Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 282: Execution


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-


Chapter 282: Execution


The short figure stepped forward while removing his hood. His face had not changed much since his disappearance the previous year, but his skin was much paler and his eyes were now completely yellow, just like Bellatrix's.

"Thank you, Aunt Bella, for giving me this chance." Draco turned towards the last hooded figure and gave a deep bow.

"And thank you too, my Lord."

The hooded individual raised his face slightly, but even so, it was impossible to discern his features, as if an unnatural fog was preventing them from being seen.

"Have fun, young Draco. But don't delay much," the chilling voice said.

Aurora managed to raise her head from the ground as she heard it.

"The… Dark Lord…" It had changed, but this was definitely the voice of Lord Voldemort. Despite having only met him once in person, it was not something she could ever forget.

Pansy recovered from the pain she had suffered and stood up on shaky legs. She had no time to be terrified about being in the presence of the Dark Lord himself, because she was too surprised to see Draco again.


The boy's gaze was also fixed on her.

"Hello Pansy, it's been a while. Have you missed your fiancé?" he said with a grin before he began to approach.

"W-wait, my Lord!" Lord Parkinson finally reacted from his stupor as he saw this. "My daughter, can you at least spare my d-"

"Silencio!" Bellatrix shouted.

The spell she threw at Lord Parkinson not only silenced him but also threw him across the hall.

"You won't speak again unless the Lord gives you permission!" she added.

"Please!" Aurora tried to stand up, but the effects of the Cruciatus Curse were still lingering on her. With every movement she made, it felt like dozens of knives were being stabbed all over her body.

"Ahhhh!" she screamed before collapsing back on the floor.

Draco ignored the plight of Lady Parkinson and continued to advance towards Pansy.

"D-Draco… what do you think you are doing?..." Pansy took a step back. She could feel the danger very clearly. Those new eyes that Draco had now showed her nothing but cruelty and bloodlust.

The blonde boy chuckled. He very much enjoyed her current expression of fear.

"I have been dreaming about this for a long time… I want to make you suffer, Pansy."

"I haven't done anything to you!" she shouted while continuing to step away from him.

Draco pulled a knife from his belt. The knife was only around four or five inches in length, but the moment it was out of its sheath, the blade began to emanate a baleful purple mist.

It would not take a scholar to deduce that it was a cursed blade. Just a simple scratch could be a death sentence.

"You haven't done anything to me?! You took everything from me!" Draco screamed at Pansy. He was now very close to her, and she had nowhere else to run. Her back was pressing against a stone wall.

"I… I didn't… I-"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your excuses! I just want you to die." Draco raised the knife in the air.

"No!" Pansy screamed and covered her face with her hands.

Before Draco could finish his motion, he felt movement behind him. When he turned around, he saw the figure of Aurora Parkinson charging at him.

"Leave my daughter!" she screamed.

This might have worked against him in the past. But the current Draco was different…

He twisted his body at an impossible angle and avoided the charge of Lady Parkinson.

As she passed by him, he moved his right hand at lightning speed and plunged the blade of his knife into the woman's ribs.

She yelped in pain for a second before he used his free hand to push her away.

Her little remaining strength abandoned her, and she fell down right next to her daughter. As the curse began to take effect, her screams of pain became louder.

"Mom!" Pansy panicked and took hold of her mother.

Aurora clutched at her sides. The pain she was feeling now was comparable to the Cruciatus Curse she suffered before. She could not speak or think, she could only scream.

"What did you do to her?!" Pansy exclaimed. Her eyes were filled with hatred as she watched Draco return a cruel smirk to her.

"The same things I'm going to do to you."

Just moments later, the screams of Lady Parkinson stopped. It had taken less than a minute for the curse to end her life.

Pansy cried while clutching her mother.

"No… please no!"

Draco glanced back at his Lord. He knew he could not enjoy this for much longer, so he got to work.

"Let's end this…"

Just at that moment, he noticed that Lord Parkinson was running at him.

The man could not speak, but he had at least recovered from the blow inflicted by Bellatrix moments before.

He had lost his wand too, but that didn't matter to him anymore. He just wanted to grab Draco and crush him with his own hands.

"Hmph!" Bellatrix huffed before disappearing from the spot where she had been standing.

Like a gust of wind, she appeared between Draco and Lord Parkinson.

Before the man could take even one more step, she extended her leg and gave the man a powerful kick on his chest.

Once more, Lord Parkinson went flying through the air before he crashed against some bookshelves.

Bellatrix turned to Draco with a stern expression.

"Stop playing, Draco. Our Lord's patience is limited…"

Draco nodded. He knew how right she was. He had already seen what happens to those who anger the Dark Lord.

Pansy glanced up at him, but she said nothing at first. She just stared at him with as much hatred as she could muster in one look. She had never hated someone so much before.

She knew she was about to die, but didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her afraid anymore.

Pansy closed her eyes while Draco lifted the blade over her. She didn't even listen to his last words.

Her last thoughts were of a certain boy with green eyes and the regret she felt for never seeing him again.

"Noo!" Lord Parkinson yelled.

"He broke my charm… not bad." Bella looked more impressed than otherwise.

Draco saw as Lord Parkinson began to run at him, but he only took a few steps before his body was lifted into the air.

"Enough…." The tall figure wearing black robes finally stepped forward.

"It is too early for you to throw away your life, Parkinson… I still have uses for you."

"You!" Lord Parkinson glared at the threatening figure with eyes filled with rage.

"You killled m-...ahhhh!"

His levitating body began to twist in unnatural ways. The man let out a bloodcurdling scream as his bones began to crack.

From behind the dark hood, a pair of red eyes emerged into view.

"M-Monster…." Parkinson began to mutter words with difficulty.

"T-they… w-will never follow a…. monster…"

The hooded figure extended his left hand from beneath the black robes… a hand made of pure white bones came into view and grasped Parkinson's face.

"They will do… what they are told."


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