Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 281: Punish the Traitor


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-


Chapter 281: Punish the Traitor


The family was startled by a series of tremendously loud noises. They heard something similar to an explosion, followed by the sounds of things breaking and scattering everywhere.

"That came from the main entrance," Lady Parkinson said.

"Mom… I'm scared…" Pansy said, barely containing her tears.

"We are doomed…." Lord Parkinson appeared to have given up by now. He let go of his wife and daughter and walked to a nearby chair, where he sat down after placing his wand on the table.

"Can't we escape with brooms? We can maybe go to the last floor and fly away from there," Aurora suggested.

"We cannot escape anymore… not from Him! It doesn't matter what we use anymore, He will find us no matter where we go!" Lord Parkinson slammed his hands on the table.

"Perseus… who i-"

"The Dark Lord!" He didn't let her finish her question.

Both Pansy and Aurora stared at him with a mixture of horror and disbelief.

"The Dark Lord… he is back," Lord Parkinson continued. "Everyone who didn't immediately return to his side… is probably dead already."

"But… you were one of his most loyal followers! Why would he?..." Aurora then realized, looking at her husband's expression.

"What did you do?!" she shouted. "What… did you do!" She ran to his side and pulled him up by his robes.

Lord Parkinson did not want to look at her, so he moved his gaze away.

"I… I just wanted to be in charge for a while… I didn't think he would come back."

"You… you didn't. Perseus, please tell me yo-"

"Ahh!" Pansy screamed when the door of the dining room was blasted apart.

"I'm sure that one was open, Miss," a female voice said.

"Oh, but it is more fun that way," another woman answered with a proud and smug tone.

The Parkinsons heard the steps of several people getting closer.

Aurora held her wand in hand. "Pansy, come here!" She hurried to pull her daughter behind her.

Lord Parkinson moved his gaze to the destroyed entrance but made no motion to pick up his wand or stand up from his seat.

Two women entered the room first, followed by two more figures who had their heads covered by black robes.

Aurora immediately recognized the dark-skinned beauty on the right.

"Trisha Zabini?! And who…" She gasped in shock when she saw the other woman.

This was a face she had not seen in many years, but she didn't seem to have gotten older...if anything, she looked younger.

Despite her skin being much paler and her eyes having changed color to an unnatural yellow… she would never forget the face of the Dark Lord's most devoted follower, and the most deranged witch she had ever met in her life…

"Bellatrix… you are alive…"

Bella gave her a mocking smile. "That is a very rude way to greet someone after so long, Aurora. I hope you don't mind the sudden visit, but we just let ourselves in."

"What do you want?! We have never been enemies. What is this about?!" Aurora knew this was all her husband's fault, but she could only hope they could talk their way out of this one.

Her eyes moved to the two covered individuals behind the women. One was very tall and towered over Bellatrix while the other was much shorter than the two women.

"Your husband didn't tell you what he did?" Bella looked at Parkinson, and he lowered his head.

"He has done something unforgivable while our beloved Lord was away. A terrible act of treason."

Aurora also glanced at her husband for a moment with a stern face.

"I haven't heard the details… but whatever it was, I am sure we can work out some compensation. We have been loyal subjects of the Dark Lord for many years, Miss Bellatrix."

"Have you?" Bella smiled. "Why don't you rip away that dress and show us your Dark Mark then?"

"I… I'm afraid that I never received that honor," Aurora answered.

"No, you did not," Bella stated. "Because you never were a true follower. Your husband was." She pointed at him. "And for the past years, he has stolen the identity of our Dark Lord and ruled over the outer circle followers."

"What?!" Lady Parkinson could not help but shout.

"You heard me. That… disgrace of a man took advantage of the fact that only a few selected individuals had seen the face of our Lord and pretended to be Him! That's how he became Minister so easily. Now do you understand the severity of his betrayal, my dear Aurora?"

She looked at her defeated husband again. "How could you?..." This was far worse than what she had imagined.

'We are doomed…' she realized now. There was no way to talk their way out of this.

"Miss Bellatrix, my daughter… at leas-"

"Crucio!" Bellatrix had her wand pointed at Lady Parkinson before she even began to speak.

The curse hit her chest, and she began to scream. She lost her grip on her wand, and it rolled beneath the table.

Pansy had been standing right behind her mother and received a small dosage of the curse too, making her fall backward while screaming as well.

Bellatrix released the curse.

"No… we can't make this so quick… besides, I'm sure there is someone else who wants to say a few words." Bella turned around and glanced at the shorter person who had been standing behind Lady Zabini.

"Isn't that right, Draco?"


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