Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 315 Hogwarts under the nebula

A double mirror is a pair of mirrors linked by magic, allowing its users to communicate with each other in different locations. When people need to talk to others, they say the other person's name in the mirror, and their own image will appear in the other person's mirror, and the two can talk to each other.

In the wizarding world, double-sided mirrors can be regarded as a very rare item, not only because of their difficult production process and scarce production materials, but also because most wizards do not care about items such as double-sided mirrors. disregard.

The first two-way mirror was created around the early 18th century. It is said that an alchemist saw the microphones that Muggles made with lines (that is, two cups were strung at both ends of the line and placed next to the ears for conversation). , and thus got inspiration and invented it.

However, double-sided mirrors were only popular for a short period of time when they were first invented. When those interested wizards bought two expensive mirrors home, they discovered that their effects were not as expected. ideal.

Apart from anything else, there are still quite a lot of communication methods in the wizarding world. In addition to magic such as apparation that can directly meet people, there are also magic portraits that function like a double-sided mirror.

A truly skilled wizard can cultivate his portrait into a well-trained communicator, and as long as the frame materials are consistent, the portrait can be not restricted by geographical factors, and can travel hundreds of miles away in an instant, even if it reflects The magic of Apparition cannot stop them.

And compared with the double-sided mirror, most wizards feel that the function of the portrait is more complete and confidential.

Therefore, magic items that can be considered "novel" such as double-sided mirrors are quickly thrown into the corner after being bought back. Maybe some wizard families give them back to their children as toy gifts.

For example, when James and Sirius were in school, they used a two-way mirror to talk to each other when they were in solitary confinement to pass the boring time in the past.

At this moment, Chang Chu didn't know so much about the history of double-sided mirrors. Maybe Wright had explained some to her, but this information, which was basically boring to girls, was quickly forgotten by her.

After calling out Wright's name, Chang Chu waited for Wright's figure to appear with peace of mind. He would always appear soon.

The chirping sounds in the auditorium have not completely disappeared, and a large number of Gryffindor House students are busy telling their classmates from other houses what just happened. Percy had no time to manage the disciplinary issue at this time, because he also needed to tell the confused Penelo what had just happened.

"What is this?" Ron, who was lying on the outermost side, stretched out half of his body from the sleeping bag and asked Chang Chu, "Why did you say Wright's name to the mirror?"

"This is a two-way mirror. The other side is in Wright's hand. Young Sister can use this mirror to talk to Wright in France." Hermione explained casually.

"Wow! Cool!" Ron exclaimed.

"What are we going to do now? Just wait for news from Wright?" Harry asked, staring at the double-sided mirror in Chang Chu's hand.

Because the light was relatively dark and Hermione was separated from him, Harry couldn't clearly see who the figure was on the mirror in Chang Chu's hand, but it was obvious that if this thing could chat with Wright, at least it would be able to chat with Wright now. No sound has been made yet. Just like the "beep" sound coming from the phone before the person on the other end answers the phone when making a phone call, this is a signal to people to please wait patiently.

"It may still take a little time." Chang Chu put the mirror under his head and turned his head to look at Harry, "Let's talk about something else."

"Dumbledore also went to the common room of your college just now?" Chang Chu asked, "Didn't he say anything? For example, how did Black get to the door of your common room?"

"No," Harry shook his head and said, "Dumbledore just asked Filch to find the Fat Lady's location, and did not tell Black how he got there."

"I'd say Black could fly," Ron guessed, "or ride a broomstick."

"First of all, Black shouldn't be able to fly, or in other words, there is no data proving that wizards can fly with their own bodies." Hermione retorted, "Secondly, Black is currently wanted by the Ministry of Magic. He is not like you. Likewise, you can just go to the Quidditch shop and buy a broom. Black's wanted posters are posted everywhere. The moment he appears in front of people, everyone will know that he is the wanted criminal on the notice. ”

"Finally, there are a large number of dementors guarding the outside of our castle. If Black flies in, they will definitely see it." Hermione said.

After taking a breath, she continued: "Besides, do you think it is so easy for someone to break into our school? Hogwarts Castle is not only protected by walls, but also has various Magic stops people from sneaking in..."

"Stop talking! Is it okay if I'm wrong?" Ron was so dizzy by the series of words that came out like a machine gun that he buried his head under the pillow as if surrendering, and raised both hands. "You're all right!"

At this moment, a teasing male voice came from Chang Chu, attracting Harry and Hermione's attention from Ron.

"Oh! God! This is so weird! This is the first time I have observed my girlfriend from this angle." Wright's words came from the mirror, "Dear, do you mind turning your face? You do it like this I kind of want to kiss your chin, well, I mean the second one."

"I don't have a second chin!" Chang Chu raised the mirror in front of her in a panic. Her rapid breathing made the mirror a little blurry. "You must have seen it wrong just now!"

"Also! I'm in the auditorium now, not in the dormitory! Be normal!" While saying this, Chang Chu wiped the mirror surface with his sleeve again, and the double-sided mirror returned to its bright state again.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Wright's words came from the other side of the mirror without any sincerity. "Maybe it was because the light was dim just now, so I saw it wrong."

"Let's say hello to everyone." Chang Chu turned the mirror in his hand, and Wright's eyes in the mirror glanced at Hermione, Harry and Ron in sequence.

"Good evening, you three." Wright greeted with a smile, "Nice to see you under such a beautiful starry sky."

"Where did the stars come from?"

"It's the ceiling, Ron."

At this time, nearly a quarter of an hour had passed since Dumbledore walked out of the auditorium. All the white candles that were originally suspended in the air were extinguished at this moment, leaving only the patrolling ghosts emitting a dim silver light. The enchanted ceiling is dotted with a vast sea of ​​stars, and the vast, thin and amorphous nebula permeates the sea of ​​stars, which is breathtakingly magnificent.

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