Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 301: Inside and outside the castle (4k large chapter)

Off stage.

Chang Chu, who was sitting at the long table in Ravenclaw, had been listening to Dumbledore's speech quietly, but it wasn't until he announced the start of the banquet that she suddenly reacted.

Is this the end?

Chang Chu glanced at Dumbledore, who was already sitting on the podium, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

According to common sense, when Dumbledore gave his opening speech in the past, he would always speak completely and thoroughly, and would not miss any situation. But what about this time? Except for the dementors who talked a lot, other things were said very concisely and concisely.

It was as if... it was as if there was some urgent matter behind him that he had to rush to deal with, even if it was like this, there was no way to spare any time.

Chang Chu was not very surprised that Dumbledore did not mention Wright and Villita who left school this semester, although many Eagle Academy students had asked her along the way why Wright did not come.

But that's Dumbledore! Maybe in the eyes of a great wizard like him, things like exchange students are not important enough to have to be explained at the opening banquet.

But what made Chang Chu feel a little strange was that Dumbledore did not give any detailed explanation to the two newly appointed professors, and did not even give them a chance to speak.

This is very rare.

There were many students who felt the same as Chang Chu. One or two professors also felt Dumbledore's weird behavior tonight, but no one said it in front of him.

However, most of the students still gave their principal a very warm applause as always, including a lot of Gryffindor applause and cheers for Hagrid to praise this big man with a generous personality. past performance.

When the last student in the auditorium stopped clapping, Dumbledore waved again, and the golden plates and goblets on the four long tables were suddenly filled with sumptuous food and delicious drinks.

At this time, there was finally a bit of a banquet atmosphere.

Slowly, the sky above the auditorium echoed with laughter and the sound of clinking knives and forks. The terrifying influence caused by the dementors on the train seemed to have finally completely disappeared at this moment.

After the last dessert disappeared from the plate, Dumbledore directly announced that the banquet was over, and then left the auditorium alone.

At this time, even the dullest Hagrid felt that something was wrong.

He looked at Dumbledore's disappearing back. Just as he was about to say something, he was stopped by Professor McGonagall sitting next to him.

As the school's vice-principal, when Dumbledore behaves strangely, he often needs to take on the responsibility of finishing things off. This is also one of Professor McGonagall's usual jobs.

She picked up a clean silver spoon on the table and knocked on the tall glass with a golden rim. The crisp impact made the buzz in the auditorium gradually subside.

"Prefects, the banquet time has passed." Looking at the students in the audience, Professor McGonagall said calmly, "Please take the students from your respective colleges back to your respective common rooms."

"By the way, on the first day of school, don't let me find out that there are bold students going out during the curfew time." Professor McGonagall glanced at the Gryffindor table, especially the positions of the Weasley twins, and added. .

Fred and George looked at their dean sincerely and said they were not like those bad students. The two brothers have never done anything that violates school rules.

Professor McGonagall withdrew her gaze and signaled the students to leave the auditorium.

Chang Chu squeezed among a group of Ravenclaw students and walked up the marble stairs leading to the second floor with the Gryffindor students. Slowly, she fell to the back row of the Eagle Academy students, and walked together with Hermione and the other three.

"Harry, I just heard from some students that you passed out while on the train?" Chang Chu asked, "Is this why Professor McGonagall just came to you?"

"Yeah, I..." Harry said dryly, but after hesitating for a long time, he didn't even say why.

"Didn't you use the Patron Saint Spell just now?" Chang Chu asked again, "I remember that both of us were able to summon the invisible Silver Mist Patron Saint."

"I originally wanted to use it," Harry said helplessly after looking at Chang Chu, "but when the Dementor came close, I couldn't think of anything. It just sucked lightly, I seemed to have completely lost consciousness.”

"Harry, do you know how to do that magic?" Hermione looked at Harry in surprise.

"Forget it, Hermione." Harry drooped his head, "I have no use at all. If it hadn't been for Professor Lupin driving away the dementors, I don't know what I would be doing now."

"It's okay, Harry." Chang Chu patted Harry on the shoulder, "Do you remember what Wright said when he taught us? He said that we might be able to summon him in the peaceful and peaceful village of St. Catchpole. Patronus, but when facing real pressure, the difficulty of casting the Patronus Charm will increase several levels. "

Harry's face was still a little ugly.

"Furthermore, he also said that because your previous experiences were too terrifying and few people have such legendary experiences as yours, it will be much more difficult for you to cast the Patronus Charm than ordinary wizards." Chang Chu He added, "Especially when you face a dementor that can suck away happiness, the original suffering will be increased on you at this time."

"Thank you, Chang Chu." Harry showed a forced smile, "This actually makes me feel better."

Chang Chu and Harry and the others parted ways when they were going up to the fourth floor. She was going to the Ravenclaw common room in the west tower, while the three Harrys needed to continue going up to Gryffindor on the eighth floor of the main building of the castle to rest. room.

"Harry, you've never told me that you can do this magic!" Ron looked at Harry with some envy, "What's that magic called? Hand, Guardian?"

"It's the Patronus Charm, and the spell is to invoke the Guardian." Hermione corrected in a low voice. She still remembered how Chang Chu recited the spell on the train.

Then her voice became louder, "Harry, is this magic very difficult to cast? And why have I never heard of its name? It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the school textbooks. Did I miss it? "

"No, Hermione." Harry interrupted Hermione's endless questions. He was very tired now, but he couldn't help but answer his friend's questions.

Harry had no choice but to brace himself, "As far as I know, which is what Wright said before, the Patronus Charm is the most famous and profound defensive magic known to wizards. Most wizards in the wizarding world cannot summon it. Any form of patron saint..."

"But Harry, can't you summon him?" Ron interrupted at this time.

"I didn't," Harry frowned, "I did summon some silver mist when I was in St. Catchpole, but when I was on the train, I didn't succeed at all, and I didn't even have the chance to cast the Patronus Charm. No."

"Okay." Ron said angrily.

At this moment, the three of them had arrived on the eighth floor. Percy, who was standing at the back of the crowd, shouted the password for the lounge, and a large group of Gryffindor students poured into the lounge.

After Harry and Ron said goodbye to Hermione, they went straight back to their dormitories.

The fire in the dormitory had been lit, and the whole room was filled with a drowsy warmth. Harry had just changed into his pajamas, but before he could go to bed, two red-haired twins rushed in. Got in here.

"Harry!" Fred and George greeted him at the same time.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked with force.

"Harry, I know you're probably tired now, but we also heard about you on the train." Fred walked over to Harry's bed and sat down.

"How on earth did you know about this?" Harry said angrily.

"Don't worry about it." George sat on the other side of Harry and put his hand on his shoulder. "We all know how terrifying Dementors are. The kind of chill that can freeze a person's internal organs together. There is absolutely no happiness to be found.”

"So, we need to have some fun now." Fred took out a colorful small box from nowhere, which was filled with various candies of different colors.

"What are these? The new Bibi's multi-flavor beans?" Harry glanced inside and outside the box.

"These are not Bibi's flavored beans, Harry." George picked up a piece of black candy in the box and threw it to Harry, "This is the latest product launched by our Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Try it."

Harry didn't doubt his presence and threw the candy into his mouth.

A spicy feeling instantly spread from his mouth to all parts of his body, and Harry felt as if something was about to come out of his throat.

"Ugh, woof, woof woof!"

The sound Harry made instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the dormitory. Ron was here, Neville was here, Seamus, and Dean were here.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Ron asked. "Have you lost your mind and begun to bark like a dog?"

Harry yelled for more than ten seconds before he stopped. He looked at Fred and George with a smile: "What did you give me to eat?"

"Animal Sound Candy," Fred winked. "Originally it was used to imitate human voices, but we didn't think it was interesting enough, so we modified its function."

"It's quite interesting!" Ron said with interest, "Can you give me a piece too?"

"Although you are our younger brother, you should be charged for it, but now that I am making a name for myself, I will give you one for free." George took out a piece of green candy from the box and threw it to Luo kindness.

Ron took the candy and immediately stuffed it into his mouth.

"Squeak, squeak!" Ron clenched his hands into fists and placed them next to his cheeks, imitating the sound of a mouse.

Banban poked his head out from under the sheets, seemingly looking for which mouse made the same sound as it.

"Rat! Ron, you are imitating a rat!" Seamus pointed at Ron and laughed.

After a while, Ron stopped and asked George: "Why do I feel that this voice sounds familiar? It's like I heard it somewhere."

"That's the sound of your rat, little Ronnie," said Fred, laughing.


"Yeah, didn't we just say that? This candy needs to collect the sounds of animals before it can exert its effect." George said, "But we couldn't find any animals that made sounds in Egypt at the time. The sound of the scarab was too weak, so we had to use Scabbers to make candies.”

"No wonder I always thought that Scabbers would suddenly disappear for a while!" Ron said angrily, "It turns out it's all your fault!"

"Then what animal does my voice belong to?"

"I thought you would know." Fred looked at Harry and shrugged, "The only big dog living next to you is Lu Wei."

"Hey! Fred, do you have any other animal sound candies?" Seamus asked with interest.

"Of course there is!" George said first.

The twins gave Seamus some of the sound candies they had made over the summer.

Seamus was assigned an owl's voice, and while he cooed, he learned to walk like an owl.

Ron poignantly pointed out that their owl, Errol, couldn't move as powerfully as he did, and Seamus immediately started to move slowly, like a master owl.

Neville was given a piece of cat candy, and he propped himself up on the bed frame, meowing as he rolled over from the bed.

If paired with the orange one-piece pajamas he was wearing, Neville looked like a giant fat orange at this time.

Nine out of ten are fat, and one is particularly fat, which is Neville.

There will never be a shortage of this kind of fun that comes out of nowhere in the boys' dormitory. It was not until Percy came over to check on the sleeping situation that the wild laughter in Harry's dormitory gradually disappeared.

Unlike the warm spring-like Gryffindor common room, the weather outside the castle was terrible.

The rain was falling heavily, the wind was blowing loudly, and bright lightning pierced the dark night from time to time. Big and shiny raindrops fell from the dark clouded sky, and a thick layer of smoke-like mist rose from the walls of the castle, the ground, and the black lake.

During the torrential rain, dozens of dementors in tattered black robes were scattered in the air around the castle. Their heads, completely covered by hoods, were looking in the direction of the castle. Only one mouth remained. Opening and closing unconsciously there.

No one knows whether the dementors will show expressions that only humans can have, but even so, although the faces of the dozens of dementors surrounding the castle cannot be seen clearly, their whole bodies are constantly showing signs of expression. The ground exudes an aura of greed.

They are longing for the happiness in the castle.

They are eager to enter the castle and have a meal.

Under the hood, there was a large, shapeless hole, sucking in the moist and cold air around it, emitting the kind of guttural sounds that only people on the verge of death would make, which spread far through the heavy rain curtain until they disappeared.

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