Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 295 Platform Nine and Three Quarters (Part 1)

Compared to Harry and the Weasley family who were still in chaos in the Leaky Cauldron because they were going to the train station to catch school, the situation on Wright's side was much more orderly.

After finishing the conversation with Villita, Wright immediately returned to his room next door, secretly confessed for a while in front of the dark double-sided mirror, and then began to pack his things.

Soon, he carried a small wooden suitcase and walked downstairs with Villita who had packed it neatly.

When he walked into the kitchen, Wright immediately saw dozens of empty porcelain bowls of various sizes placed on the table in front of Dumbledore. The contents in the bowls were probably all filled with tofu curds. The shimmering shredded tofu can be a good conclusion.

If Dumbledore's appearance at this time was seen by Rita Skeeter, she would be crazy with joy, because this appearance can very well confirm her opinion that "Dumbledore is a mentally disturbed and confused person." "Old madman" is the conclusion that "Daily Prophet" will definitely be a big seller by then!

Thinking of this, Wright couldn't help but shook his head and threw the even more annoying green beetle out of his mind.

But, isn’t Dumbledore’s bee’s honey-gathering ability too strong? How did he eat so many bowls of tofu pudding, or the sweet tofu pudding?

Could it be that this is because he is Dumbledore, so he has a big stomach that can hold up to ten people? Or does Dumbledore have a second stomach specifically for desserts?

At this moment, Dumbledore suddenly burped in an extremely indecent manner.

Wright immediately replayed the hiccup scene dozens of times in his mind, keeping it firmly in his mind. He will definitely send this throughout Hogwarts as a mental pollution prop in the future!

Even Dumbledore, who had dominated the wizarding world for decades, was inevitably a little embarrassed when faced with such an embarrassing situation. Fortunately, his long hair and thick beard blocked most of the expressions on his face and did not let him Wright directly saw his somewhat red face.

"Are you two ready?" Dumbledore stood up from the dining table and touched his beard. The tofu crumbs originally left on his beard, hair, and clothes were swept away in an instant. It was empty, and he returned to his original neat appearance.

"Yes, we are both ready." Wright held back his laughter and did not expose the old wizard's pretense of being mature and prudent. He glanced at Villita and said.

"Okay." Dumbledore nodded, "Then I will take Miss Huppert to Austria now. As for what you said, Wright..."

"I will go to King's Cross Station to see you off first, and then go to Beauxbatons immediately." Wright paused, "I remember that the address of Beauxbatons is in the Pyrenees Mountains in southern France, right?"

"That's right." Dumbledore walked towards the two of them and said with a smile, "But I suggest Wright that you go to Paris to meet Nico first. After all, he wanted you to go to France in the first place. Beauxbatons Like us at Hogwarts, the opening party is held near the evening, and the Hogwarts Express leaves at eleven o'clock, so I think you should have plenty of time to visit Nico."

"You're right." Wright nodded in agreement.

"Then let's meet again." Dumbledore raised his hand and motioned for Villita to put her hand on his arm.

Villita glanced at Wright one last time and gently placed her palm on Dumbledore's robe.

After a very slight popping sound, Dumbledore and Villetta disappeared into the living room together.

After a moment of silence, Wright also activated the Disillusionment Curse + Apparition and arrived at King's Cross Station in London.

Lifting his wrist and looking at his watch, Wright realized that there was still nearly half an hour before the train departed, so he quickened his pace and walked towards platform nine and three-quarters.

After a while, Wright came to the entrance of the two worlds.

Pretending to look around casually, Wright leaned to the side and successfully passed through the seemingly solid illusory wall and arrived at platform nine and three-quarters.

The bright red steam locomotive was blowing out thick white smoke. The platform was crowded with male and female witches and witches passing by, shouting constantly, and many pet animals were also chirping there, looking busy. The ultimate look.

Wright didn't know if Harry and the others had arrived now. He just used the positioning magic left on the necklace at the skirt and found Chang Chu, who was sitting in a carriage at the back of the train. She was wearing a light brown dress on her upper body. sweater, tied with a simple ponytail, and sitting on his knees was Felicia, who was meowing towards the opposite side.

In addition to Chang Chu, there were two other students sitting in this carriage: one had thick brown hair and was holding a huge ginger cat in his arms, Hermione; the other had long hair. It was Luna, with long pale blond hair and holding a roll of magazine about the size of The Quibbler in her hand.

Wright stood under the glass of the car where Chang Chu was, stretched out his fingers, and tapped the window glass with his nails.

The crisp knocking sound immediately attracted the attention of the three girls in the carriage.

Chang Chu turned his head and shouted happily: "Lite! Why are you here!"

She pulled open the window forcefully and leaned half of her body out of the window. Felicia took advantage of this moment to jump onto the table in the carriage and looked at Crookshanks in Hermione's arms.

"Aren't you going to Beauxbatons?" Chang Chu looked at Wright's face with dazzling eyes, "I thought you had already set off yesterday!"

Wright put the suitcase at his feet, put his hand under Chang Chu's armpit, and carried her out of the car. He also closed the glass of the carriage to prevent the two cats on the table from jumping out suddenly.

"What you did just now was too dangerous, wasn't it?" Wright nodded Chang Chu's forehead, "If you have anything to do, can't we just talk about it in the carriage?"

"But didn't you still bring me out?" Chang Chu took Leit's hand and squeezed it, "Where's Villita? Didn't she come with you?"

Thinking of Villita's hug just now, Wright suddenly felt guilty for a second.

"Dumbledore went to my house just now and took Villita to Austria." He said.

"Are you so anxious?" Chang Chu frowned, "Then why didn't Dumbledore take you to Beauxbatons?"

"Maybe it's because I know the Apparition Magic." Wright quickly skipped the topic about Villita knowingly. In front of Chang Chu, he still had this little awareness, "Look at the way you looked just now. You didn’t expect me to come here, did you?”

"Yeah," Chang Chu took Wright's hand and shook it in the air, "I thought you would go directly to Beauxbatons."

"So you didn't wash your hair?" Wright tried to liven up the atmosphere, but the topic seemed inappropriate.

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