Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 250: The Tide Turns


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 250: The Tide Turns


A very welcome wave of cold air hit them instantly, and the flames started to dissipate. The bridge was filled with a thick misty vapor, a result of the ice colliding with the violent flames.

"Are you okay?!" A tall redhead woman crossed through the mist and approached, rushing at them.

"Mom?!" Lyra exclaimed with joy.

They all turned to look as Lily and Daphne got closer.

"Astoria!" Daphne jumped at her sister and gave her a crushing hug. "You had me so worried!"

"Daphne… hurts…" Astoria complained but still wrapped her arms around her sister.

"Professor, you saved us! We can leave now," Ginny said with relief. She was starting to think they were not going to make it out of here.

"Yes, can we leave like… now?" Lyra let go of her mother and glanced back at the struggle between the golem and their enemies. Things were not looking good. The golem was doing its best with one arm, but it was getting completely overwhelmed.

Just at that exact moment while she was watching, the troll got a good hit on the golem's right leg and shattered it, making the construct collapse on the ground.

"Oh no!" Luna exclaimed. "Poor Goly…"

"Goly?" Lily moved her green eyes around, scanning the area. "That golem t's like ours…" Despite its terrible condition, she was able to tell that it was exactly the same as the one that had saved them.

Luna gasped. "You have one too!" She spotted the second golem approaching. This one was the one that had been following Lily and Daphne for a while.

"Bloody hell, there is a professor now too?" One of the masked men said.

"Tsk! Well… at least this thing is done for…" The other one moved his eyes away from the downed golem to focus on the large group of targets.

"Oho! I'll take the hot redhead!" One of the werewolves seemed to have gotten very excited with the arrival of Lily.

"Let the boy to me… I'll rip him apart, grr!" The last one said.

"Come on, girls, let's get you out of here. You too, Mister Longbottom. We must move now." Lily stood in front of the children with her wand pointed at the approaching men.

"Big Missus! Dobby will help!" The elf proclaimed.

"Dobby? What the… no, you should stay close to Lyra." She instructed.

"No, Mum! You can't!" Lyra panicked when she thought her mother was staying behind with those men.

"Hehe, wanna stay here and play with this big guy?" He wasn't really exaggerating either. The man was over seven feet tall, with bulging muscles all over his body.

"We don't have time for this." His partner stood at his side and pointed his wand at Lily. Before the large werewolf could complain, he attacked.

"Avada Ke-"

"Silencio!" Lily was ready to react at any moment and her spell was a much faster one than his opponent's.

"Crucio!" One of the masked men fired his curse next.

Lily hurried to conjure a shield made of stone to block the spell.

"Protego!" Daphne created a shield before the professor to protect her from the debris created when her shield was blown up by the force of the unforgivable curse.

"Thanks… I forgot they did that…" Lily sighed.

"Let's fight together, Professor. We can beat them." Daphne stood at her side.

The golem approached also.

[Protect the Students]

"I think he means he wants to fight too," said Luna.

"Mmm… another one of those things…" One of the masked Death Eaters stared at the golem.

"This is troublesome. What do we do?" His friend asked. He was unsure if they could take another one, along with a professor and all those students at the same time. "Maybe we should retreat for now?"

"Are you listening to yourselves? The Dark Lord will skin you alive if you dare go back now," the large werewolf spoke. The other one could not speak so he just nodded.

"R-Right… and we still have one tr-"

"Grrrrr!!, P-PAI-uggg…"

They all turned to look back at the place where they left the troll to take care of finishing the golem. They all assumed it must have been turned into debris by now. But much to their surprise, they found the torso of the golem clutching with one arm to the troll's neck while this one tried to free itself.

Realizing the severity of the situation, the two Death Eaters pointed their wands at the golem.


By the time they fired their bombardas, it was too late. The troll had its neck broken. The spells impacted on the golem's back, breaking more pieces apart and pushing it away from the dead troll.

"Shite! We have no more trolls now," the masked man shouted.

"N-now what?…" The other one glanced at the other white marble golem. That one was completely intact and they had lost their best weapon to destroy them. Their situation had gotten much worse now. Even the werewolves were considering their options.

The golem's eyes flashed blue.

[Kill the Intruders]

"Yeah, go kill the intruders, Goly 2!" Lyra exclaimed.

"Are you giving them numbers now?" Ginny asked.

"Well, I don't know how many of them are… so, this is easier." Lyra shrugged.

"Go Goly 2!" Luna exclaimed.

The Death Eaters took several steps back. For some reason, this golem appeared to be more intimidating than the other one.

"And where do you think you are going?..." A raspy, threatening voice resounded over the wooden bridge.

The two Death Eaters froze in place, not daring to make another move. The werewolves immediately got to their knees.




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