Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 314 Sirius destroys

When leaving the auditorium, Chang Chu and Hermione separated at the fork on the fourth floor. She went to the common room of the West Tower with the Ravenclaw students. Harry, Ron and Hermione followed the other Gryffindors and walked towards the Gryffindor common room along their usual route.

But when the three of them walked to the Fat Lady's alley, they found that it was crowded with students wearing red robes.

The characters in the paintings on the wall next to the entrance were also making a fuss and exclaiming at this time. If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't penetrate the canvas, I believe that many portrait characters would have poked their heads out of the frame by now. .

"What happened? Why didn't you go in?" Harry asked curiously.

"Humph, maybe Neville forgot the password again." Ron said.

"Hey!" Neville, who was standing next to Ron, couldn't help shouting.

"Oh! You're here!" Ron smiled and bumped Neville's shoulder.

"Please let me pass, thank you." Percy's voice passed through the crowd and reached the ears of Hermione and the three of them, "Sorry, I am the president of the Boys' Student Union, stand back, all stand back..."

The crowd suddenly became quiet.

Percy's pretended to be calm voice came out again, but the last broken voice still exposed his panic: "Please leave here now, the dormitory will be thoroughly searched, and no one is allowed in. Now, please calm down, who Go ask Professor Dumbledore!"

Ginny came out from the front and met Harry and others head-on.

"It's the Fat Lady, she's missing," Ginny said with an anxious look on her face.

The crowded crowd moved to both sides, completely clearing the field of vision.

Harry, Ron and Hermione moved closer, trying to see what was going on.

"Oh! God!" Hermione couldn't help but grabbed Harry's arm tightly and screamed. Her voice was mixed with the shouts and cries that sounded around her.

Originally, Hermione just thought that the Fat Lady Ginny was talking about had disappeared, and that she had gone to "hang out" in other picture books, causing students to crowd into the entrance of the lounge and not be able to enter. This situation had happened before. .

But this is not the case.

The Fat Lady has disappeared from the portrait.

The portrait she had been sitting in had been extremely maliciously damaged. The portrait seemed to have been hacked with a sharp knife. The canvas fragments were broken into small pieces and scattered on the floor. There was also a large canvas that was completely removed from the painting. The frame was torn off. Several huge marks, like sharp blades, appeared on the wooden frame behind the canvas, showing how tragic the situation was at that time.

After a while, Dumbledore appeared wearing an indigo robe.

The students immediately fell silent, and even most of the portrait figures kept their mouths shut, giving the greatest respect to the greatest principal since the founding of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore quickly glanced at the destroyed portrait, turned around, and looked at Filch with a solemn gaze. He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Filch, please summon the ghosts in the castle. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady."

"Principal, I don't think we need to look for it anymore." Filch hugged Mrs. Norris, raised his left hand holding the oil lamp, and pointed to the only place where the sound was coming, "The Fat Madam is there."

The students squeezed through the moving magic stairs and trotted together in the direction Filch pointed.

Dumbledore walked in the middle of the crowd, and the students who had already arrived in front walked a little further, so that he could directly see the Fat Lady hiding behind an African black pig.

"Dear madam, who did that to you?" Dumbledore asked softly, looking at the paintings on the wall.

The fat lady with a pile of shrub leaves on her head cried and leaned out half of her body from behind the black pig. Her trembling voice could not hide her emotions that were close to collapse. She looked at Dumbledore in horror and said: "He has a pair of Devilish black eyes, his soul is as dark as his name!"

"That's him! The principal! The man everyone is talking about, he's here! He's in the castle!"

"Sirius Black!"

After saying that, the Fat Lady screamed and hid behind the black pig again, ignoring Dumbledore's questions. It seemed that she didn't want to come out at all.

"Mr. Filch, inform the professors to search the entire castle." Dumbledore said to Filch beside him.

Then, he ordered all Gryffindor students to return to the Great Hall.

After some time, students from the other three colleges also came in. Some students were already wearing pajamas, and the expressions on everyone's faces were very confused.

Professor Dumbledore asked all the Gryffindor students to return to the auditorium. Ten minutes later, students from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and other houses also came. Can't figure it out.

Chang Chu took advantage of this moment to squeeze in around Hermione and the other three, but before she could ask the question, Dumbledore spoke first.

"Sirius Black has broken into the school. The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," he said. "For your own safety, I think you may have to spend the night here."

At this time, Professor McGonagall, who confirmed with Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprout that all students were in the auditorium, closed the door of the auditorium.

Dumbledore paused for a moment and was about to leave the auditorium, then said: "Oh, by the way, you will need..."

He waved his wand casually, and the four long tables flew to the edge of the auditorium and fell neatly together; with another wave, the ground was immediately covered with soft purple sleeping bags.

"Have a good rest and try not to leave the auditorium. If you have any questions, tell the professor, prefect and student president." After Dumbledore finished speaking, he hurriedly left here.

The auditorium filled with students immediately began to buzz with voices.

Chang Chu grabbed four sleeping bags, dragged them to the corner, and got in directly.

"What happened just now?" Chang Chu asked, "Dumbledore said that Sirius Black broke into the castle. How did he find out?"

"Blake destroyed the painting at the entrance to our college lounge, and the Fat Lady was so frightened that she lost her soul." Harry said expressionlessly.

Chang Chu let out a short exclamation.

"Do you think Black is still in the castle?" Hermione asked uneasily.

"I don't know," Ron said, "but the professors seem to think he's still around."

"Harry, what are you going to do?" Chang Chu glanced at Harry worriedly.

"Yes, Black broke into the castle and ran directly to the entrance of our common room. It must be for you, Harry." Hermione said, looking at Harry with worry.

"It should be fine." Harry smiled reluctantly, but this was self-comfort nonsense to everyone.

Harry had known that Sirius Black's target was him, but what he didn't expect was that this extremely vicious criminal would actually break into Hogwarts where Dumbledore was in charge.

If... Harry shook his head silently, there was no if, he wouldn't die!

"At this time, we may be able to find strong off-site assistance." Chang Chu glanced at Percy who was patrolling there, and took out a small round mirror from the pocket where the traceless stretching spell was cast.

"Moses Moses."

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