Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 322 Severus Tsundere Snape

In the next few days, there was only one topic in the school, and that was Sirius Black. Almost all the students were discussing how he broke through the many guards and came to the school castle. However, there are still a few students who will remember the huge black beast that appeared next to Professor Dumbledore that night.

Even the approaching first Quidditch match failed to regain the students' attention. Of course, this may also be due to the increasingly bad weather around the castle, which makes the students almost have no idea of ​​going out to play.

It was a Friday with howling winds and fierce rainstorms. Broad and thick black clouds completely enveloped the castle, making the classroom inside and outside appear darker than usual.

Filch had to light more torches and lanterns in the corridor, because that way, he would not lose accurate monitoring of those naughty students due to the dark environment.

It rained heavily all day, and when the students finished their dinner and went to their respective lounges to study, the rain had no intention of stopping.

A girls' dormitory in Ravenclaw Tower.

Chang Chu was immersed in writing his thesis while chatting with Wright in the mirror.

In other words, complain.

"Why doesn't Dumbledore let you stay in the school?" she asked while writing on the parchment. "It's only for a few days."

"And aren't you quite free at Beauxbatons?" Chang Chu continued to complain, "A student who doesn't even have school textbooks and yet openly tells others that you are an exchange student really embarrasses our Hog. Watts face.”

"First of all, it's not that I don't want to stay in school, but that's Dumbledore's decision." Wright said behind the double-sided mirror. "Secondly, I don't have Beauxbatons textbooks because on the day I entered school , I didn’t prepare, and Mrs. Maxim said, I don’t need those textbooks to pretend to study.”

"Furthermore, I didn't tell others in a big way that I was an exchange student." Wright said, "On the contrary, I was here to show Hogwarts—Ravenclaw to be precise, and I blushed a lot. Last month, Professor Flitwick wrote a letter praising me for my contribution to the promotion of Ravenclaw. It was because some Beauxbatons students said that I was too good that some French parents knew about it. I also asked Professor Flitwick about admission matters."

"Tch! Bragging!" Chang Chu said, and then she said with some annoyance, "I really envy your life at Beauxbatons. Do you know? Professor Luping said that he was very uncomfortable today, but this The words actually came out of Snape's mouth! It was during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class he was giving us."

"Merlin's quill! Everyone says that Snape has been looking forward to being the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for decades! Today he finally got his wish." Chang Chu scratched his hair a little irritably, " There are three volumes of parchment, one on how to identify werewolves, one on how to avoid werewolves, and one on how to kill werewolves! I feel like I will spend all my weekends on this!”

I almost forgot, Snape also asked students to write papers on werewolves. Wright on the other side of the mirror thought to himself, remembering that it was arranged by Harry and the others when they were in class, and he was probably still worried that Lupine would explode at some point and hurt Harry.

Severus, the tough-talking, soft-hearted tsundere Snape!

Wright came back to his senses, looked into the mirror, and happened to see Chang Chu writing these things furiously, "Although I sympathize with your situation, what I have to say is, dear, you seem to be writing Wrong thing."

"Huh?" Chang Chu turned his face and looked at Wright in the mirror on his right.

"When werewolves transform on a full moon night, their eyes will also change accordingly." Wright corrected, "But instead of turning into round pupils like wolves, they will become thicker at the top and thinner at the bottom. Conical pupils, you wrote it wrong.”

"Oh, okay." Chang Chu quickly completed the modification, which was one of the reasons why she had to call Wright tonight. This guy's brain is like a computer, he remembers everything, and he remembers it very clearly! If she accidentally makes any mistakes while doing her homework, she will be corrected immediately.

"Thank you!" Chang Chu raised his head and thanked Wright in the mirror.

After some time, Chang Chu almost completed her study tasks tonight. She stood up from the table in the dormitory and prepared to stretch her muscles.

Unconsciously, she walked to the window.

The weather outside the castle was still pretty bad.

The sky became gloomier, and the dark clouds, as thick as iron blocks, together with the distant mountain gorges, surrounded Hogwarts Castle like an iron cage. The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the thunder was getting louder and louder. Standing at almost the top of Ravenclaw Tower, Chang Chu could still see the towering ancient trees in the Forbidden Forest in the distance being swayed by the wind and rain.

"It's really bad weather!" Chang Chu said to Wright, "I can't imagine that Harry and the others still have to play a game in such conditions!"

"Who says it isn't?"

"And the most hateful thing is that Slytherin, who was originally Gryffindor's opponent, actually shied away from the game because of their uninjured Seeker!" Chang Chu added, "Malfoy is simply not good at all. There is no injury at all! Even if there is, nearly two months have passed since he was scratched by the hippogriff, and even if his arm fell off completely, he has already recovered!"

At this moment, the sharp-eyed Chang Chu suddenly saw a silvery thing next to Wright in the mirror.

"What is that thing next to you?" she couldn't help but ask, "It seems to have appeared suddenly."

"Wait a minute, this color is rare!" Chang Chu added, "Adult unicorns have silver-white fur, but it shouldn't be possible. Beauxbatons' rune horses, well, their hair It's white, it doesn't fit... Also, there are two Veelas in Beauxbatons, right? They seem to have a good relationship with you?"

"Can you look more carefully?" Wright said speechlessly, "You only saw that this thing is silver, but didn't notice its shape? Don't you think it's a big turkey - sorry ,Teacher——Is this a phoenix guardian angel?"

"Is it Dumbledore?"

"Yes." Wright hung up the double-sided mirror for a while. Dumbledore did not ask Fawkes to come, but only asked the Patronus to come. He explained that there was a reason why he could not tell others, so he had to hang up the conversation with Chang Chu first. call.

But not long after, Wright reconnected with Chang Chu.

Chang Chu saw that Wright's face looked strange, and what he said was also a bit strange.

"It's Dumbledore. He asked me to go back to school tomorrow and said he wanted to invite me to watch a Quidditch match."

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