Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 323 Quidditch Match

Early the next morning, when Chang Chu woke up, the sky outside the dormitory was not completely bright yet.

But when she finished washing and walked to the window, she realized that the darkness just now was not only because it was not sunrise, but also because the sky outside seemed to be covered with a layer of dark and wet clouds. Heavy raindrops hit the walls of the castle, and the howling wind made the branches in the Forbidden Forest creak in the distance.

Chang Chu really sympathized with Harry.

Under normal circumstances, Quidditch matches never stop because of heavy rain, wind or snow. Unless the sky is filled with purple thunder like in the first half of this year, and players flying in the air will be struck by lightning if they are not careful, otherwise the game will never be rescheduled.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that in today's game, the two Quidditch teams of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff will be soaked like a group of imageless drowned rats.

Chang Chu walked out of the dormitory and spent time in front of the fireplace in the common room. When it was time for breakfast, she

Then he passed through the bronze eagle knocker alone.

Last night, Chang Chu knew that Wright would return to school again today to watch the game, but she was not yet sure when Wright would arrive.

Chang Chu knew very well that although his boyfriend could make a very good broomstick, he was a complete Quidditch indifferent. Therefore, she felt that Wright would come to the school closer to the start of the game.

But when Chang Chu walked into the auditorium, he found that extremely familiar figure sitting on the Gryffindor table, talking to Harry.

She walked lightly, preparing to give Wright an exciting surprise, or scare him.

But before Chang Chu could get closer, Wright turned around and waved to her.

Chang Chu put down his two little paws boredly, walked to sit down next to Wright, and asked, "Why are you here so early?"

"Let's eat something first to warm up." Wright brought over a bowl of steaming white porridge. "Although you are watching the game from the stands, you still have to be strong. The wind outside today is very strong, and people can't walk steadily. ”

Chang Chu took the spoon handed over by Leiter and began to scoop out the porridge.

"This is one of the reasons why I don't like Quidditch," Wright sat between Harry and Chang Chu and began to mutter. "Isn't it bad to stay in the dormitory in such bad weather? The library is also a It’s a great place, why do you have to go outside to get wet? I really don’t understand you.”

Chang Chu and Harry looked at each other helplessly.

"Wright has been like this just now," Harry whispered. "I thought he was going to say something important to me. He came back to school early in the morning, but it turned out that he was trying to persuade me not to go to the competition."

"That's the kind of person he is!" Chang Chu said, "I don't know why he always dislikes Quidditch so much."

Wright heard the conversation between the two. After all, he was sitting in the middle. It would be too stupid to pretend not to hear anything, so he said: "Harry, if you have to go to the game, remember to bring your The wand, and the spell I gave you earlier."

"Calling the God Guard?" Harry asked, "But isn't that used to defend against Dementor attacks?"

"Yes," Wright nodded and said, "Dementors will definitely break into the school today, and Dumbledore can't stop them, I said so."

"But why are you so sure?" Chang Chu asked.

"Why?" Wright sneered, "Dementors feed on happiness. When they were guards in Azkaban, they could still drink a little from the prisoners every day, but now? They are already hungry. For two whole months, hunger will make them lose their fear of Dumbledore."

He added: "Moreover, the whole school is looking forward to this game, and everyone is very happy. Once the game starts, our Quidditch pitch will be a game filled with rich and rich things for the dementors. They don’t care about Dumbledore, the Ministry of Magic, or the prohibitions!”

Harry glanced at the bread in his hand. At this moment, he felt that he couldn't eat anything.

But no matter what, Quidditch is still the most mainstream and popular sport in the wizarding world. After breakfast, all the teachers and students of the school walked out of the castle as usual, walked across the wet and muddy lawn towards the Quidditch pitch.

Wright and Chang Chu walked together. He held a black umbrella steadily in his hand, completely isolating the two from the wind and rain outside.

Through the rain curtain that slid down from the edge of the motionless umbrella, it was as warm as spring under the umbrella. Chang Chu did not hear the slightest whistling of the wind that should have been there, and could only see the dense and swaying figures behind the heavy rain curtain.

"Lite, do you know how I feel now?" Chang Chu suddenly turned his head, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Wright's calm side face.


"I feel like the eldest lady of a noble family, and you are my loyal housekeeper and servant."

"Then it's really too bad of me. I didn't even remind you that ladies should only eat flower petals and drink dew in the morning. Instead, I made you eat a big bowl of porridge, two pieces of cake, and three slices of bread..."


"Yes, my lady - no, my lady." Wright stopped immediately, "The Quidditch pitch has arrived."

Angrily, Chang Chu turned around, only to see three vague figures waving to her in front.

"Who is that?"

"The Gryffindor trio." Wright said, "Harry is probably going into the locker room to say goodbye to us." After a pause, he added, "We are going to the Gryffindor stand now. Or go to the Ravenclaw stand?"

"Wright, aren't you going to meet Dumbledore?" Chang Chu asked.

"The rostrum is not suitable for me." Wright shook his head and said, "Besides, I don't want to sit with a group of professors to watch the game. That would be like frying me in a hot pan and then flipping me over. Have a meeting.”

Chang Chu thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the Ravenclaw stand. Actually, it's hard to see anything in such heavy rain."

"I can always whip out a panoramic telescope if I need to," Wright said.

"That would be great," Chang Chu immediately changed his mind and said, "Let's go to the Gryffindor stand. Hermione probably needs a pair of binoculars too."

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and every spectator sitting in the stands must hold on to their seats tightly to avoid being blown down by the strong wind. Few people are cheering, because as long as they open their mouth, the wind and rain will fall directly Pour it into their mouths.

The players on the field face greater challenges.

Harry, who still looks a little thin, is always swayed left and right by the wind when he walks to the court. The reason why he doesn't fall down is partly due to the constant support from his teammates, and the other half comes from the fact that his legs always look like he's falling. Like nails riveted into the mud.

In such bad weather, riding a broom into the sky is definitely not a simple task.

A sharp and ethereal whistle came from the court ground, and the game officially began.

Fifteen rickety and twisting broomsticks, each carrying their owner, flew into the sky in the wind and rain.

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