Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 272: Unrest at the Ministry

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-


Chapter 272: Unrest at the Ministry


"How are things going?" Harry sat down in front of the desk.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking? Since, you know… I am the father," James rested in his chair.

"You look stressed," Harry pointed out.

James sighed in defeat. "I don't know how long I can keep going… things at the Ministry are becoming more tense. People have started to become divided into factions."

"That's not new, there have always been factions in there," Harry commented.

"Yes, but not like this… when Fudge was Minister, not everyone liked him. But even the ones who didn't agree with him…" James seemed hesitant to continue.

"What is going on? Tell me," Harry leaned forward on the table.

"There has been talk of starting an uprising to remove Lord Parkinson as Minister," James said in a grave voice.

"Why now? What's the hurry?"

"They have begun replacing Ministry personnel. In just a few months, there may not be anyone left working at the Ministry that disagrees with Parkinson."

"Are they going to fire you?" Harry asked.

"They haven't touched the Auror Department yet. Madam Bones still has a lot of authority left. But they have begun with other departments, like the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts."

"Arthur Weasley?..."

James shook his head. "More than half the department has been replaced."

"Mmm… I suppose it makes sense. That is Parkinson's way of doing things. But this is for the best," Harry surprised his father with those words.

James glanced at him. "For the best? Do you not realize how serious this is? Once there is no one left to oppose the Minister's decisions… he would basically have full control of the country."

"I do understand it, but… it won't matter for long. Let the Minister do what he wants. I was going to suggest that you get out of there anyway," Harry said.

"Out of the Ministry?... like quitting my job?" James was baffled.

"Not just you, but everyone who, as you said, disagrees with the current Minister. It would be best if all of you got out of there as soon as possible."

"Okay… what are you not telling me?" James asked with suspicion.

"Voldemort is back… and I mean the real one this time." Harry just dropped that bomb like it was nothing.

James remained silent for a few seconds, like he was trying to process what he had just heard. "What?!"

"Maybe," Harry added.

"Maybe? So you are not sure? And Dumbledore is also in this? You are going to have to explain that a lot better."

"Mmm… let's see…" Harry tried his best to inform his father of everything he had learned during the last month.

The Minister being the mastermind behind the attack on the school, Harry tracking down Dolohov, what he saw at the empty castle, and finally, what he saw back at the cavern.

"You went after Dolohov alone?!" James shouted.

"That's not even remotely the most important part, did you hear what I said?" Harry asked.

"I heard everything…" James muttered.

"Do you know something about Rookwood's disappearance? Have any other Lords from Parkinson's faction gone missing?"

James made an expression of displeasure. "There is no way for me to know. I have been stuck at a desk for months. The investigators won't share anything important with us since they are all in Parkinson's pockets."

"Moody must be going crazy…" Harry could not imagine that man doing desk work for months.

"Last week, he burned his desk… this is the fifth time it got destroyed." James had a tired smile on his face.

"But going back to what's important… just because Rookwood went missing, and some undead disappeared…"


"Yes, well. You don't know exactly when those things were taken. Voldemort could have taken them before leaving the country or… who knows, maybe some other dark wizard stumbled upon that cave and did something to them. This is not hard evidence, Harry." James explained.

"I know it's not… that's why Dumbledore doesn't want to share anything about this, yet."

"He doesn't want to cause a mass panic… that's understandable. If someone of his status suddenly started to make declarations about that dangerous man coming back… this is something that everyone has been fearing since the day of his disappearance… everyone was dreading his return."

James realized something.

"Is that why you don't want me in the Ministry? You think he is going to attack there first?"

Harry shrugged. "It's just a possibility. But between the fake Dark Lord and the real one… all of you are going to be in danger."

"My job has always been a dangerous one, and I have accepted the risk. I will not run away, and I'm sure that my colleagues would agree with me." James said with conviction.

"If that monster is coming back… I will be there to receive him."

Harry wanted to tell his father that he didn't know what Voldemort was truly capable of. But to be fair, he also didn't know what this version of the Dark Lord had been up to…

If he was anything like the one Harry knew… this Voldemort would also be obsessed with achieving immortality, by any possible means. Above all else, what that man feared was… death.

The fact that he recalled all the scattered pieces of his soul from the containers where he had previously placed them… must mean that he had found another solution to his dilemma.

'What kind of answer has he found this time around?... what kind of monster have you become now, Tom?' Harry pondered.



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