Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 318 The moonlight is so beautiful tonight

As the light of the fluorescent lamp gradually became brighter, the huge green eyes slowly turned back to yellow, and a black furry head with the word "王" on its forehead appeared in the double-sided mirror.

Chang Chu's scream was choked back before it could even escape from her throat, and immediately after, she let out a super loud burp.

"Lite! Paz! What the hell are you doing!" Chang Chu, whose face was red with anger, screamed at the top of his lungs.

The tiger in the double-sided mirror gave Chang Chu an extremely confused look: "?"

Seeing Wright transformed back in an instant, Chang Chu almost went crazy with anger.

"Your eyes just now! Why were they green?"

"What green eyes?" Wright was confused and said, "Aren't my eyes always black? After turning into an Animagus, they will change color, but are they also yellow?"

"Your eyes! It was like two green lights just now!" Chang Chu turned the double-sided mirror over and faced Hermione, Harry and Ron, "They all saw it!"

"Yes, Wright, your eyes were really scary just now, like a beast ready to eat people." Hermione said with lingering fear.

"That's right." Harry nodded, acknowledging Hermione's statement.

"Light, you are so handsome! Animagus, right? Charlie has always dreamed of becoming a dragon, but he hasn't become one yet." Ron praised extremely honestly.

"Huh?" x3

Chang Chu glared at Ron, who had no eyesight, and pointed the double-sided mirror at himself again.

"Did you see it?" she said to Wright, "when the fluorescent lights didn't turn on just now, your eyes looked like that!"

Wright seemed to have some thoughts, and he said: "You mean, in the dark just now, my eyes were green?"

"That's right!" Chang Chu said.

Wright walked to the counter on the first floor of Honeydukes Candy Shop and went down the stairs behind the counter into their basement. The shadow that swelled instantly filled the entire cellar almost immediately, and quickly found the trap door behind the full crates. The next moment he opened the trap door and walked in.

"Well, I think what you just said, Chang Chu, should be correct." Wright said, "I have never observed my own image at night before, but what you just said reminded me of another thing."

Taking into account the biological knowledge of the people opposite him, Wright explained to them in his own words: "This condition is inherent to tigers."

"Generally, when the light is strong, the tiger's eyes are yellow, and as the light becomes weaker, the tiger's eyes will turn into a light green. The weaker the light, the greener and glowing the tiger's eyes will be. . In almost complete darkness, even a weak light shining into a tiger’s eyes will be reflected back by the reflective tissue in their eyes, making it look like the tiger’s eyes are glowing themselves.”

There is not a passage directly under the trap door, but the top of a long, dilapidated stone staircase. While talking, Wright walked down this dilapidated stone staircase for a long distance. After he finished speaking, he was already standing at the bottom of the stone staircase, with a dark passage in front of him.

Wright pointed the double-sided mirror into the passage and said, "Look, I will be in Hogwarts in about a few dozen minutes."

Chang Chu didn't care about anything else and asked directly: "Where does your passage lead to the castle? Is it on the first floor?"

"It's in the castle -" Wright's words stopped abruptly, "Wait a minute, I can't tell you this in detail, you are all good students. For example, Hermione, she definitely doesn't want Harry and Ron to know You can sneak out of the castle through secret passages.”

Hermione nodded very naturally.

"Light, you can't do this!" Ron complained, "I was praising you just now!"

"Sorry, Ron." Wright said as he walked forward, "Fred and the others didn't tell you about the existence of these secret passages, and I can't say. As for Harry, as far as I know, he He was supposed to be able to go to Hogsmeade this year, but it seems that he didn't know about it before, and after receiving the guardian's consent form, he didn't say anything about going back to Privet Drive to sign it with the Dursleys."

"In this case, he will have to stay in the school when you go to Hogsmeade." Wright continued, "Although I don't want to see such a pitiful situation, Professor McGonagall will definitely not see it. Harry, who was supposed to be inside the school, suddenly ran to Hogsmeade outside the school, and he got out through the information I leaked. "

"Light, actually I have already gone to Hogsmeade." Harry said.

"What?" Len suddenly stopped moving forward and looked at Harry in the double-sided mirror in surprise, "How did you get there?"

"It was my idea," Chang Chu's voiceover came, "I asked Harry to forge his uncle's signature, and Professor McGonagall didn't notice. We went to the Shrieking Shack together today."

oh! Sisters, you are awesome! I didn’t even meet Sirius! Wright silently quickened his pace.

He originally thought that Harry would not go to Hogsmeade until Fred and the others gave him the Marauder's Map, and would know what happened decades ago, and then he would have a deep misunderstanding of Sirius.

But what does Wright have to say now? Chang Chu, are you really a Ravenclaw? By the way, should you have gone to Gryffindor in the first place?

Wright continued to move forward while chatting with the four Chang Chu who couldn't sleep.

The passage leading from Honeydukes to the fourth floor of the castle is winding. It is not known whether the person who dug this passage was a human wizard or some kind of unknown large rabbit. This secret passage is more like a huge Rabbit hole.

After about twenty minutes, Wright found that he had probably reached the end of the passage. It was narrow and short, and he had to hunch down so that he could continue to move forward.

After a while, Wright walked to the bottom of a stone slide.

He looked at Chang Chu in the double-sided mirror and said, "I'm almost there. Get ready. After I call again, Chang Chu, you can sneak out of the auditorium. By then, we will have to deal with Hermione's huge encounter before." Meet at the door of the weird women’s restroom.”

After saying that, Wright stuffed the double-sided mirror directly into his pocket.

"He actually died!" Ron said angrily, "Although this secret passage leads to Honeydukes Candy Store, what does it matter if you let me know? Chi——"

"Can you please wipe off your saliva before you speak?" Hermione said speechlessly.

Wright on the other side slowly flew up from the bottom of the stone slide until he reached the end of the passage, where there was a black wall.

"Separate left and right." Wright took out his wand and tapped on the wall.

Suddenly, the wall opened, revealing a hole large enough for Wright to crawl through.

Wright quickly got out.

This secret passage starting from Honeydukes Candy Shop leads to the fourth floor of the castle, behind the statue of a one-eyed hunchbacked old witch, and the spell that opens the entrance to this secret passage is the separation of left and right.

But before Wright could move the stone statue aside, he noticed a strong line of sight coming from the left.

Wright forced an ugly smile on his face and looked at the white-bearded wizard with long flowing hair: "Teacher, you are here too! The moonlight at Hogwarts is so beautiful tonight."

"Yes, I'm on patrol." Dumbledore smiled and touched his beard, "The moonlight is so beautiful tonight, especially suitable for hunting tigers."

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