Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 32 Dangerous Transfiguration

"Transfiguration is not permanent!" As if worried that she had not emphasized enough, Professor McGonagall repeated twice what she had just written on the blackboard.

Is it because you have to say important things three times? At this time, an inappropriate idea suddenly popped into Wright's mind while sitting in the audience.

"Mr. Paz!" Professor McGonagall suddenly called Wright's name, "Tell me why the deformation is not permanent! I think with your learning ability, you should have previewed the content in the textbook."

Wright, who was in a daze at his position, was suddenly called by his name by the teacher. He suddenly stood up from his seat with excitement, and then he quickly recalled the relevant explanations about this in the textbook.

"According to the "Basic Transformation Guide" written by Mr. Switch, the reason why transformation cannot be maintained for a long time is because maintaining a transformation magic requires continuous magic injection into the transformed material." Wright said with a He answered in an unhurried manner, "Once the magic power injected into it is lost, the transformed object will soon return to its original state."

"A very standard answer, Mr. Paz." Professor McGonagall nodded slightly affirmatively, "Although it is all based on the content in the book, I can't think of a better answer than this."

"Then, I hope you can listen to my lectures in the future and stop being dazed in my class!" Professor McGonagall's expression returned to a stern look, "You don't have to stand up when answering questions, you can sit down!"

Wright sat back on the stool from Ling Ruliu.

"Maybe you don't fully understand what Mr. Paz just said, so let me give you an example." Professor McGonagall waited for Wright to sit down before continuing, "Suppose a little wizard who doesn't understand this principle turns a stone into a It turned into a drink, and then the drink was handed to another unsuspecting classmate and let him drink it. "

Professor McGonagall paused for a while, and after all the students in the classroom understood the example she just mentioned, she asked another question.

"So, who can tell me what will happen after the transformation spell on that stone disappears?"

Professor McGonagall looked around the classroom, but found that no one wanted to raise their hands to answer this question. In desperation, she had no choice but to call Wright's name again.

"Mr. Paz, I think you should have thought about what will happen, right?"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall." Wright did not stand up this time, but sat down.

He nodded to Professor McGonagall to show respect, and then replied: "If a person drinks a drink transformed by the transformation spell, after the magic power that maintains the transformation spell disappears, the drink will turn back into stone. But that when……"

Wright puffed up his throat. He had never imagined that transfiguration could be used in this way before.

"At that time, the drink has already entered the stomach of the person who drank the drink, and then the liquid drink will be carried to various parts of the body along with the human body's circulatory system. Waiting for the moment when the drink turns into stone, all the liquid molecules?"

At this point, Wright stopped and looked at Professor McGonagall with some confusion. He was not sure whether the liquid molecules here were the correct way to use them.

"No problem, please continue your speculation, Mr. Paz." Professor McGonagall nodded towards Wright.

"All the liquid molecules will turn into the molecules that were formed into the stone before. If they are not in a single molecule state, those molecules will gather together. In other words, what is flowing up and down your body is no longer all blood, but there will also be mixed in it. Apply some small stones, starting from your stomach and spreading to every part of your body.”

Professor McGonagall's face was tense at this time, and there was no amiable look on his face: "Just like what Mr. Paz just inferred, people who drink the drink will encounter the enemy the moment the magic disappears. Even if he was found and sent to St. Mungo's Hospital in time, I am not sure whether the doctors at the hospital would be able to save his life in time."

"In other words," Professor McGonagall put her hands on the podium, leaned forward slightly, and raised her voice a lot, "such a disaster is absolutely irreversible in most cases!"

"This is also the first and most important lesson I want to tell you!" Professor McGonagall walked to the blackboard and drew her wand along the line of golden fonts. "Transfiguration is not permanent!"

The whole classroom was silent.

"It seems that you all have understood the importance of this sentence." Professor McGonagall pursed her lips, seeming to be very satisfied with the students' reactions, "But I still have to give a few warnings here. That is also the first time every year. This is what I will definitely say to the new students in class.”

"Under no circumstances can you turn anything into a liquid or gas!"

"Under any circumstances, you must not burn the things after casting the transformation spell!"

"Under no circumstances can you turn unprocessed substances into food and then eat them yourself or give them to others!"

"Under no circumstances can you turn anything into Galleons, Sickles or Nuts! Including valuables that can be sold! Nor can you turn anything into Muggle money!"

"do you understand?"

There was a sparse response in the classroom.

"Do you understand?" Professor McGonagall asked loudly.

"Yes!" The reply was much louder and neater this time.

"Very good." Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction, "Now we will start the formal class."

After jotting down a lot of complicated and difficult notes on the blackboard, Professor McGonagall gave each student in the classroom a match and began asking them to try to turn it into a needle.

After Professor McGonagall distributed the silver needles to the students, she began to patrol the classroom, and kept reminding the students who were performing the transfiguration spell while pacing back and forth.

"When performing a transformation, it is important to wave the wand firmly and decisively. Do not swing or turn the wand more than necessary, or the transformation will surely fail."

"Before using the Transfiguration Spell, clearly picture in your mind what you want the subject to look like."

Wright picked up his wand and pressed it gently against the match on the table. The shadow energy vented down the wand's body. Professor McGonagall, who was far away from Wright, turned around almost at the same time, staring at Wright closely with complex and inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

The structure and properties of the match instantly appeared in Wright's mind, and it began to slowly change into a needle shape in compliance with Wright's will.

According to what Professor McGonagall just said, firm and decisive, clear and profound.

Wright opened his eyes again. A sharp, shining silver needle was lying quietly where the match had been.

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