Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 303 Wright: Let me figure it out first

The next day, before the fourth-year Ravenclaw students had time to recover from the excitement of yesterday's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, they were about to receive the protective magic of another "new" professor this semester. Biology class.

In the past, Care of Magical Creatures has always been a favorite among students. Regardless of whether they like extracurricular activities or not, most students would consider Care of Magical Creatures as one of their elective courses.

There is no other reason. Care of Magical Creatures is the only course in Hogwarts, apart from flying lessons, that allows students to be exposed to fresh outdoor air. Not counting the herbal medicine class, which was held in a greenhouse filled with the smell of dragon dung!

However, only first-year students can participate in the flying class. This leaves a group of energetic senior students with nowhere to vent their energy to find ways to have some fun in their peaceful campus life. The Care of Magical Creatures class serves as a good example of this. a role.

What I have to say is that the previous Professor of Care of Magical Creatures, Professor Silvanus Kettleburn, was indeed very outstanding in his teaching ability. All students at school took this course without exception. They all like him.

But firstly, Professor Kettleburn was indeed old, and secondly, his stumps and short legs did not allow him to continue working in front-line education positions, so he had no choice but to leave the school. In Professor Kettleburn's own words, "He wanted to enjoy the rest of his life alone while he still had his hands and feet."

Although there was a shocking bloodshed yesterday in the first Care of Magical Creatures class, which was the class for the third-year students of Gryffindor and Slytherin, this is Hogwarts, a In a magical magic school, how could a small bloody incident dissipate everyone's enthusiasm for learning (?)?

And according to people familiar with the matter, what Professor Hagrid showed in the third grade class yesterday was a Hippogriff! A magical creature marked by the Ministry of Magic as XXX exciting - ah, no, dangerous -! It was just a small scratch, and it took less than an hour for the school nurse, Madam Pomfrey, to heal the Malfoy boy who had been injured by herself.

Yes, the events that happened in the Care of Magical Creatures class yesterday have been completely discovered by careful people, and every detail has been revealed.

Draco Malfoy, the sole heir of the Malfoy family, deliberately chose the Hippogriff that Harry had previously chosen because he was dissatisfied with the performance of his classmate, the famous savior Harry Potter. , and humiliated the proud Hippogriff with insulting words, and finally received a bloody lesson.

As long as students with normal IQs and no personal connections, they would not blame Harry or Hagrid for the fault of this incident.

This is especially true for the students of Ravenclaw House, who have always been known for their intelligence.

Therefore, after being surprised by a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, fourth-grade Xiaoying naturally looked forward to having a cheerful extracurricular activity - a field study course.

However, the eaglets were disappointed.

Even Chang Chu, who originally had a good relationship with Hagrid, couldn't say that she liked the "new" professor's class at this time, even if it was against her conscience.

After all, no matter how good-natured a girl is, after eating a hearty lunch and enjoying the bright autumn sunshine, she will never be willing to let her delicate hands go to those who are fat and Fed by the bloated Flobber caterpillar! Especially this brown caterpillar likes to secrete large amounts of thick green mucus!

The eaglets didn't expect Hagrid to invite a hippogriff again. After all, what happened yesterday would definitely make him think a lot about himself, but no matter what, they couldn't be asked to take care of a group of people who only knew how to eat and eat. A ten-inch caterpillar that drinks, sleeps, and poops, right? No one can even tell which side of these fat bugs is the butt and which is the head.

No one will like this kind of Care of Magical Creatures class, especially after comparing it with the exciting first class, everyone found this class boring.

Hagrid Rube, the former ranger and now Professor of Care of Magical Creatures, seems to have completely lost faith and no longer has any expectations for his teaching career.

He did not teach any useful knowledge in class, but asked everyone to learn how to take care of Flobber caterpillars again and again.

The hour-and-a-half-long Care of Magical Creatures class is roughly divided into one hour for chopping vegetables, half an hour for feeding insects, and then it ends.

Compared with Professor Lupin at the same time, Hagrid's class was obviously not liked by anyone, which actually made Hagrid fall into a deeper vicious circle.

Chang Chu hoped that someone smart enough would rescue the stubborn Hagrid from his guilt, but the boy she longed for was still in France at the moment.

Regarding what happened at Hogwarts in the UK, Wright, who was already in France at this time, also had some vague expectations in his mind, so he didn't care too much about the information there.

In his opinion, since he left platform nine and three-quarters, if we strictly follow the chronological order of development, he probably encountered a dementor on the train, then Lupine took action, and then went to the school to start the sorting ceremony. Students took the opportunity to experience the "personal charm" of the two new professors.

There will also be some small episodes in the memory, such as Harry and Lupin's first encounter, the gradual appearance of the relatives; Sybil Trelawney's divination class, Hagrid's first protective magic lesson Biology class, Draco and Buckbeak's "wonderful" meeting, Lupine's Boggart debut...

Maybe Chang Chu will get involved in these things and exert her own powerful charm?

For some reason, Wright thought of his girlfriend in Hogwarts. Is this considered a long-distance relationship between the two of them?

But what Wright didn't know was that Chang Chu actually felt the same way in his heart.

Although the traffic conditions in the magical world are more convenient than those in the ordinary world (after all, there is the Apparition Curse), and there are also communication tools such as double-sided mirrors to assist (uninterrupted video calls throughout the day), long-distance relationships are long-distance relationships, and he The relationship with Chang Chu is the farthest foreign love ever.

Moreover, what is more worthy of Wright's attention is Verita who went to Nurmengard.

It's not that he is unconfident in Villita's strength, he believes that Villita has the strength to destroy Nurmengard. Of course, this must be done when she explodes with all her strength and Grindelwald does not stop her.

What worries Wright is whether Villita will be bewitched by Gellert Grindelwald. After all, Grindelwald's record is too powerful!

As the most dangerous generation of Dark Lords in history, Grindelwald was able to persuade the guards to take away a dignified American elite Auror after his wand was confiscated, his tongue was cut out, he was tied with chains, and he was closely monitored. Abernathy became his loyal follower and helped him escape from a heavily guarded prison.

Swallowed a beast!

How eloquent does this require? How charming is your personality? What a great resilience?

That two-hole socket man who only knows how to gnaw big melons will never be able to learn how to hack?

But Dumbledore had already told him to rest assured that Wright also knew the true sexual orientation of Grindelwald, an out-and-out gangster. Otherwise, he would have to go to New York with Villita. Mongard cannot.

But even so, Wright had already made plans to go to Nurmengard to visit Villita on the 5th, the first Sunday in September.

Of course, he had to first figure out how he came to Beauxbatons.

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