Harpia Harpyja

Re-Placement Tests

A few days after Scarlet and I bonded with Kathyrine, we had our first set of re-placement tests.


There was a massive assembly that all students had to attend. Then we were split into our separate year groups, which were then divided into smaller sections.


Each section was assigned an instructor, who would gauge the strength of the students and give them a score in each of the four sections. At the beginning entrance exam, the scores were capped at ten, or forty total points. However, this test was capped at twenty points per category, allowing someone to become up to level five.


I had gotten a ten in the magic strength, magic skill, and magic control categories and an eight in bloodline level at the entrance exam. I was hoping that I would be able to score higher on this test, because it would allow me to get an apartment with Scarlet and Kathyrine.


Soon enough, my name was called.


I walked up to the instructor.


His name was Alkane. He was a very powerful fighter who used martial arts mixed with magic to fight.


"The fight will be simple," He said. "Do not use lethal attacks and do not harm the other students. Otherwise, go all out. If you wish to end the match, simply say, 'You win,' and I will stop. Additionally, do not leave the arena or you will lose." I nodded to show my understanding and Alkane smiled. "Very well. Let the match begin."


He shot toward me, his fist aimed at my arms. I could feel the magic surrounding and enhancing his punch.


I leaped to the side, creating ice to push myself faster. Alkane's hand struck the ice and instantly shattered it into thousands of tiny pieces.


While I wasn't actively being attacked, I leaped into the air, flying in a circle so I was out of his punching range.


Then, while in the air, I began forming a spell I had been designing over the past several months. Time seemed to slow down as each piece of the spell slotted into place.


First came the basic structure of ice. I used my Law magic to make it indestructible and shaped it into the pieces of a pistol. Another piece formed, this one altered to be soft and squishy like rubber to avoid any fatal injuries.


Then I cast a tiny bit of sound magic, funneling it into a small chamber inside the gun. It bounced around, not amplifying or diminishing. and with that, the ice gun was complete.


It dropped through the air and I caught it with one foot. While still flying, I aimed it at Alkane.


He was staring at me in confusion, unaware of my new weapon.




I looked up at the harpy girl as she flew above me.


She had managed to get into the air before I could do much about it, and she was still staying within the bounds of the arena too. She also had begun casting incredibly complex formation magic.


Now she held a small object made of ice with one clawed foot as she flew. It was like a bent stick, with one part being held on to and the other a longer one with a hole at one end. She was pointing the end with the hole at me. I noticed that one claw was curled around a tiny little lever on the underside of the longer end.


She began to pull on it and I heard a very faint click. Then a loud bang reached my ears as a tiny spot on my arm felt a burst of pain.


I looked sharply at my arm and saw a small red spot that seemed to have been hit by something.


What the fuck?


When had she had time to hit me?


I looked up and saw the claw pulling on the little lever again. This time, I dove to the side to avoid whatever attack this was.


But I was too late. I felt the stinging pain again, this time on my shoulder.


As I saw her readying the weapon (for it couldn't be anything else) to attack again, I activated one of my spells I kept in reserve for powerful opponents.


Time slowed to a crawl as the bang reached my ears again. I felt the air compressing and moving out of the way as a tiny piece of ice shot toward me. I twisted out of the way and grabbed onto it, only to find it squish and then dissolve at my touch.


Time resumed its normal speed and I stared up at the girl in shock.


She had used ice magic to create whatever the little thing was that fired these tiny pellets, used magic to create a method of making said pellets up to a ridiculous speed, and made the pellets disappear on contact with anything. And even when they did hit, they did very minimal damage as well.


And she was doing it while entirely airborne.


Then more magic energy flooded into the air around her. I watched in awe as light spread across her body, obscuring her form. Then her silhouette shifted and the light faded, revealing a second form.


Instead of having her wings and arms as the same limbs, she had a set of wings on her back and a pair of clawed arms where her wings were.


As she hovered there in her new form, more ice began to appear.


Three more of her projectile weapons appeared, one in each hand and the third in her other foot.


All four were pointed at me.


I began running around rapidly, dodging as much as I could as rain of ice came at me.


I created a platform in the air using magic and leaped onto it. Then I made another and threw myself at it. I continued doing this to get closer and closer to the harpy girl.


When at last I got to her, I looked up and saw more than just four weapons.


There were so many.


Too many.


This girl was easily maintaining at least a hundred of these creations and had prepared every single one of them to attack me.


In an instant, I used the special item that all the teachers had. Instantly all the magic in the arena disappeared and both of us were standing in the center of the arena.


"You have done well," I said to the girl, who looked only slightly fazed by what had just happened. "Let me see your card." The girl handed her student ID card to me and I adjusted its values accordingly.


Evelyn Orchard

                 Level: 3

                 Score: 38

Magic Strength: 10 Magic Control: 10
Magic Skill: 10 Bloodline Level: 8


Her first card was already incredibly impressive. But her new one would be even more so, especially for a first re-placement test.


Evelyn Orchard

                 Level: 5

                 Score: 66

Magic Strength: 18 Magic Control: 20
Magic Skill: 20 Bloodline Level: 8


"Here you go," I said, handing the revised card back to her.


"Thank you," She said simply and turned away.


That girl was incredibly powerful. The only reason her scores in magic control and magic skill were only twenty was because of the limit placed on her by the nature of the test.


It would be interesting to see just how powerful she grows.

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