Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 298 He is indeed James’ son

The rain outside the window suddenly started to fall heavily. The big raindrops pattered on the compartment window, and countless thin and long water lines were pulled out by the moving train.

The cold air coming from nowhere made Ron shiver suddenly, and he said: "Let's not talk about Sirius and Arcturus anymore. Those things in astronomy class alone are enough to give me a headache. "

"Ron, your joke is really bad." Harry said with a smile.

Ron said regardless: "After this semester starts, we will be in third grade, and then we can go to Hogsmeade to spend the weekend. It is the only place in the UK without any Muggles, a pure wizarding village. …”

"Ron, do you know a lot about Hogsmeade?" Hermione asked enthusiastically. As a student at Hogwarts, she had already read a lot about Hogsmeade in books. Yes, but how can the pictures in the book be as moving as the personal experience?

Chang Chu, who had been to Hogsmeade many times, was sitting quietly aside, listening to the exchange between Hermione and Ron, smiling and saying nothing.

Hermione and Ron talked for a long time, including Honeydukes, Pepper Urchins, Candy Cane Quills, Sherbet Balls, and the headquarters of the Goblin Rebellion in 1612, the Shrieking Shack, and Mrs. Puddieffe's Teahouse...

Obviously, the first few words were said by Ron, and the latter ones were said by Hermione. The two of them talked almost like chickens and ducks for more than ten minutes.

So Hermione quickly ignored Ron.

She turned to look at Chang Chu: "Senior sister, it must be fun to leave school occasionally and go to Hogsmeade for a walk, right?"

"It's still very happy for me. After all, playing between two people is always happier than playing alone." Chang Chu said with a smile.

Hermione's tone faltered. Of course she knew what Chang Chu meant by "playing between two people." Wasn't it that she and Wright went to Mrs. Puddieff's Teahouse?

Hermione, who was a little timid about the topic of love, had no choice but to turn her head and look at Harry, her tone carrying a rare coquettishness recently: "Harry, what about you? What do you think of going to Hogsmeade?"

"It should be good." Harry said somewhat dullly, "Just tell me after you figure it out, so that I can experience that feeling."

"What do you mean by that?" Ron said in surprise, "We won't leave you alone in school and go to Hogsmeade alone."

"But the fact is, I can't go to Hogsmeade. I was already living in the Wright family when I received the admission letter and permission form. I originally wanted to go back to Privet Drive while I was going to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks. Asking for my uncle's autograph. But as you know Ron, I was pretty much grounded in the Leaky Cauldron during the last few days of August," Harry told the truth with a sad look on his face.

"So your Hogsmeade permission form is completely blank?" Chang Chu asked.

"Yeah, I can't find anyone to sign for me. Although Mrs. Weasley likes me very much, she won't sign for me -"

"That's true, my mother likes to fight against us." Ron agreed with Harry, and also complained about his mother.

Harry twitched the corners of his mouth dryly.

"Will Professor McGonagall approve you to go to Hogsmeade?" Ron suddenly said whimsically.

"Who do you think Professor McGonagall is?" Hermione rolled her eyes, "She wouldn't do such an inappropriate thing!"

I don't know if it was due to genetic reasons, but Ron seemed to suddenly have an idea about sneaking to Hogsmeade. When Hermione started to retort, he immediately thought of another weird idea: "Fred and George... You should know many secret passages outside the castle—"

"Ron!" Hermione tried her best to suppress the desire to scream, "Under the current situation, I don't think Harry should sneak out of the school! And leave through a secret passage that only a few people will know!"

"I don't want what you think, I want what I think." Ron said a little arrogantly, "I think this idea is great! Harry also wants to go to Hogsmeade. Right, Harry?"

Harry opened his mouth. He really wanted to go to Hogsmeade, but he also really felt that Ron's idea was not good.

At this moment, Chang Chu suddenly asked: "Well, Harry, did you know that Professor McGonagall has met your uncle's family?"

Harry thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No."

"Then will she recognize your uncle's handwriting?" Chang Chu asked again.

"I don't think I know him. Could it be that, Chang Chu, you want to..." Harry was a little confused and a little unbelievable.

"Yes, do you remember what we did last year?" Chang Chu quickly glanced at Lupine sitting next to him, and lowered his voice again, "If you want to go to Hogsmeade, I think you should be faked Your uncle's signature is better. After all, you should be familiar with your uncle's handwriting, and Professor McGonagall doesn't know either..."

Lupine, who was sleeping on the side, suddenly coughed so loudly that even the blanket covering him couldn't cover up the sound.

Chang Chu was shocked and immediately stopped the topic. Talking about how to forge parents’ signatures behind the professor’s back and talking about how to forge parents’ signatures in front of the professor are two completely different concepts.

Lupine's face, covered under the blanket, was smiling wryly.

What should he say?

Should I say that he really deserves to be James' son? Are all the friends you have made bold and bold?

What kind of genius would come up with forging a guardian's signature to travel to Hogsmeade? According to them, this matter was already done last year?

Am I out of touch with the times, or is this era too crazy?

In order to prevent his presence from affecting these people, Lu Ping turned his head in another direction, pretended that nothing happened, and continued to sleep.

Chang Chu finally gave Harry an encouraging look, and then took Hermione back to the carriage where they were originally.

Sure enough, Felicia, who had just run away, was currently lying on a soft chair in the cubicle, where Luna was carefully smoothing out Felicia's hair one by one. Crookshanks, who didn't look very attractive in appearance, was fast asleep opposite the two of them.

"You're back." Luna greeted Chang Chu and Hermione in her unique ethereal voice.

Felicia, who had been carefully served, let out a comfortable purr, and then quickly jumped from the chair to the table. Her emerald green pupils looked at Chang Chu who sat down as if accusingly, as if she was complaining. Why did it take her so long to come back.

The corners of Chang Chu's mouth raised an obvious arc. She stretched out her hand and rubbed Felicia's little head vigorously like a mischief, making all the arrogant and dissatisfied expressions on her face disappear.

Felicia screamed and escaped from Chang Chu's clutches, jumping back to Luna's side. Perhaps in its eyes, Luna is a qualified shit shoveler.

Not paying attention to Chang Chu's actions, Luna continued to carefully smooth out the fur next to Felicia's head.

"In ancient Egypt, cats were regarded as living gods by people at that time." Luna said in a trance. "According to ancient legends, black cats have a natural mysterious temperament. Even in the dark night, they can To make everything clear is to be respected and feared.”

"Meow!" Felicia shouted in agreement.

A polite and decent smile appeared on Chang Chu's face. She didn't believe that Felicia, the little cat, had any other special powers besides having a higher IQ! Besides, this is Great Britain, not ancient Egypt!

She is Chang Chu, not Pharaoh.

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