Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 299 Dementors

As the Hogwarts Express continued north, the scenery outside the window became increasingly primitive and desolate. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, without any sign of stopping. The sky was getting darker and darker, and the thick clouds were as dense as ink.

After a while, the lights in the corridor and in the cubicles were all on. Otherwise, the walking students would not be able to see clearly.

Suddenly, the train that was originally running smoothly began to shake. The strong wind outside the window blew through the windows, making bursts of sharp and ear-piercing whistling sounds, and the lines of rainwater that originally fell on the glass were blown out of shape.

"What time is it now?" Chang Chu asked with a serious expression, frowning.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not the time we should be at school," Hermione said, "I'll check the clock."

As soon as he finished saying this, the train began to slow down, but the shaking just now was caused by the train's slowing down.

"There is absolutely no way we will arrive at Hogsmeade Station now!" Hermione put down her watch and said with certainty, "It's only just after five o'clock, and we won't arrive for almost an hour and a half."

Chang Chu stood up without saying a word, just asking the two girls in the carriage to be ready to draw their wands at any time.

The train was getting slower and slower, the sound of the wheels gradually became inaudible, the sound of wind and rain was more than twice as loud as before, and the glass windows were being blown.

Chang Chu walked to the sliding door, opened it a crack, and quietly observed the situation outside the compartment.

In each carriage along the corridor, people poked their heads out to look around, and the buzzing chatter was like a swarm of bees jammed together. It made people feel flustered and nervous at the same time.

Suddenly, the train shook violently and stopped completely.

Chang Chu was thrown back into the cubicle by the sudden force, and suddenly sat back on the soft chair. Countless slamming sounds of the sliding door being closed could be heard outside.

For no apparent reason, all the lights went out.

Everyone on the train was plunged into complete darkness.

"Lumos." Along with Hermione's voice, a bright silver spot appeared on the top of her wand.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I don't know, but it can't be because of the train breakdown." Chang Chu glanced out the window warily, then she took out a fluorescent lamp from her pocket and placed it in the mid-air of the compartment.

The warm, bright and soft yellow light immediately replaced the fluorescent spell cast by Hermione and became the brightest light source in the compartment.

Hermione canceled the fluorescent spell and said, "The air seems to be getting a little colder. Senior sisters, do you feel it?"

"I think there may be passengers who want to get on the bus here." Luna's words echoed in the air and turned into a white mist.

A crunching sound of frost came from the glass window, and the drink that Chang Chu had placed beside the window almost instantly turned into a large piece of ice.

Chang Chu's nerves immediately became tense.

Except that the happy memories that still remain in the brain have not been eliminated, the current situation is exactly the same as the situation when a certain terrifying creature that Wright once described to her appeared.


"Call the gods to protect you!" Chang Chu shouted loudly and resolutely.

A large cloud of silver mist floated out from the tip of her wand and hung in front of her, helping her resist the aftereffects of the Dementors' arrival.

In an instant, the cold that had been left in the compartment melted away like ice and snow under the scorching sun. Hermione and Luna, standing behind Chang Chu, could no longer feel the coldness that originally enveloped every corner of their bodies.

But feeling that something terrible was coming, Hermione and Luna still maintained a good state of silence.

In the corridor in front of the door, illuminated by Chang Chu's dazzling silver light, was a black figure wearing a rag cloak. He was so tall and big that he could almost touch the ceiling. Its face was completely hidden under the hood, leaving only a dark mouth and uneven, few black and yellow teeth.

A burst of cold sweat broke out on Chang Chu's forehead. She already felt that her Patronus Charm was about to reach its limit.

What Wright said is indeed correct! The fear experienced personally has a great impact on the God-calling Guardian!

The dementor stretched out a long and thin hand from under the cloak. The arm exposed outside the cloak showed an eerie gray-white color, and the surface shone with an extremely ominous cold light. The surface of the arm seemed to be covered with slippery mucus. and rotten black spots, and a disgusting smell seemed to spread through the door into the cubicle.

The dementor's palm was raised slightly, and the sliding door was easily opened by it.

Chang Chu, who was sweating non-stop on her forehead, couldn't help but take a step back. The silver mist in front of her had shrunk to less than half of its original size, barely enough to wrap up her, Hermione and Luna. .

Felicia and Crookshanks were awakened, their backs arched high and covered with exploding hair, and they let out bursts of silent roars at the dementors.

The Dementor leaned forward a little and took a long, slow breath.

A biting chill instantly swept through Chang Chu's body and mind, and her patronus spell was shattered instantly without enough time to last. The happy memories she originally used to call her patronus seemed to have been completely consumed at this time, with not a trace left. All that was left behind were extremely bad memories.

At this time, the skirt necklace that was originally hanging on Chang Chu's neck suddenly lit up twice. From the two small pink gemstones inlaid on the right side of the end of the fan-shaped pendant on the skirt, two bright clusters of stars were drilled out. White light.

Drive out the enemy!

Protect them all!

Two bright translucent shields appeared around Chang Chu's body in an instant, including Hermione and Luna behind her.

The Dementors, who originally ignored the Patronus Charm cast by Chang Chu, quickly stepped back as if they had encountered something extremely disgusting.

At the moment when the Dementor completely left the carriage where Chang Chu and the others were, a very large silver wolf pounced over. As if the Dementor had encountered some natural enemy, it walked directly towards him from the aisle. Withdrew outside.

After another period of time, the two layers of protective shields that originally enveloped Chang Chu and the three people slowly dissipated, revealing three extremely pale and pretty faces.

"What is that?" Luna asked weakly. The monster just now evoked the scene she least wanted to recall: when she was nine years old, her mother died accidentally due to a magic experiment accident.

"Dementors," Hermione said, looking a little better than Luna, because she didn't have many of her previous life experiences that could be considered particularly sad, "the warden of Azkaban Prison."

Chang Chu, who was sweating coldly, put his hands on the table and gradually moved himself back to the soft chair to lie down.

She breathed in the fresh, warm air, and her chest kept rising and falling, but as time passed, this rise and fall became less and less obvious.

"Little Miss Chu, how are you feeling?" Hermione, who had initially recovered, squatted next to Chang Chu's head, holding her palm firmly with both hands, her voice anxious.

Chang Chu didn't speak, just continued to close his eyes and breathe softly.

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