Harem Overlord System

45. Gaining Mira Trust




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


        ///////// (Third Person Pov) \\\\\\\\

[One time Quest: Destroyed the demon's abominations and give the poor souls peace.

Reward: For every 10 abominations that you destroyed - you will get 1000 SP.

Time limit: 1Hour.

Status: 240 Abomination destroyed.]

Kosei sat in the chair in the empty random classroom and meditated when he saw the progress of the earlier quest he got when just came here.

Not hesitating anymore and asking for Sys to calculate and give the reward.

[Reward calculating ......

Congratulation host for earning .. a total of - 24000 SP.

....Total remaining - 55000 AP.]

[ Host, there is a new quest updated just now that you might want to see it.]

Kosei then immediately will it with his thought.

[Quest: Subdue the Illias fragments and break out from the dimension.

Time limit: 2hour

Rewards: Limit Breaking Potion, Skill advancement coupon.

Punishment: Mira getting fatally injured and whenever you try to do some action in bed, you will get blue balled.]

He was happy with the rewards from the quest offering but his eyes twitched and had a weird look on his face looking at the punishment section.

He knows he can do nothing about this so he just shrugged his shoulders but all of these resentments, he will keep in his heart and when he gets the chance he will get a full refund from the Sys. 

Kosei looked at Mira who was staring at him for quite some time with a sneaking gesture as she is sitting in the back so she was not able to see his facial reactions so he is safe for the moment.

"Hmmm, what's up Mira, do you have something to say or are you having a problem with anything, if you have any discomfort tell me immediately, okay," Kosei scratched his cheeks and then asked but did not get an answer from her, he thought she might have some problem which made her hesitate to say to him so he said in a gentle tone to make her feel comfortable and relaxed.

"It's not that and I'm alright, I just..just wanted to ..thank you," If Kosei does not have a keen sense of hearing then he might not have heard what she said.

"Hmm, no problem, don't worry about it. We are friends so I just helped my friend," he smiled at her and dismiss her concerns then sighed with relief that it was a false alarm.

"Umm, I think we need to find the source or core of the Eye, which is a weak point of this barrier that is stopping us from using our magic," Mira thought hard about how she can help when she was alone here and Kosei was fighting then she thought if she can destroy this barrier then they can use magic and she can use her Grimoire to find the weak spot on the dimension so with combined magic of their strongest attack might be able to break this dimension which trapped them here.

"Okay, we should do that, can you walk if you feeling sluggish it might be a bad idea for you to walk and if you don't mind me carrying you then I can give you piggyback, this way we can move faster with my speed," Kosei agreed with her as he also has a quest with a time limit to complete. He thought with Mira in a weak state she might not be able to keep with him so he suggested carrying her and gave her pretty good reasoning so she won't find offended as she has that stubborn and strong personality.

"Hmm, you have a point, okay then let's go with that idea. You...don't you think about anything else or I will cut that thing between your leg..humph," Kosei covered his private with both hands and shivered just thinking about it. Then nodded like a hen pecking for grain.

After the drama, Kosei sat down so she climb on his back then he put his hands on her thighs for support and didn't dare to go up for now.

Then Kosei and Mira searched around for purpose of finding the core of the Eye and Kosei even knew where it is but he deliberately slows down so he can spend some quality time with Mira and at least have her mellow down a bit with him.

Going around for half an hour here and there Kosei then took her to the clock tower.

"Hmm, this should be the right place, even if it's not, we can determine the place from up thereafter inspecting the surroundings but I hope it would be the right place," Mira said after thinking.

"Well it doesn't matter whether it's the right place or not, we will know after climbing there so hold on tight as I am going up," Kosei shrugged his shoulder then warn Mira so she can tighten her hold on him as he would be using his hands to climb.

"Hey, you never told me about yourself, like how you got to know Akio as I always see you two together. It's alright if you don't want to tell me and forget it that even I asked," Kosei asked Mira, remembering that he never asks about girls' backstories so he unintentionally voices out his thoughts and then waved it off when he thought about how personal the question is.

"Hmmm, It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that it's a long story," Mira voiced her thoughts in a few seconds being silent.

"Well, I don't mind and we have time," Kosei just smiled at her and encourage her to tell her story.

"Well all right but where should I start," Not sure Mira asked Kosei.

"How about from the moment you came to Royal Biblia Academy and how you met Akio," Kosei replied and express his opinion.

Mira became silent for a moment and collect her memories or reminisce about it then started to tell him with a small smile on her face.

"In the academy whenever someone tried to get close to me and I would make sure to distance myself from them in fear of hurting them because my power was hard to control at that time and the chances of me losing control were greater.

As you might expect, I made it hard for others to approach me, let alone make friends.

In those lonely days, only one person approached me and took me out of my made-up shell, then in the pretence of a magic experiment, Akio and I did many things together. Slowly but surely I started to adapt to academy life and having Akio around me.

One day I did a dangerous experiment on my own and ended up magic backfiring on me at that time Akio came and said to me that I should use my tremendous magic with pride.

Akio's words deeply resonated within my heart. She was so cool and outspoken person to me.

I wanted to become someone who could take responsibility for her powers and become someone who could stand up for justice".

"I see, you look up to Akio and want to become like her, a dependable person. How admirable and you already have become someone upon whom the whole academy can be relied so don't beat yourself up and take pride in it. Try to relax a little as you have become too stiff lately. Also Mira now you have more than one person who is going to be worried and concerned for you so try to be a little open with people, Okay," Kosei praised her for her courage and what she has become now. Then gave her simple pet talk which she listen to silently and nodded.

"Hmm, no matter what, don't tell this to anyone, Ahhh, It's so embarrassing and why the hell I told you that," Mira just nodded and hummed in response and when she came back from her reminiscing state her face became red from embarrassment, recalling what she just told him so she directly threatened him to not to tell about this embarrassing moment.

"(Chuckle) Ok. Ok..now that you are back to being normal again, we can think of how to get out of this creepy place. Also, we are already here in the clock tower," Kosei laughed a little, seeing her cute reaction then reminded her that they have reached the top of the tower.

After checking that there is no immediate danger, Kosei climbs up and put Mira down.

They spotted the magic circle drawn in the centre and after checking it, Kosei saw that there was something placed in the middle of it like a fist-size Crystal which is emitting energy and feeding it to the magic circle, Mira was sure that this is the centre and destroying this will also destroy the space they are in.

"Do you have any idea how to destroy this thing without causing backlash, If not I can do that but it will be exhausting for me," Kosei asked Mira if she has anything which can help in this situation.

"No, I don't, If I was in my Magus mode then I can think of something but without it, I don't have any solution," Mira replied in a dejected tone.

"Don't touch it Or I might blow the girl beside you away. I have been waiting for you to fall into the trap that I have set up as I am not going to give you any chances this time. I going to destroy you both," they suddenly heard the voice coming from above them and looked up to confirm that the voice coming from the earlier attacker.

"Hey there cutie pie, Why are you so angry, it doesn't suit your cute face," Kosei smiled and called teasingly to Illia.

"Kosei, who is this girl and why does she has resentment towards you" Mira seeing this asked with confusion.

"Ohh, she is Elias fragment, the legendary Grimoire contracted to Arata Cousin, the first time we met Arata, she was posing the role of Arata Cousin as Arata's cousin had vanished in the breakdown phenomenon. We just have a misunderstanding, nothing much," Kosei explained to Mira.

"What misunderstanding, you blatantly took advantage of me, you rouge, I will have my revenge on you," Illia cried out then started to activate her magic and surrounded us with her barriers.

"What she is talking about, Kosei," Mira feeling doubtful toward me asked in a sharp tone.

"Hahaha, it's nothing much, never mind that get ready and stay behind me so I can protect you as you still can't use your magic," Kosei laughs it off and distracts her attention so he doesn't have to answer to that.

Kosei grip his weapon which is in a katana form and got ready to slash the barriers apart.




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