Harpia Harpyja


After completing my test, I went back to my seat in the stands. From there, I watched the rest of the matches, which we had to do. It was mostly boring, but there were a few students that stood out to me.


Most notable was a short wolfkin woman. She had black fur and wielded an oversized axe. The blade alone was nearly as tall as she was, and yet she wielded it with ease.


But eventually, all the students were tested. I went to the building where they dealt with the people whose student levels had changed.


There, I put in a request for an apartment, which was processed by the workers there. I only had to wait around five minutes before I was given the apartment number and the key to it.


After that, I made my way back to my dorm in the school. The moment I stepped through the door, Scarlet pounced on me.


"How'd it go?" She asked, wrapping her tail around my waist.


"Great," I replied, showing her my card.


"Level five!?" She exclaimed.


"What the fuck!?" Charlotte asked from the other side of the room. "How did you get to level five!?"


"Well, I got maxed-out scores in two of the categories and a near-maxed-out score in another," I answered. "Twenty plus twenty plus eighteen plus eight is sixty-six, which is in the level five score range."


"Okay, when you say it like that it makes sense," Ava said. "But still, that's a crazy accomplishment."


"I'm going to get my own apartment today, too," I told them.


"We are too," Charlotte said. "We all made it to level four! I'm guessing you two are going to get your own apartment?"


"And I've kind of suspected it, but are you two in a relationship?" Ava asked.


"Yep!" Scarlet replied, her tail snaking around my waist some more.


"I knew it!" Charlotte exclaimed. "Well, we'll still see you guys in class, but we won't share a room anymore."


"Uh-huh," I said. "Well, we need to get our stuff."


"Alright see ya!" Ava called as she went into the bathroom. "I need to get my makeup."


Scarlet and I left the dorm after putting what we had brought into our spacial rings. Then we went to Kathyrine's dorm.


We knocked on the door and waited. I heard the sound of someone moving around inside hastily.


Then the door opened and Kathyrine leaped onto me. Her arms wrapped around my body and her face was planted directly in my chest.


"I'm ready!" She said excitedly. "Let's go, let's go!"


"Calm down," I told her, patting her head and pulling her to standing. "It's this way."


I led the way through the academy halls to our new apartment. When we reached the door, I pulled out the key and unlocked it before stepping inside.


It was spacious and open. There were several doors leading to bedrooms and a bathroom, with the front room and kitchen connected to each other.


"It's wonderful," Scarlet murmured.


"It is," I agreed. Kathyrine's tail began wagging back and forth and she looked around the apartment.


"I love it," She said, awestruck. I smiled at her expression and placed my hand on her head, making her ears bend back. She purred under my touch, becoming what could be described as a blob.


"Come on, let's put our stuff in our rooms," I said. "Then we should head to a class."


"Should we try something new?" Scarlet asked. "I'm interested in what the blacksmithing class and weaving class are like."


"I want to see blacksmithing too!" Kathyrine added.


"Alright, then we'll do that," I said. We placed our stuff in the bedrooms before leaving to find the blacksmithing classroom.


But as we were walking, a group of people began to follow us. After a little while, I figured out who they were. It was the same group of three men from my first day of school. The man who I had cut with my ice-covered wing looked fine, although I could sense a faint remnant of the injury still there.


"Play along at first," I whispered to Scarlet and Kathyrine. "I'll deal with them."


Then we stopped and turned around to face the others.


"What do you want?" I asked.


"Oh, it's very simple," The vampire replied. "Retribution."


So, I managed to get this chapter out today, but for the next week, I'll be gone on a family trip to a cabin out in the forest. Once I get back, I'll be able to resume writing, though.

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