Harpia Harpyja

Shy Puppy

I dove toward Nara as she fell out of the air, transforming into my second form while dispelling all of my magic. The pillars she had made during the fight crumbled to nothing as her axe dematerialized.


I caught her in my arms and carefully flew down to the ground.


Kathyrine and Scarlet came rushing out of the watching room and over to us.


"What happened?" Scarlet asked. Her gaze immediately locked onto my chest before looking into my eyes.


"She cut my shirt and then fainted," I explained. I guess anime is a bit more accurate than I thought. "She got a nosebleed too."


"Here," Scarlet said, passing me a shirt and bra.


I took it and smirked, asking, "Since when have you been carrying around clothes that perfectly fit me?"


"Since the day after our first time," Scarlet replied.


I chuckled before fully taking off my ruined shirt. I could feel Kathyrine's eyes glued to my chest as I took off the old bra and put on the new one. When I looked over at her, she turned bright red and glanced away.


I smiled and put on the new shirt before walking over to her and pulling her into a hug. Her head landed on my cleavage and she sighed happily.


Then Nara began to stir and I moved Kathyrine to the side.




When I woke up, the first thing I saw was Evelyn's face looking down at me. Immediately, I turned red, remembering what had happened earlier.


She simply smiled and asked, "Are you alright?"


I nodded and brought myself into a sitting position.


"Sorry about your shirt," I told her.


"It's fine," She said in response. "I have a lot." She smiled and I felt my cheeks heating even more.


Why was I getting so flustered? This had never happened to me before, with anyone. I knew I didn't like men, but no woman had ever made me feel the way that Evelyn was.


"You okay?" The harpy in question asked.


"Oh, yeah," I said, realizing I had fallen silent.


"Well, do you want to spar some more?" She asked. "I still have a little bit until I was going to head to alchemy."


"I think I'm done with sparring today," I replied. "Although, could I go with you?"


"Of course!" Evelyn said, smiling. "Come on, let's go!" As she stood up, she and Scarlet shared a knowing look. I was confused at first, but decided not to worry about it.




I could tell that Nara was getting kind of flustered.


Scarlet and I shared a short conversation about it, and she agreed with me that now was the time to pounce. With her emotional state already fluctuating, it wouldn't be that hard to get Nara.


"Here, sit next to me," I told the wolfkin in question. She complied, plopping into the seat right next to mine. Scarlet and Kathyrine took the two behind us.


Ms. Cepha started the class soon after, and we began our work.


This week, we were learning about the basic potions and how to make them. For it, we would need to have a partner. She let us mingle amongst ourselves to find one.


"Let's be partners," I said to Nara.


"Huh!?" She asked, turning bright red. "W-what!?"


"For the class," I explained. "I'll get a cauldron, you get the materials."


"Oh, yeah," Nara said. "Partners. Yeah." I smiled as she went to the cabinets that stored the many different kinds of things needed for alchemy. I walked to the side room where the cauldrons were kept.


Throughout the rest of the class, Nara seemed a little distracted. I guessed that she was probably still caught up over the end of our duel.


After Ms. Cepha had dismissed our group of students after finishing the lesson, I walked next to Nara.


"So..." I started. "About earlier..."


"I have to go!" Nara burst out, suddenly dashing away.


I let her go, watching her back as she ran.


"Are you going to follow her?" Scarlet asked.


"Later," I replied. "She needs some space. For now, let's get lunch."


Scarlet, Kathyrine, and I went to the main eating hall. As we walked, I put Nara's plight behind me. I would worry about her later.

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