Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 31 Yugardim Leviosa

the next day.

Because there was a class in the first period in the morning, the magic alarm clock that was set last night rang on time. And Wright opened his eyes almost as soon as the alarm clock rang.

The first feeling that comes over me is, hungry!

After writing the rough plan for the first grade last night, Wright walked out of the dormitory because he was hungry. But just as he was about to leave the common room to find the school kitchen, a prefect suddenly appeared at the door of the common room and issued a curfew order.

Seriously, Wright would have been just shy of walking out of the common room door, if the prefect hadn't kept an eye on Wright until he got back to the dormitory.

Today is the first official day of class for the new students. The first-year class schedule was distributed to every new student in Ravenclaw College through the male prefect who addressed the new students as early as last night.

There are not many classes for first-year students. There are Charms and Transfiguration on Mondays, and Herbology in the afternoon. Tuesday was Defense Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic, astronomy was scheduled for Thursday evening, and there were two consecutive Potions classes on Friday afternoon. (The course schedule is written by the author himself. If you have any questions, please contact us in time.)

Well, there are no classes on Saturday and Sunday. Since it is the most conscientious school in the world, Hogwarts must have weekends off!

"Good morning, Chang Chu!" Wright greeted Chang Chu who was coming down the stairs from the girls' dormitory.

"Good morning, Wright!" Chang Chu replied with a smile.

"Where's Felicia?" Wright looked at Chang Chu's empty hands and couldn't help but ask Chang Chu. He still cared about his pet cat.

"Felicia played too late last night and isn't up yet."

Wright twitched the corner of his mouth, he didn't want to expose this lie that could be exposed immediately. After sleeping in the same bed with Felicia for so long, how could he not know Felicia's schedule?

Felicia, I'm sorry! It’s me who’s useless! There is no way I can snatch you back from this devil girl! Wright created a big drama in his mind almost instantly.

"Light, what class do we have today?" Chang Chu walked to Wright's side from the stairs.

"Well, the first period in the morning is Charms, and the classroom is on the fourth floor of the castle; the second period is Transfiguration on the first floor, and in the afternoon there is a class on Herbology in the greenhouse."

"Then are we going to the fourth floor now?"

"No, let's go to the auditorium on the first floor to have breakfast!" Wright, who had been hungry until now, jumped up from his chair.

"Okay, now that we have finished the roll call, I believe everyone knows me, so I won't introduce myself anymore." Professor Flitwick stood on a pile of books and pointedly said to Raven under the podium. Crowe and the new Hufflepuff students said. Because of the curriculum, students from Eagle Academy and Badger Academy have many classes together.

"This is your first class at Hogwarts. I don't want to say anything else. Let's get straight to the point." Professor Flitwick continued, "Now pick up your textbooks and wands and open the book. Chapter 1, the magic spell we learn today is the Levitation Charm.”

The students below listened quietly to Professor Flitwick's words, spread out the textbooks on the table, and then held the wand in their hands.

"I hope that most of you have previewed this "Standard Spells", and I hope that you all remember that the incantation for the Levitation Spell is: Wingardium Leviosa!"

"I'll demonstrate it first." As he spoke, Professor Flitwick stretched out his wand and clicked on the top book in the pile of books at his feet, "Wingardim Leviosa."

Professor Flitwick levitated into the air with the book, and he was now taller than anyone in the classroom.

Looking down at the students in the classroom, Professor Flitwick said gently: "Now, everyone starts to cast the levitation spell on their own, and I will go to those students who are in difficulty to provide some help to the best of my ability."

Bored, Wright clicked the feathers that had just been transformed by Professor Flitwick on the edge of the textbook with his wand, and the feathers immediately floated into the air.

"Lite! You can actually do silent spells!" Chang Chu's eyes widened. Just now, Professor Flitwick divided the students in the classroom into two groups, and Wright happened to be assigned to a group with Chang Chu.

"This is nothing special. Didn't you notice Professor Flitwick's spellcasting just now?" Wright shook his head, "Silent spellcasting, multiple spellcasting, and each feather landed precisely on the edge of the student's textbook. "

"That's completely different, isn't it!" Chang Chu said, "Professor Flitwick is our Head of Ravenclaw, and you are just a student! What's more, you only came into contact with magic during this summer vacation!"

"You may have overestimated me. My silent spell is limited to the floating spell." Wright directed the feathers floating in the air to flutter back and forth. A large part of the credit for being able to silently cast the floating spell so quickly is Credit goes to Radice and his manuscript. After all, for a broomstick, being able to float is the most basic and important function.

Soon, the feathers fell to the table. This was the main reason why all the broomsticks Wright had made had failed. The floating spell attached to the broomstick could not last long.

This word deeply stimulated Wright in every way.

Reluctantly, Wright floated the feather into the air again. Although it still failed to stay in the air for a long time this time, it got the attention of Professor Flitwick.

"Very good, Mr. Paz has successfully made the feathers float. I have never met a student who can make the feathers float so quickly!" Professor Flitwick slowly floated to the side of Wright, with a smile on his face. He said with a smile, "One point for Ravenclaw!"

"And, a very exciting silent spell! Two more points for Ravenclaw!"

After Charms class comes Transfiguration class.

Wright has been looking forward to the Transfiguration class for a long time. It can be said that Wright believes that the three most valuable basic courses in Hogwarts are Transfiguration, Transfiguration and Charms.

Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous form of magic.

In more prosaic terms, Transfiguration is the magic of turning one thing into another.

When learning transfiguration, wizards must not only learn to understand the structure and properties of the thing that needs to be changed, but also be familiar with the nature and structure of the thing they want to become. If it involves future biological transformation, it will be even more complicated, let alone the highest secret of transformation, the Animagus!

There are countless things in the world, and transfiguration is simply a course that is endless to learn.

Although Wright was mentally prepared for the difficulty of transfiguration, Professor McGonagall still taught him a solid lesson.

"Transfiguration is the most troublesome and dangerous magic you can learn at Hogwarts." After finishing the roll call, Professor McGonagall said coldly to the students in the classroom, especially staring at Wright. At least for more than three seconds, "Anyone, remember, anyone. If he dares to cause trouble in my class, I will ask him out and never allow him to step into the Transfiguration classroom. This sentence comes from my responsibility." The transfiguration lecturer has been saying this for decades, and I hope you can remember it.”

Professor McGonagall then transformed her desk into a chirping kingfisher, but then immediately changed back again.

But then, Professor McGonagall still didn't let the students pick up their wands.

She turned around, took out her wand and drew it on the blackboard, and a golden font appeared on the blackboard.

Professor McGonagall turned to face the students again and repeated the words on the blackboard: "The first lesson in learning transfiguration is to remember this. Transfiguration is not permanent!"

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