Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 273: The Calm Before…

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-


Chapter 273: The Calm Before...


The next two weeks passed in relative peace.

Harry had received letters from Ginny, telling him that her mother had finally allowed her to fly her broom at home, now that she had demonstrated her skills during the school year. She sounded happy, and now that she was with her family, the ugly events during the end of the year were starting to be forgotten.

He also received a letter from Daphne. She wanted to let him know that she would likely be hard to reach during the entire summer because she was going back to Madam Yafel's shop to continue her apprenticeship.

'That girl is going to become a scary witch in the future…' Harry thought.

Daphne was already extremely talented at practical magic, and Morgana Lefay was the most dangerous witch Harry had ever met during his previous life.

Had she been free from the curse and able to move around… it may have been her, the one who ended up killing Voldemort.

If Daphne learns from someone like that… it's hard to say how far she will go.

Harry would have loved to enjoy a couple of months of peace and quiet after that eventful end of his third year. But this time, the silence was doing nothing but making him uneasy.

'Dumbledore has not contacted me yet, that must mean that nothing has happened.' He had given the Headmaster all the information he had.

Keeping secrets would do nothing but increase the danger of the situation at this point. He had also told him to keep a close eye on the Ministry and inform him if anything happened.

It's been almost three weeks since he killed Dolohov and since someone had taken Lord Rookwood out. But none of the newspapers wrote anything about it. There was also barely anything written about the invasion at the school. A short article on the lower corner of the fifth page, written by some nameless author in the Prophet, had said something about a small incident that had occurred during the Minister's party.

The article only made a passing mention of one student getting hurt by a careless accident but said little more than that.

It was obvious that the Minister had used all his power to prevent the public from finding out. This was made easier thanks to Harry's actions, who eliminated the invaders away from prying eyes and then used the castle elves to clean up the evidence.

Other than the rumors about his sister and her friends being attacked by some masked men, there was nothing to show.

The Headmaster didn't even attempt to get the real story out. As it would do nothing but bring panic into the public while also damaging his own image since Minister Parkinson would surely spin the story to make him seem like a senile old man who is imagining things.

"Shit!" He accidentally put too much pressure on the quill and ruined the page.

'I need to focus. This is important.' He had been having a hard time doing that for the past few days. His mind is always working on the many possibilities, but he had to try… this was also necessary.

He glanced down at the large tome where he had been writing for so many hours already.

Harry took a letter opener from the other side of his desk. The blade was completely dull, but a quick transfiguration changed that.

The now sharp utensil did a clean job at removing the ruined page.

"I was almost done with that one… now I have to start again." Harry grumbled and his stomach started to make noises.

"Mmm… what time is it?" He had already forgotten how long it had been since he had eaten lunch.

Just then, the door to his room opened without a knock.

"Hey!" His sister poked her head inside. "Good, you are dressed!"

"You could have knocked…" Harry was sure that his sister had been taught everything about manners and etiquette. She just chose to ignore them.

She chuckled. "That's boring! And I had my hands busy, look!" Lyra came into the room while carrying a silver tray. On top of it was a plate with a delicious-looking sandwich and a glass of orange juice.

"Mom said she didn't want to bother you when you were working so…"

"I missed dinner, huh?" He took a glance at the large mechanical watch that was hanging from the wall on his right side. It was already thirty minutes past eight. His family usually had dinner at seven o'clock.

"Thank you, can you leave the tray over there?" Harry pointed at the coffee table that he placed near the center of his room.

"Whoa, it's been a while since I entered this room…" Lyra rested the tray on the table and looked around the neatly organized bedroom.

"I try to keep it clean," Harry commented. He knew well why his sister had not come into this room often. The previous 'him' was not fond of visits.

"I like it!" She said with a smile. Her eyes then moved towards the book on Harry's table.

"Are you studying already? That one thick book too… it reminds me of the one Hermione is sometimes reading."

"I am not reading this book. I am writing it." Harry corrected.

"You are writing a book?" Lyra was surprised to hear this. She didn't know her brother had such hobbies.

"What are you writing about?" She got closer to take a better look.

"What I am writing is not exactly a story." Harry closed the book to show her the cover. It was made of blue-tinted leather with the silver silhouette of a hippogriff placed in the middle and the letter 'P' at the top.

"Is that the symbol of our house?" Lyra had seen that one before… that day when she went to the basement of the Potter Manor.

"This is a grimoire. The House Potter Grimoire."


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