Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 302: Old courses, new teachers, new experiences (7k super large chapter)

Early the next morning, a neatly dressed Chang Chu walked slowly down from the Ravenclaw common room in the West Tower alone, preparing to go to the auditorium on the first floor to have breakfast.

On the way down, Chang Chu didn't feel anything strange. It wasn't until she walked into the auditorium and noticed the inexplicably empty chairs around her, the meals that didn't quite match her usual taste, and the quiet dining atmosphere around her that she realized who was supposed to be sitting next to her. The boys are no longer in school at this time.

Shaking his head vigorously, Chang Chu threw the tall, thin, handsome boy with a pair of beautiful black eyes out of his mind.

What are you thinking about! She secretly complained to herself that this was her first day away from Wright! How could this be? If he finds out about this, he will laugh at you to death!

But when he thought of Wright laughing heartily, Chang Chu couldn't help but feel a little concerned.

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded from the Slytherin table, awakening Chang Chu's mind. She came back to her senses and looked over there. It was a group of Slytherin students headed by Draco who were sarcastically sarcastic at the Hermione trio passing by them. (In the Great Hall, the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables are also right next to each other)

Because the distance was not far, Chang Chu could still vaguely hear that Draco and the others were laughing at Harry, who had passed out due to the dementors on the train yesterday.

However, it seemed that Hermione and the three of them were not affected at all. Even the scream of the Slytherin girl who looked like a poodle did not stop their steps for a moment.

Chang Chu waited until Hermione and the three of them sat down at the Gryffindor table, having already eaten, before he got up and walked towards them.

By the time she arrived, the twin brothers, who were also sitting at the dining table, had just finished "replying" to Draco.

"Hey! Chang Chu! Long time no see!" The sharp-eyed George said hello first.

"I haven't seen you since the summer vacation, but I didn't expect you to be much more beautiful. When I see you, Wright will definitely be laughing so hard." Fred said with a playful smile.

"Don't you know about this?" Harry couldn't help but interjected, "Chang Chu, like me, has been living in the Wright family until school is about to start."

"What?" the twins said in unison.

"Don't blame them for not knowing about this, Harry." Chang Chu sat down next to Hermione, "When Hermione and I went to Wright's place, didn't Fred and his family just go to Egypt for vacation? Really? We didn’t meet him head-on when we went to the Leaky Cauldron later.”

"You're right!" George touched his chin and nodded in agreement.

"But speaking of Wright, why isn't he with you today?" Fred asked.

"Didn't Wright go to Beaubaston as an exchange student?" Ron said. He looked at the suspicious looks cast by his two brothers and couldn't help but amplify his voice. "That's what Chang Chu said on the train yesterday. "Yes!" He lowered his voice again as if he was stung by the growing suspicion, "Is that so? Beauxbatons?"

"It's Beauxbatons, that's right." Chang Chu glanced at the indifferent Ron and said calmly, "Wright went to France. He left after we boarded the train yesterday."

"Wait! Didn't that mean that after we agreed to tell Wright the extent of the exploration and decryption of the Twin Demons, he just slipped away?" George's eyes widened in shock.

"If you remember correctly, that should be it." Chang Chu said.

"This is so uninteresting!" Fred complained, "He went to France and didn't tell us! I heard that Beauxbatons is a girls' school!"

"A girls' school?" Hermione raised her head, looking away from her new curriculum, looking at the twin brothers and said, "Who did you hear that Beauxbatons is a girls' school?"

"It seems that's what everyone says." George shrugged, "Beauxbatons is a magic school in France. All the students there are girls wearing blue lady clothes!"

"You may have remembered it wrong." Chang Chu looked at George and said.

"You must have remembered it wrong," Hermione said as she recalled, "Beauisbatton can never be a girls' school, otherwise it would not make sense. As far as I know, it is the "Introduction to the Three Most Prestigious Universities in Europe" "This book says that although Beauxbatons is a French school, due to its geographical location, it also recruits other wizards from Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands."

"So, if Beauxbatons is a girls' school, it only makes sense that the other magic school, Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is a boys' school." Hermione said as if coming to a conclusion.

"Durmstrang?" Ron suddenly tilted his head, "It's that genius seeker - sorry, Harry, I'm not talking about you this time - Viktor Krum's school. ?”

"Yes, Ronnie." Fred teased and bumped Ron's arm, "I always thought you were a loyal fan of Charlie Cannon! I didn't expect you to secretly climb the wall as well."

"Who said that!" Ron blushed instantly, "Climbing the wall——"

He paused again, as if hesitating on how to say the next sentence, "Victor Krum!" He repeated the name, as if the name gave him confidence, so he shouted loudly Said, "That's Viktor Krum! No Quidditch player wouldn't like him!"

"At least I don't like it." Hermione seemed to be arguing, or maybe she was just teaching Ron a lesson for his sudden mistake, "Even before this breakfast, I didn't even know that there was a person named Viktor K. The people of Rum."

Fred and George instantly started making noises and making noises.

"Ronnie! Did you hear that? She's being provocative!"

"The person speaking now is Miss Know-It-All! She doesn't like Quidditch! This may be the only place where you can beat her!"

"Fight back! Ronnie! Ronald!"

"Don't hesitate like a coward!"

Chang Chu also smiled and watched the fun. To be honest, she didn't know that there was a talented seeker named Krum. Maybe he was a player who suddenly became famous this summer.

Ron's face turned redder than before, and even the roots of his ears were burning. He glared at Hermione angrily, "That's just because you don't like Quidditch! Just like your stupid cat doesn't like it." Same as mine!"

"What we are talking about now has nothing to do with Crookshanks!" Hermione said a little irritably.

"Then stop talking about Quidditch and Krum," Chang Chu comforted and hugged Hermione's waist, "Aren't you going to have a new class today?"

At this time, Hagrid walked into the auditorium. He was still wearing the moleskin coat he had worn all year round, and he was carrying a bloody polecat carcass in his hand.

"Good morning! Harry! And all of you!" Hagrid said in a cheerful tone, "I'm a professor! I'll have my class as soon as I finish lunch! I got up at five o'clock in the morning , I have prepared everything that needs to be prepared! I checked it inside and out three or four times..."

By the way, Harry has always wanted to know who made the clothes Hagrid was wearing when he first met him. It was so suitable! To put it bluntly, Harry felt that Hagrid now looked like a primitive man who lived on hair and drank blood. He never shaved and used animal skins to make clothes.

But no matter what, Harry would never tell Hagrid these words. Maybe Hagrid just likes the clothes he is wearing now?

Seeing Hagrid's inexplicable excitement, Chang Chu suddenly felt uneasy. After Hagrid walked away, she looked around at the people around her and said, "Should all of us have taken the Care of Magical Creatures class?"

"As long as they are students in their right mind, no one will refuse such a reasonable and legal outdoor activity." Fred said, "I mean, everyone loves Care of Magical Creatures class."

"The Care of Magical Creatures class is for us to better understand various magical creatures and learn how to protect them. It is not a field activity class." Hermione retorted righteously.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right." Fred said nonchalantly, he didn't want to be like that idiot Ronnie. Little girls at this age were really annoying, and he didn't want to get into trouble with Hermione. He might as well make more voice imitation candies if he had this spare time.

Hermione was a little angry, but there was nothing she could do about Fred being such an insecure old man, so she had no choice but to eat the slices of bread in a dull mood.

Slowly, the students rushed to attend the first class of the new semester, and the number of people in the auditorium gradually decreased.

Chang Chu also had classes in the first period in the morning, so he and Hermione stood up from the dining table, said goodbye to Fred and the others, and walked out of the auditorium together.

"What's your first class in the morning?" Chang Chu asked.

"Divination," Hermione answered. "Professor Trelawney's Divination."

"Oh." Chang Chu glanced at the trio with sympathy, "Then I wish you all the best in class in advance."

Harry originally wanted to ask Chang Chu why he looked like this, but the distance to the Divination classroom on the top of the North Tower was indeed not short, and there was not enough time, so he had to give up asking about it.

The poor little savior obviously didn't know that ten minutes later, he was about to receive a real verbal attack.

To paraphrase the prophecy that Harry himself once made based on the great magic book "Parting Through the Fog to See the Future", the description is: "There is a crooked cross-shaped tea residue in the teacup...and something that looks like the sun." …So, you’re going to suffer but be very happy…”

However, Chang Chu didn't know about this. She just came to the Transfiguration classroom according to the class schedule and prepared to take her own class.

Compared with the third grade, the curriculum of the fourth grade has not changed much.

Of course, this is a very unique Hogwarts. Although the curriculum arrangement has not changed much, the content of the classes will still change every year, especially the Defense Against the Dark Arts class where the teacher changes every year.

Just this afternoon, Chang Chu will have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but he wonders if Professor Lu Ping, who performed reasonably well on the train, may have teaching abilities that don't match his appearance.

Chang Chu didn't have high expectations, after all, he was used to being tricked, but in any case, a wizard who could summon gods to protect him couldn't be too bad, right?

After all, Wright once said that the Patronus Charm is a very advanced magic.

Eh? Why do you think of him again?

After the morning class and lunch, Chang Chu walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the third floor with the gloomy-looking classmates around him in a calm mood.

For ordinary students, the way to judge a professor's teaching ability is very simple and crude, and that is to look at his appearance. For a wizard who doesn't even pay much attention to his appearance (or is very poor), it's hard to believe that he has very advanced strength.

In addition, this is the first class of the new school year. Most of the eaglets have never been exposed to Lupin before, so they do not know his true strength.

But looking at Lupine's shabby robe, many students were already mentally prepared to have their Defense Against the Dark Arts class fail again this year.

When the students came to the classroom, Lupine had not yet arrived. Like all students in the world, after taking out the basic learning tools: textbooks, paper and pens, and placing them on the table, everyone began to chat without limit. .

Chang Chu began to observe this classroom.

Every Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has a different hobby.

The first-year professor, Devonte Simplin, likes to gather all the students of a grade together, so this is a clean and huge lecture hall with no pretentious decorations.

The professor for the second year was Quirinus Quirrell. He was a wizard with a very eccentric temperament. He stuttered and had no real materials. He also liked to put a lot of spices in the classroom (probably to cover up the smell of garlic), and Various travel souvenirs. (Many students think those items are Muggle souvenirs because they have no magic at all)

The third-year professor is the famous writer Gilderoy Lockhart, a middle-aged blond man who likes to brag and show off, so there are his personal self-portraits everywhere in the classroom, as well as a huge white Peruvian Fang keel.

This year's Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is much simpler than before.

On a limited number of tables, there are some strange objects covered with glass covers. Judging from their appearance, you can tell that they are definitely produced in the magical world, and they may also carry a secret malicious curse: black busts, rust stains. There are spotted ancient shields and even a specimen of a fang-toothed fish with snarling teeth and claws.

At least it's still presentable. Chang Chu commented secretly in his heart.

When there were still five minutes left before class started, Lupine finally walked into the classroom. He was still as ragged as before, but his complexion was obviously much healthier than before, at least he no longer looked thin and weak.

"Good afternoon, students." Lu Ping looked around the entire classroom, his eyes stopping at Chang Chu for a second or two, "Please put all your textbooks, paper and pens into your schoolbags. Today is the first day of the new semester. One lesson, in order for me to determine the future teaching plan, I need to do a more comprehensive test of your magic level."

The expressions of many students immediately became excited. Someone seemed to have said this three years ago, and the quality of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that year was unexpectedly high.

"So, today is a practical class." Lu Ping then said what many students wanted to hear, "Everyone just needs to take out their wands."

The students put away their textbooks, and some students even exchanged excited looks with each other.

practice course! This is what students really want!

"Okay," Lupine said when he saw that everyone was ready, "you all follow me now."

The students stood up from their chairs and followed Lupine out of the classroom.

The group of people walked through the long corridor, climbed the stairs twice, and arrived at the fifth floor of the castle where students rarely appear. Most of this floor is old abandoned classrooms, so students rarely come here. Come. Except, of course, for some thrill-seeking adventurers.

Lu Ping led everyone to a stop outside the door of a large abandoned classroom at the back of the fifth floor.

He opened the door and everyone walked in together.

This is a large room. The four walls look pitch black. There is no picture of magic activities. Old desks and old wooden chairs are piled in the back row of the classroom. It looks like someone has specially dealt with it. In this room, all the tables and chairs are matching.

On the podium is a clean blackboard without a single letter written on it. Since no one has been here for a long time, a thin layer of fine dust has fallen on the blackboard. Next to the podium, there is a large black wooden cabinet. When I walked in, it suddenly started shaking like a convulsion.

A few of the less courageous students were so frightened that they took a few steps back.

"Don't worry, classmates." Lupine said calmly, "There is a Boggart in this cabinet."

The few students who knew the true identity of the Boggart, such as Chang Chu, relaxed; but more people became even more nervous.

"Boggarts like dark and closed spaces," Lupine frowned as if he had a headache. "The wardrobe, the gap under the bed, and the damp cupboard under the sink are all possible. Logically speaking, the fifth floor of the castle should be There are a lot of Boggarts, but it seems that this place was cleaned up not long ago. It took me a long time to find this one, and it took a lot of effort. "

"So I hope you don't break it, otherwise, the students behind you may not need it." Lu Ping said with a smile.

"But professor, why did you bring the Boggart here?" asked a bold student.

"Good question." Lu Ping said, "For students in different grades, I naturally prepared different tests. For first and second grade students, magical creatures are still a bit dangerous, so I prepared a written test; for third and fourth grade students, The students have already been exposed to at least two electives, so I chose magical creatures such as Boggarts, which are basically harmless but very suitable, for the test; for higher grades, there are other methods."

"So, you mean, we and the third-grade students will use this Boggart for testing?"

"Yes, if it hadn't been blown up into smoke by your laughter." Lupine winked at the student.

"In view of your level, I will briefly tell you about Boggart." Lupine said, "Boggart is a creature that can see through your heart. After it sees through your heart, it will transform and become What you fear most."

"But it's not difficult to deal with Boggart. The special spell is "Funny". This spell will make the Boggart look the funniest thing you think. Maybe someone is afraid of spiders, and Funny may take off all the spider's legs. Eliminate it and turn the boggart into a legless spider body, unable to move."

"The more people there are, the easier it is to deal with the boggart because it doesn't know what to do."

"But remember, what really kills a Boggart is laughter. When you laugh out loud, the Boggart explodes into thousands of puffs of smoke and disappears."

"So, if you see some Boggart that really makes you laugh later, don't laugh too loud, or I'll have to find another Boggart." Lupine said with a smile.

After Lupine taught everyone the Boggart banishing spell several times, he began to let everyone deal with this Boggart.

Eddie Carmichael passed…Terry Travers passed…

After a few more students, it was finally Chang Chu's turn.

"Miss Chang Chu, right?" Lu Ping extended his hand to Chang Chu, "It's your turn, come forward."

Chang Chu took a deep breath, squeezed the wand again, took a step forward, and faced the Boggart that had just turned into a giant clown angry doll.

She was thinking, what is she most afraid of in this world?

Lost the Quidditch match? Rats or bugs? Dark or cold?

Or maybe it's a dementor?

one two three……

With a snap, the original clown doll disappeared, and the Boggart spun in the air at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

A second passed;

Three seconds passed;

Ten seconds passed...

Half a minute later, the Boggart was still spinning there, with no intention of stopping.

Lupine had no choice but to shout stop. He expelled the Boggart into the cabinet and looked at Chang Chu with a strange expression: "Miss Chang Chu, I don't know, have you, uh, learned, um, Occlumency?"

"Occlumency?" Chang Chu looked at Lu Ping in confusion, "No."

"Then why can't the Boggart detect your inner thoughts?" Lu Ping felt even more strange. He could see that Chang Chu was not lying at this time, so why?

Chang Chu stood there and thought for a while, then she rolled up her sleeves, took off a small lock bracelet from her wrist, and put it into her space expansion pocket. That bracelet was given by Wright before, saying it was called the Dark Heart Lock, which could prevent her memory from being spied on by others. She couldn't resist, so she had to wear this outdated bracelet.

"Professor Lu Ping, I think it should be okay now." Chang Chu said to Lu Ping.

"Really?" Lupine asked.

Chang Chu nodded silently.

Lupine frowned.

"Everyone, step back a little further to leave a larger space for Miss Chang Chu." He said.

The students did as they were told.

Lu Ping glanced at Chang Chu again and opened the closet door suddenly.

A rotten, eerie claw with cold light poked out from the cabinet. The Boggart Dementor shrouded under the black robe suddenly moved towards Chang Chu's direction with irresistible chill and terror. He rushed over and let out bursts of breathing sounds like drowning from his wide-open mouth...

All the students took a big step back in fear.

"Let's go!" Lu Ping opened his hands and roared, running towards Chang Chu.

"Calling the Guardian!" A girl's voice was small but no weaker than Lupin's voice. A large, bright silver mist shot out from the tip of the willow wand, blocking the Dementors.

Chang Chu's face was serious, she held the wand in her hand and took a step forward resolutely.

The patron saint Silver Mist accompanied the master's will and forcefully forced the Dementor to retreat until it was driven back into the cabinet.

Lupine, relieved, walked to the cabinet and locked the Boggart firmly inside.

"Well done! Miss Chang Chu! Well done!" Lu Ping's voice was filled with undisguised admiration. He looked at Chang Chu happily, with kind and gentle eyes.

"Phew!" Chang Chu breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, professor."

"Eat some of this," Lu Ping walked to Chang Chu, took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to her, "it's very useful."

"Thank you." Chang Chu took the chocolate gratefully. She had already experienced it once, so she naturally knew how useful chocolate would be at this time.

"Now, Miss Chang Chu, you have to go sit aside and rest for a while." Lupine said without any doubt, "Your performance today is already good enough. Ten points for Ravenclaw."

While eating chocolate, Chang Chu slowly walked to the side and sat down, watching the students behind him continue to deal with the Boggart. The students looked at her in awe and left a wide path for her.

"Wright, have you seen that? Without you, I can still cope with these dangers very well." Chang Chu thought to himself.

Soon, this Defense Against the Dark Arts class came to an end. It seemed that due to the influence of Chang Chu, most of the subsequent students turned Boggarts into dementors, which made Lupine confused, but fortunately This class ended very successfully.

"Students, I don't know if you are satisfied with me as a professor." Lu Ping locked the dying Boggart in the cabinet and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "But I hope you can accept this class today." Keep it a secret, okay? Don’t forget, the third graders will also use Boggart for testing.”


"We will keep it a secret for you!"

“Absolutely satisfied!”

The students immediately started talking, and even the students who had been affected by the Boggart Dementors were clapping vigorously at this time.

"That's good." Lupine said easily, "Now let's assign homework. Next Monday, just hand in a report on Boggart. You can control the word length yourself."

"Now, the first class is over."

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