Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 249: With the back against the wall


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 249: With the back against the wall


Lyra knew that the golem was incredibly strong, but fighting two trolls at the same time might be too much. She glanced at Dobby with worry. Lyra knew that the elf would immediately jump into danger to defend her if necessary, but she didn't want him to get hurt.

Retreating was going to be difficult. The fire had completely cut their way out, and as it continued to burn the bridge, it was also making their standing space smaller by the second.

Even if the golem somehow won the fight against the two trolls, if it didn't do it quickly enough, the bridge might collapse anyway, killing them all.

And then there were those four dangerous individuals who were determined to make sure they didn't get away.

Lyra felt like she was standing on a piece of glass that could break at any moment.

'This is my fault…' She admitted to herself.

'I should have followed that lady's advice and continued ahead…Hogwarts was trying to protect us…and I didn't want to listen.' She wished she could go back in time and choose differently, but it was now too late.

"Oh no!"

Ginny's scream brought her back to the dire reality.

She saw the golem being hit by another large wooden club. The construct was having a hard time against the combined attacks from the two trolls.

And the two creatures appeared to be having a great time, bashing the white marble construct.

"They are going to destroy it…" Luna said with bitterness in her voice. She already liked that golem.

"Help?" Astoria asked.

Ginny had already considered it, of course.

"I don't know how…I don't have anything that could work on those trolls…" She only knew a very limited amount of combat spells.

"What about that slippery thing you used before?" Lyra asked.

"That will also affect the golem," said Ginny. But then she thought about it a bit more. "Perhaps if I aim it correctly…"

"If you have an idea…this may be the best time to use it," said Neville.

Ginny aimed her wand right behind the trolls. She tried to give the jinx a more defined shape so it appeared only behind them. Since the golem was at the center, it might avoid stepping on it.

She chanted the name of the spell and a green substance manifested from her wand before traveling to the spots she was focusing on.

If the Death Eater group noticed her actions, they did nothing to stop her.

Her aim was true, and only a few spots behind the trolls became stained with the slippery substance.

It quickly became evident that despite their magical resistance, they were not immune to this. One of the trolls took a step back in order to make room for his next attack. But the moment it did so, his feet slipped backwards, making it fall on its face.

The other troll got distracted by this, just for a moment. But the golem was intelligent enough to detect an opening in its enemies.

The construct, which had been doing its best to defend from the barrage of attacks from the trolls, now changed into the offensive.

It blocked the troll's club with its left arm while punching its face with the right one.

The troll grunted in pain as its jaw let out a crunching sound. And if that was not enough, the moment it was pushed back, it stepped on Ginny's jinx, making it fall completely on its back.

The golem jumped in the air and landed on top of the troll before it began to throw one punch after another. All of them were directed at the troll's face.

The other troll grunted loudly at the golem. In its language, it was probably a shout to 'stop.' Not that the golem would have listened to it.

The Death Eaters and the two werewolves decided that they could no longer stay still and had to take action.



The two masked men started firing their magic while the werewolves did the same.

These two werewolves were not part of the elite few who could transform in the absence of a full moon, so at this moment, they were not that different from normal wizards, just with enhanced strength and sharper senses.

The spells impacted the golem's body but did little to stop it as it continued to pummel the face of the troll.

It wasn't until the second troll managed to stand still for a bit and used its wooden club to hit the golem that this one stopped its assault.

When they glanced at the immobile troll, it became obvious really quickly that it was not going to stand back up again. The golem had completely destroyed its head…blood and gore were pouring out in a stream.

The remaining troll roared with pure rage after seeing its friend die.

"That thing has magic resistance too. Use the strongest magic you have!" one of the Death Eaters shouted.

"Bombarda maxima!" The two Death Eaters cast together.

This time, the effect on the golem was much more visible as large chunks became detached.

The anti-magic coating that the golem was equipped with had its limitations. It was able to nullify magic up to a certain potency, but if it was hit by something that went over that limit, the spell would be able to cause a small amount of damage.

It wasn't enough to destroy it by any means, and the golems were able to regenerate extremely fast, but it did act as a distraction just enough for the troll to start landing some hits with its massive club. And those were the ones that did the most damage.

An entire arm of the golem was broken into pieces by the last hit, leaving it in a bad position.

"Noo…they are breaking it apart," Neville said with despair.

"Ouch!" Luna yelped. The fire was getting closer and closer to them.

They were between the wall and the sword, and no escape was in sight.

Just as it seemed like hope was lost, they heard two voices coming from beyond the flames.


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