Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 317 The brain ax covered with stars and moon

"Ah, oh, um..." After a while, Chang Chu was freed from the speechless mood. She looked helplessly into the dark double-sided mirror and said, "Wright, are you still there? ? Since the secret passage has collapsed, how about you just go back?"

"Yes, I am, but I may have to wait here for a while." Wright did not express any opinion on Chang Chu's suggestion, but his voice sounded very calm. It seemed that the unexpected collapse of the secret passage did not affect his mood. Great impact.

Chang Chu's heart tightened again and he asked, "Did something happen? What happened this time?"

"It's okay, it's just that a night-watching dementor seems to have noticed my traces and is coming here." Wright said in a relaxed tone, "Although they don't look very beautiful on the outside, they are still doing their jobs. ! But it may also be because they can't move during the day and can only come out at night to feed themselves..."

"Dementors!" Chang Chu exclaimed in surprise, but she immediately thought that her Patronus Charm was taught by Wright, and she didn't seem to have to worry about this dead guy.

"It's nothing," Wright said. "Although for the sake of concealment, I can't use the Patronus Charm to drive it away, I still have a way. Don't worry, don't talk yet, but be sure to stay on the phone."

The next moment, the double-sided mirror became completely silent, and no one could be heard anymore. There was only a rustling sound of walking, like Felicia pawing the ground with her claws.

Chang Chu put the double-sided mirror on the ground with some worry, propped up his body on both elbows, and waited silently for Wright's response.

"What's wrong? Wright?" Hermione, who was lying next to Chang Chu, asked uneasily, "I seemed to have heard a dementor just now? Did Wright encounter a dementor? We are in Hogsmeade today. When I was in the village, didn’t I hear the shopkeepers say that there were always a lot of dementors patrolling the streets at night, and it seriously affected their business..."

"Lite will be fine, right?" Even Harry couldn't help but ask at this time.

Chang Chu turned his head, looked at Hermione, Harry and Ron, and shook his head slightly.

"Don't worry, Wright will be fine." Unexpectedly, Ron spoke, "He is the most powerful student in our school, and he can also apparate. And Harry, your Patronus Charm was taught by Wright." If there is any problem, he will definitely be able to solve it himself."

Hermione and Harry turned their heads at the same time and looked at Ron.

"Why are you so surprised?" Ron wiped his nose uncomfortably, "Isn't that right? I always thought Wright was very powerful."

"No, it's just because what you said Ron is so correct that I was a little surprised." Hermione said. After finishing speaking, she turned her head again, looked at Chang Chu and said, "Lite will be fine for sure. Isn't it?"

Not sure whether he accepted what Hermione and Ron said, or whether his trust in Wright overcame his uneasiness, Chang Chu nodded heavily.

Hogsmeade, the back entrance of Zuko's Joke Shop.

When he was in the first grade, Wright followed Fred and George and came to Hogsmeade village through a mirror in a classroom on the fifth floor of Hogwarts Castle. The end of the secret tunnel of mirrors is the back door of Zuko's Joke Shop. Although this shop is a favorite place for students, its back door is still deserted and quite remote.

Wright, who had just apparated back to Hogsmeade from Beauxbatons, landed directly here.

However, what he didn't expect was that dark creatures like dementors were born with extremely keen hearing because they had no eyes. They could almost effortlessly hear the subtle crackle when using apparation. sound, and rushed here quickly.

However, no matter how keen the dementors' hearing is, they can only perceive the mental activities of the wizards.

Wright, who walked out of the collapsed mirror tunnel, had transformed into an Animagus form. He was lying on the dry ground and lazily beating the Dementors not far away. He yawned.

Under the bright light of the stars and moon, a huge black brain ax with a mirror-shaped necklace hanging around its neck jumped out of the back door of Zuko's Joke Shop and walked to Hogsmeade Avenue. The Dementor who was responsible for guarding clearly passed by it, but turned a blind eye to the huge black tiger.

Dementors are invisible, and they approach people by sensing their emotions. When the wizards turned into animals, although the dementors could detect that the animals also had feelings, unlike humans, they would easily let them go.

Of course, this all depends on the wizard not actively attacking them.

Until he was completely far away from the Dementor, the black tiger Wright walking on the road seemed to be thawed out of the ice. He stood there and shivered, and his gorgeous tiger hair stood up as if stimulated. But it soon softened again.

This is the first time that Wright has actively faced dark creatures like dementors. Although the dementors will not actively attack when he transforms into animagus form, the "happy absorption" fixed on them The "halo" continues to play a role and has an impact on Wright's spirit.

Just now, Wright almost wanted to transform back into human form and cast a full-power Patronus Curse on the Dementor.

Yes, Wright was able to maintain almost a good mental state just now. Although he noticed that his mood was not good, he was sure that he could still cast a complete patron saint spell.

The question he needs to consider now is which secret passage to take to Hogwarts.

Wright once borrowed the Marauder's Map from the twins for a while, and memorized all the dense tunnels on it in his mind. With the photographic memory developed throughout his life, Wright clearly knew that there were seven routes leading from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade. (This refers to what is recorded on the Marauder's Map)

Wright also knew the eighth rule, which was that the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of the castle could lead to the Hog's Head Bar, but it was obvious that this path was not feasible, at least not now.

In addition, the passage from the Shrieking Shack to the Whomping Willow is not advisable, because Sirius, who escaped from Hogwarts, is probably resting in the Shrieking Shack at the moment.

Wright had no interest in disturbing him.

So what are the remaining options?

After looking at the nearby shop signs, Wright randomly picked the nearest one.

In the auditorium on the first floor of the castle.

His mental state was so tense that Chang Chu, who had been holding his breath, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wright finally walking into a store. At the same time, she relaxed and heard several heavy breathing sounds coming from the side.

"You're surprised, right?" Chang Chu turned his head, looked at Hermione with a stiff expression, and forced a smile, "Witness the existence of the Dementor directly, and watch it walk in front of you, get closer, and pass by. ”

Hermione nodded shakily, ever so slightly.

"How did Wright do it?" Harry asked, looking pale. "Can't the Dementors see him?"

"I don't know, but I think I can brag about this scene to my dad for the rest of my life." Ron said, "My dad once went to Azkaban once, and when he came back, he was paralyzed and shaking... …”

After hearing Ron's words, Harry's expression finally looked red. He still remembered the terrible experience of being sucked away by Dementors on the Hogwarts Express.

"Why is the mirror dark again?" Harry asked Chang Chu.

"Lite entered the second secret passage." Chang Chu said, "The place just now seemed to be honey..."

At this moment, a pair of huge green eyes with bright light emerged from the dark double-sided mirror.

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