Harem Overlord System

46. Activating Second Stage Of Myr’




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking 


        ///////// ( Kosei Pov) \\\\\\\\

'Sys, is there anything you can suggest to me so I can solve this problem of mine, you know I do have a brute strength but there's no technique for sword or weapon, which I can use and more so in a situation like this where I can't utilise my magic. Something can't be forced with just brute strength so I need a technique to fully utilise my strength'.

Right now I am in a predicament where I have to subdue a very stubborn and cute lady who is also a legendary Grimoire, surrounded by dimensional barriers which can't be broken just by my brute strength so I thought about how I can utilise my weapon in fighting and not just bare hand. So I ask Sys If she had anything which might be able to help me in this situation of mine.

[Host, If you want to master your weapon then you need to learn to wield all kinds of weapons as when your soul weapon will unlock next stages, It can change into all kinds of weapons.]

'What you said is true so what do you suggest then'.

[ Host, I suggest you start with basics here -

Eternal Arms Mastery:

Basics - 10000 

Details -

1. EAM basics will let you build a solid foundation for your future path.

2. It includes how to wield the weapon accurately and achieve a satisfactory result which also helps in developing muscle memory.

3. The simple slash, parry, block, attack, all kinds of moves will have to be practised thousands of times then It will start to transform into techniques and when you master these basics, you can start the real path of being the 'Myriad Wielder'.]

'Well, this is a must skill I have, as I have a weapon which can change into any form of weapon so not knowing how to use it would be just plain insulting. So Sys, just buy it and transfer the knowledge in my memory palace,' I am eager for this particular ability so I ask Sys to drill all the knowledge into my memory palace.

Sys suggestion is very productive for my future uses as I do want to have a wide variety of knowledge and have a feel about it like being a top swordsman or Blade master or Gunslinger etc. Who doesn't want to show off and learning more can never be harmful.

[Affirmative host ...

Deducting the cost for Eternal Arms Mastery...

Successful ..............Remaining - 45000 SP.]

'Thanks for the help Sys, you always looking out for me'.

I thank the Sys and then in a few seconds, all the information pours into the memory palace like tidal waves. In a few seconds, all the information was sorted out and absorbed then understood by me.

Even having this knowledge doesn't give many advantages here as I am just a novice even after understanding the knowledge. If I want to have any results then I need to do real hardcore training for a month or two.

[Don't be down host, you have something very surprising, go on and check the Quest then you understand what I am talking about.]

Hearing Sys say something like that made me confused so I willed the quest board in my mind.

[Hidden Quest: Learn how to wield different weapons.

Requirement: Obtain the ability of EAM (Eternal Arms Mastery).

Time limit:1 year.

Rewards: The second stage of Myriad weapon unlock, Leaf of enlightenment.

Punishment: Not being able to wield any weapon for the rest of your life and that includes the weapon in your pants.

Status: Completed.]

'Ho ho, this is very good news, but what was the second stage again let me see the details again'. Ignoring the absurd punishment again. I pull the details of the weapon in my hand.

[Myriad Form Weapon (Myr' for short):

1st stage - can take all the sharp-edged weapon's forms in your memory.

2nd stage - can take all the gun's forms in the memory.

3rd stage - ?????.


'Yeah baby, now you're talking, hahaha, I always wanted to feel what men's romance is with all sorts of guns like Shotgun, Modern Revolver, Magnum, Ak47, Mk4, Shorthand Pistol etc...Wow, there is so much out there I can discuss this topic with Lilith, she will happy to assist me in my endeavour to realise the gun romance. Cough ..cough I am getting off-topic now. Back to business, now that I have a gun mode in my weapon, this will be easy.

I came back from my delusion then I again thank Sys for helping me out. I thought about which gun to go with, I observe the surroundings and came up with a simple solution that would be fucking a bullet piercing gun.

This weapon is magical so the gun will be loaded with magic bullets and made in a way that can accommodate destructive bullets without blasting itself open.


          /////// (Third Person Pov) \\\\\\\

"What, that's all you have to show for, already out of moves hahahahah...I thought you have more on your sleeve but it looks like I was expecting too much from you ....then...Apologize with enough sincerity I might forgive you ..," seeing the frowning and changing expression on Kosei's face, Illia mocked with a smirk on her face.

Which got him out of his creepy fantasies then he look at her blankly few seconds before clarity returned to him.

"What's wrong with you, are you alright or did something happen," Mira asks from behind with clear confusion and a little worry on her face seeing him not rebuking Illia.

"Ahh..it's nothing, I got a little distracted with something in my mind, don't worry I won't let anything happen to you so you better trust me on that," Scratching his head awkwardly then gave her a beaming smile with full of confidence and radiating blinding charm.

"Who..who want you to protect me, I can take care of myself..humph!" Blushing Mira replied with her usual tsundere mode.

"Don't you dare try to ignore me!" Illia who got ignored felt embarrassed then she shouted in irritation and activated the barrier which surrounded them from all sides and tried to cut the air inside to make them deprived of Oxygen.

So Kosei put away his playfulness and got serious.

"Gun mode!" he called out to his weapon Myr'.

In a flash, the katana change into a silver body with black linings handgun type. (Looking like the Gun cad device of Tatsuya from Irregular High School).

"Wha..what ...how are you able to do that, when did you learn that," Mira with a shocked and bewildered filled voice cried out, she thought even he learn this from Lilith, how he was able to perform alchemy magic so easily without any kind of process.

"Ito...It's not what you think but this is my Myr's second stage form...I'll explain later, first let me deal with this disobedient and naughty girl!" Kosei didn't explain much because Illia was already over them with her barriers closing in on them from all sides and blocking them completely. So he loaded his magic on the gun and got ready to blast these barriers apart.

"Don't talk big when you don't have a way to deal with it, be quiet and accept your punishment!" Illia sounded smug and mocking smile when she saw that Kosei is ready to fire his gun which transformed from katana. She was surprised at first then thought nothing of it.

"Well, we will know in a few seconds who is going to punish whom. Get ready here it comes!" Kosei gave her a cheeky smile and then pressed the trigger, of course, he didn't forget to shout whatever cool name he thought at the moment.

"Gooooo Barrier punisher.."

*Bam!!* *Boom!!*


Whitebeam of light collided with barriers then a few seconds later they heard the cracking sound and when the light subsided they saw the spider cracks spreading all over the barrier.

*crack!!* *crack!!* *crumble!!*

The whole barrier got collapsed, getting the chance Kosei and Mira made their escape from there because of using all her magic, Illia lost the momentum which led to all the barriers collapsing afterwards a few seconds later.

"Huff..hufff.." Illia sat down on the floor and started huffing for air because of magic deficiency as she is made out of pure magical energy and doesn't have a real physical body.

"That's what happens when you bite off more than you can chew and I won the bet splendidly. So what it's gonna be!" Kosei said looking the eye to eye with Illia who gave him a defeated glare.

"Do whatever you want, I am completely spent. My mission is already a failer when you too came here instead of Arata. As I was supposed to capture and confined him here in this isolated dimension which my master constructed with my help and used a lot of resources, in the end, I failed miserably. Now even my master won't take me back and it all happened because of you ..snip..snip..!!" Illia look completely sad then started to vent her frustration out then glared at Kosei saying it was all his fault then started to cry out.

"Hey Kosei, you bullied the girl, look what you've done, now she is crying, go try to calm her down," Mira gave him a weird glare and said to him to calm Illia. As she looks like a very cute and pitiful creature at the moment. She doesn't look like the girl who, a few seconds before, was trying to kill them.

"Sigh what a pain in the ass..," Kosei sighed with a tired face getting caught with girls' drama again and again.

He wanted to try his new weapon some more so grumbling a little, he put the weapon back on his wrist which transform into a beautiful wrist accessory.

"Hey, Illia, you know why your master sends you here right. Your master has lost her path and she is not the same girl as before when you first contracted her. I know about you and your sister's situation as I read all records in the Royal Biblia Academy so I have little idea about your history but nothing more detailed. Here what I am trying to say is your master doesn't care about you, 'A Grimoire', which only assisted. Otherwise, why would she send you out when she wasn't sure who is going to come for the investigation. I don't think I need to explain the whole thing to you as you are smart enough to understand," Kosei started with her mission and reminded her why she came here and what the purpose of her master means Arata's cousin wanted from her. He also explained both her and her sister's condition a little vaguely to get her to guard down a little. Halfway through the speech, Illia calm down and listen silently after he finished what he wanted to say, she sat there calmly and silently for a few minutes before opening her mouth.




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