Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 296 Platform (Part 2)



Chang Chu let go of Wright's hand and took a step back, showing a big question mark on his face, "How did you tell that I didn't wash my hair?"


"That's it?" Chang Chu pulled the slightly curly braid over his shoulders, "Don't you see a girl wearing a ponytail and say she hasn't washed her hair, okay?"

"But you..."

"When I was in school, sometimes I simply tied my hair in a ponytail because it was too troublesome to wash my hair, but wasn't that to save trouble? Besides, that hairstyle is the most friendly to girls when playing Quidditch!" Chang Chu said. Wright cut off his words, "But what day is it today? It's the first day of school!"

"I curled the ends of my hair carefully and chose three or four times before deciding on the height of the ponytail. I thought carefully for a few minutes about whether to tie it high or low, and even asked my mother for advice." Chang Chu continued. Said, "I have been busy in front of the mirror for twenty or thirty minutes, isn't it just for such a simple, lively and innocent hairstyle?"

"How about you? If you don't praise me, why don't you accuse me of not washing my hair?"

At the same time, inside the carriage.

"What happened down there? Why does the atmosphere feel a little wrong?" Luna moved the magazine that was originally covering her face down and asked in an empty voice.

"Are you asking me? Oh, it seems so." Hermione said somewhat belatedly.

Earlier, Hermione and Chang Chu made an appointment and rushed to King's Cross Station together. But by the time they boarded the Hogwarts Express, most of the compartments in the front were occupied. The two of them finally found a seat in the private room at the back, together with Luna.

Hermione and Chang Chu had tried to communicate with Luna just now, but they could hardly get any meaningful answers to their questions. What about the Snorlax or the Black Leopard? It all sounded like Luna. The words she coined are just as magical and weird.

Hermione didn't expect that Luna would suddenly ask her questions at this time.

"Down below, are you Wright and Chang Chu?" Hermione glanced out of the compartment window and found that Wright was bowing his head and apologizing. "Maybe Wright said some boyish words again, which angered Miss Chu. I We are all used to it.”

Luna looked a little surprised, as if she had never imagined that Wright would be associated with the word "boyish."

Although she didn't know why Luna knew Wright, Hermione was immediately relieved when she thought that both of them were students of Ravenclaw House.

"Actually, Wright is usually a very stable person, as stable as an adult. Only sometimes, I don't know what will trigger him, um, that kind of thing." Hermione struggled several times. , couldn't find the right words to describe Wright, who sometimes suddenly had his brain opened up, so he had to muddle through, "He would say things that sounded strange, and he could easily annoy people."

"Really?" Luna stopped talking. She turned her head and looked out the window. The couple who had been a little noisy just now had returned to normal.

Wright, who finally calmed down Chang Chu, had no choice but to change the topic this time, "Where's Harry? Didn't he come with you?"

"No." Chang Chu shook his head and said, "Harry and Ron's family are living in the Leaky Cauldron at this time. Hermione and I didn't see them just now, so they should come together."

At this moment, Chang Chu suddenly saw several red heads flashing not far behind Wright. She said, "They seem to be coming. Red hair is probably only found in the Weasley family, right?"

"It would be like this if the Weasley family didn't marry anyone." Wright said a cold joke, then turned around and disappeared the big dung egg on the ground that was about to be activated.

"What a unique way to say hello." Wright looked at the twins who suddenly emerged from the crowd and said with a smile, "Fred, George."

"That's our last inventory." Fred said with some pity.

"That's just a popular item that can be bought everywhere in joke shops." Wright said nonchalantly, "What happened to the letter you two wrote two days ago? Was it supervised by your mother?"

"That's it!" George nodded fiercely, "You don't respect the privacy of the two of us at all!"

"The privacy of the two of you is not so safe sometimes." Chang Chu poked his head out from behind Wright, "I heard Hermione say that when Ron was a child, he was secretly given sour lollipops by you. And burned a hole in my tongue."

"Then we were severely punished by our mother."

"I couldn't get out of bed for three days, so I had to sleep on my stomach."

Fred and George sang in unison.

"Did Harry and Ron come with you two? Wright was still asking them just now." Chang Chu looked behind the twins, "They shouldn't be driving the Flying Car to school this time, right?"

"Probably not. After all, our family doesn't have any extra cars for Ronnie to waste." Fred shrugged and said something that would definitely make Harry ashamed.

"The cars that sent us over this morning were all specially provided by the Ministry of Magic. Harry shouldn't have had the opportunity to touch the steering wheels of their cars." George said, "But I think the cars from the Ministry of Magic are not as good as the ones made by Dad. They don’t know how to use the steering wheel at all, they only know how to use shrinking spells to avoid or pass through those obstacles.”

"Anyway, I will never take the magic version of public transportation made by wizards again in my life." Recalling the painful experience during the summer vacation of the first grade, Wright couldn't help but said that the Knight Bus was simply too uncomfortable for him who suffered from motion sickness. Friendly.

"I seemed to have seen Jordan just now." Fred suddenly said.

"Well, Wright, I'll see you later. Although the two of us didn't make many products this summer, we still have to express our opinions as a graphic designer." George followed his twin brother and slipped into the crowd. Disappear.

"Wright, didn't you tell Fred and the others that you were going to be a transfer student this semester?" Chang Chu said with some confusion as he watched the twins disappear.

"No." Wright turned around and said, "This is a prank return gift I prepared."

"Actually, I think you just forgot to tell them about it." Chang Chu said what was in Wright's heart.

The two stood here chatting for a while.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded, and the guard walked along the body of the train from the front of the train. Every time he passed a car, he would close the door there.

Wright glanced around and realized that there were no students in the crowd around him.

While the guards were still some distance away, Wright said quickly: "Don't forget to practice the Patronus Charm this semester. This spell is the only magic that can effectively target dementors; and don't forget to wear the hem of your skirt at all times. On the neck, all the protection and expulsion of enemies on it can still have a certain effect; finally, if you want me, use a double-sided mirror, and I will always pay attention to the movements on it - "

Chang Chu suddenly stood up on tiptoes and kissed Wright deeply.

Just when Wright was about to hold her waist, she let go of her mouth, ran to the nearest door, and boarded the train from there.

When the guard passed Wright, she was already sitting in the carriage.

Another whistle sounded, and thick white steam came out of the front of the train, slowly starting to move.

Through the window, Chang Chu saw the waving figure of Wright gradually moving away. When the train turned a corner, he could no longer be seen.

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