Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 297 Remus John Lupin

After he could no longer see Wright's shadow, Chang Chu forced his eyes to shift away from the window.

Hermione was about to say something to comfort Chang Chu, who seemed a little depressed, but before she could speak, the door to the workshop was suddenly opened, and Harry and Ron appeared at the door together. .

"Hermione! Chang Chu!" Harry, who had always looked quite heavy along the way, finally showed a happy expression. In the past few days, he could finally find a pair of reliable people to talk to about his troubles, "You are here. !”

Harry was about to take a step forward, but he immediately saw Luna sitting on the other side.

"Who is this?" he asked.

"Luna Lovegood," Luna said in a trancelike voice, looking at Harry, "you are Harry Potter."

"Yes, I know who I am." Harry frowned, but immediately relaxed.

Although one could tell from such a simple self-introduction that the girl named Luna was probably a little abnormal, Harry did not want to care about these unimportant things at this time.

He said: "Hermione, Chang Chu, can you two come out for a while? I have something that I need to talk to you about alone, with Ron."

Chang Chu and Hermione looked at each other.

"We don't need you to move out of this carriage. We just need to find a place where no one is around to talk." Harry added, "By the way, where is Wright? Why didn't you see him with you?" "

Chang Chu held Felicia in his arms, stood up from the soft seat, and said in a calm voice: "Wright, he is going to Beauxbatons as an exchange student this semester, so he is not with us. Let's go out together now. Bar."

Unlike Chang Chu, Hermione left her Crookshanks in the carriage because she knew that this "little tiger" with brilliant fur was not very fond of Ron's little mouse.

Although Hermione didn't know why Crookshanks kept targeting Scabbers, she didn't want to have an unexpected quarrel with her good friend Ron because of conflicts between pets.

Chang Chu, Hermione, Harry and Ron walked back along the long and narrow train aisle, because they all knew that there would be no more empty cars in the front at this time.

But when they got to the car at the end of the car, they found a slightly empty compartment with only one person in it, a middle-aged man who was sleeping soundly on the window seat.

This stranger was wearing a wizard's robe that was definitely not decent. A black blanket that looked extremely old and full of balls was draped over his head and body, leaving only a forehead with deep wrinkles. , and a head of light brown sparse hair. But if you look carefully, you can see that his hair is a little gray, as if it has been polished by wind and frost.

"Go in, everywhere else is full, probably only this car has free seats." Chang Chu said, taking the lead in walking into the compartment.

At this moment, Felicia, who was originally held in her arms, suddenly raised her head, as if she smelled some danger, and glanced warily at Lupine lying in the private room, but no one noticed.

"Who is this person?" Ron asked in a low voice. He was the last one to walk in.

"Professor R.J. Lupin." Hermione whispered immediately.

"Do you know everything?" Ron glanced at Hermione in disbelief, then immediately turned to Harry and asked, "How does she know everything?"

"His box already has a copper nameplate on it." Chang Chu pointed at the luggage rack above Lu Ping's head. There was a small, tattered box on the rack, tied together with many ropes, neatly The ground is knotted.

"Oh, okay." Ron said awkwardly.

Felicia took advantage of this opportunity, jumped off Chang Chu's knees, and jumped to the aisle outside through the gap in the sliding door that had not yet been completely closed.

Chang Chu just raised his hand symbolically and then put it down. She knew that Felicia was very intelligent, so she didn't have to worry about it getting lost. She would probably find it in its original compartment later.

"Professor Lupine should be teaching our Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Hermione said again.

"How do you know this?" Ron made a fuss again.

But this time even Harry couldn't stand it. He said, "Ron, the only professor position in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is vacant in the school."

"Okay! You all know it! You are all extremely smart!" Ron looked a little annoyed.

Harry knew that Ron was just saying angry words at this time, so he ignored it.

"He, I mean, Professor Lupin." Harry pointed at Lupine and said, "He should be asleep, right?"

"Yes -" Chang Chu was halfway through her words, but she immediately thought of her father who pretended to be asleep that time, and couldn't help but immediately changed his words, "Most likely, he is already asleep. What's wrong?"

Harry nodded, and then told him exactly what he had heard about the quarrel between Molly and Arthur in the Leaky Cauldron, and what Arthur had warned him before getting on the train.

By the time he finished telling everything, it started to rain lightly outside the window, and it was gradually getting heavier.

Ron's mood was colder than the cool autumn rain outside the window, and his expression was also like this: "Harry, you mean, Sirius Black, he escaped from Azkaban because of you? "His voice suddenly became hoarse for a second, "Or is it to chase you?"

At this time, Lu Ping, who had been sleeping quietly, suddenly coughed quietly, but fortunately it was not obvious under the cover of the blanket.

"Yes." Harry glanced at Lupine and said with a deep expression, "But I still don't know what he is for. Why would he go to all the trouble to escape from Azkaban just to kill me? Just because of me? His master’s number one enemy?”

Harry tried to avoid using the word Voldemort, but his words still made Ron and Hermione tremble.

"He will definitely be caught." Chang Chu comforted, "Everyone is looking for him. The Aurors from the Ministry of Magic and the police in the ordinary world have issued nationwide wanted orders. No one can Escape from this dragnet."

"Of course!" Ron immediately confirmed Chang Chu's words, but his expression suddenly became very uneasy, "It's just... no one has ever been able to escape from Azkaban before. What's more, he is still a A murderous lunatic is a prisoner under special guard."

"But they will still catch him, won't they?" Hermione said seriously, "Sirius will definitely be caught. The law will not allow such a prisoner who has committed heinous crimes to stay outside for a long time. "

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