ohh Yui, don't say that, well it should be me who is very fortunate enough to have you as my lover," Kosei didn't take the compliments and he expressed himself to Yui, what he felt about having Yui in his life. If he hadn't gotten the cheat System then he would still be a below-average plebeian.

After the heartfelt words with each other both Yui and Kosei sat together on one chair, Yui sitting on the lap of kosei and her hands on his neck coiled around with her face and boobs pressing on his chest. Also, Kosei hugged her tightly by having his hands on her slim waist.

The atmosphere of the room became a little heated if not for the twin sisters sitting there feeling like eating dog food.

Both have blush on their cheeks as this is something new to them. Selina mostly only heard of this and reads from books so she doesn't have any experience or personally witnessed so she is a little awkward about how to feel about it and what to do in this situation. Even her sister Lisa, who has seen her fair share of this kind of scene but even she is not immune to this heated scene and not when she is in front of them but she is in much better condition than her sister at least she is not awkward with this situation, just a little excited and felt aroused seeing them.

"Cough ...Ahem...You know, we are still here so could you not show lovy-dovy scene in front of my innocent sister," Lisa coughed a little to bring them out of their world.

"Ohh I forgot you also here, sorry about that if you felt uncomfortable with it," Kosei came back to his senses but still hasn't separated just paid Lisa and Selina his attention and apologise.

"When you said earlier the word 'engagement ring' I thought you were joking but now apparently you were telling the truth. Anyway congratulation to both of you," Lisa said with a disappointed tone then with a usual playful smile she congratulated them but Kosei still noticed Lisa's disappointment and smiled internally with an unexpected reaction he got from Lisa.

"Thank you for that, Okay, now you girls might be tired from the trip so rest on the bed and I will sit on the chair as I have to meditate all night so I don't need to sleep and it can be replaced with meditation," Kosei smile at her then put Yui on the bed and other side left for sisters to sleep. He sat on the chair beside the window where the night's cool breeze is coming from.

The bed of Kosei is big enough for two people to fit comfortably so fitting three in place of two is still not a problem as they can squeeze a little.

Kosei closed his eyes and fell into deep meditation and the girls also fell asleep a little while later. Then in the room, only regular breathing and cool wind breeze blowing can be heard...


In the morning, Kosei and the Sherlock sisters got ready then they met with the rest of the trinity seven members in the cafeteria for having a light lunch, after that they moved into the field when he mentioned that he wanted to have Lisa pit against Levi or Akio to see their improvement.

That's how the banter between Levi and Lisa started as Akio didn't want to fight so Levi took the chance to settle the old score with Lisa.

Kosei met with Arata and Arin pair on the field, which was a pure coincidence so he thought of teaching one or two moves to Arata and ended up beating the hell out of him.

       //////// (End of Flashback) \\\\\\\


Now at the moment, Kosei is laying on his bed at the dormitory, looking a little dazed. he is looking at the screen which is flashing in the corner of his eye which only he can see.

[ Host, you should check your Quest board otherwise the reward from there might disappear with the quest itself. There were many occasions where I try to inform you but you just brushed it off said another time. Now, this is the last chance you will get to see afterwards they will be refreshed with new quest panels, so it would be wise to see them now. ]







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