Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 321: A few blows on the skin

In the principal's office on the eighth floor of the castle.

When Wright walked in calmly, Dumbledore had just finished processing a document in front of him and put the quill in his hand on the table.

"Light, your eyes - oh, it seems that you went to Madam Pomfrey. Her medical skills are indeed very good, and even though it is very late now..."

Listening to Dumbledore's rambling words, Wright, who was already in a depressed mood, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He interrupted Dumbledore's words extremely rudely, and his tone was quite bad: "Teacher, what can I do for you?" Straight talk!”

Dumbledore didn't pay attention to Wright's behavior, which was extremely out of bounds. He also knew that the child was probably already filled with anger. After all, he had gone through so much trouble to see his beloved, only to be knocked down by a precise old punch. I am afraid that it would be difficult for him to accept such a shock easily.

"Ahem." Dumbledore cleared his throat and started talking about business, "Wright, have you gained anything different in the past two months at Beauxbatons?"

“The castle of Beauxbatons is more gorgeous than ours, the food is more delicious than ours, and the girls are of higher quality than us; in addition, Beauxbatons’ blue uniforms are more beautiful than ours, and they better reflect the beauty of women’s bodies and curves… ...Cough!" Wright stopped talking with some embarrassment.

"Well, continue." Dumbledore listened with interest.

"In addition, Beauxbatons does not have the tradition of sorting houses. Although the competition between students of the same grade is still fierce, it is not as polarizing as our Hogwarts. No doubt, I am talking about Slytherin and Gryffindor. "More." After thinking about it, Wright continued, "Moreover, there seems to be no obvious blood discrimination there. Even mixed-blood Veela can receive a good education. All can receive sufficient respect and recognition.”

"It seems that, Wright, you prefer Beauxbatons?" Dumbledore looked at Wright with a smile, "Even after only two months, you are already obsessed with it."

"Maybe." Wright shrugged, "In my opinion, Beauxbatons, which is also ranked among the top three in Europe, is more like a school for teaching and educating people, with a peaceful and fulfilling life. Without the remnant soul of the Dark Lord, there is no Ugly troll guards, no high-profile wizard celebrities, no terrifying thousand-year-old basilisk..."

"If you still want to hear it, teacher, I can continue." Wright glanced at the old wizard sitting behind the principal's desk, "There are no prisoners who escaped from Azkaban, and there is no one among the students. The werewolf professor between..."

"It sounds like, Wright, you are accusing me, the principal, of not being responsible enough." Dumbledore smiled and stuffed a large chocolate ball into his mouth.

"No." Wright shook his head.

Dumbledore said: "But Professor Remus Lupin only agreed to take up the post of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts in the school only after my strong invitation."

"That's why I recognize our school." Wright said seriously, "It's true that they are Beauxbatons, but we are Hogwarts."

Dumbledore pretended to wipe his eyes and said comfortingly: "I almost cried when I heard this."

Faced with Lao Deng's mental attack, Wright appropriately put an extremely plastic smile on his face.

After a moment of silence, Wright spoke again: "But to be honest, teacher, when you didn't take over the post of Minister of Magic, a large part of the reason was actually because you didn't take those people seriously at all, right?"

"Huh?" Dumbledore showed an extremely confused expression.

"When I think of Professor Lupine as a werewolf, I have to think of other things." Wright said that he was indeed very happy this time.

"I think that in the eyes of the Ministry of Magic, maybe you have turned the highest magic school in the UK into a shelter." Wright said, "The werewolf who has been in trouble for a long time (this one is really innocent, he has been tortured since he was a child) bit), a mixed-race giant with a criminal record (although he has been proven innocent, he had been wronged for more than fifty years), a former Death Eater who betrayed him on his deathbed (the Dark Lord's right-hand man, only the testimony of Old Deng) , a witch with no knowledge or skill (this one who opened her mouth is really strong, so strong that she doesn’t even know how strong she is)..."

In fact, Wright originally complained about Professor Flitwick's ancestry and height, and Mad-Eye Moody, who obviously suffers from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), but the former is the dean of his own college, and the latter has not yet come to the school to work. , so it’s hard to mention.

As for Filch? Just let him go, he's just a pitiful old squib.

For some reason, Dumbledore suddenly felt that Wright's words were so reasonable that his embarrassment almost overflowed.

"Don't worry, teacher, no one will blame you openly." Wright comforted hypocritically, "In any case, compared to Principal Igor Karkaroff of Durmstrang Magic School, teacher, you are already very good. Excellent, at least you didn't let the students actually study black magic."

The air suddenly became awkward.

"Wright, did you know?" Dumbledore said suddenly, "In fact, as the principal, the work I do is not only what you see in the school, but some of it has been completed before you entered school."

Wright had an inexplicable shiver running down his spine.

"During Principal Dippet's tenure, the school still retained an extremely old-fashioned method of punishment." Dumbledore said calmly, "Using arm-thick iron chains to hang the students' wrists, and then They hung from the ceiling for days..."

In an instant, the saprophytic wood wand slipped from his hand.

Wright swiped his wand, and a red light shot toward the floor quickly and fiercely. The thick hemp rope that was originally knotted on the ground was immediately burned to ashes.

"Tsk, what a pity this carpet is." Dumbledore said without regret.

Before Dumbledore could continue to speak, Wright immediately gave in: "Teacher! I was wrong!"

Without even having to fight, Wright knew that he would definitely not be Dumbledore's opponent now, even if the two of them fought decently for a while in the first grade.

But as his research on magic gradually deepened, Wright realized that Dumbledore at that time just regarded the sparring with him as a warm-up exercise, and he had no intention at all.

Just by using this bad old man to kill the Minister of Magic, the Senior Deputy Minister, the Minister's personal bodyguard, and the top Auror with one move, Wright knew that he was definitely no match for him now.

Moreover, that "one-move battle" also took place in the principal's office.

However, the hemp rope was not used that time...

Eh? Wright was a little surprised. Why did he think of this super strange point?

Dumbledore smacked his lips in boredom. Wright is really not cute at all now.

"It's already very late. Wright, you should go back to Beauxbatons first." Dumbledore said, "Please set aside some time in the past few days. I may need it."

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