Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 343: In the school doctor’s office

Harry, who was lying on the hospital bed, felt helpless while listening to Hagrid's words that were deliberately trying to make him laugh.

The accidental damage of Nimbus 2000 really made Harry feel more uncomfortable. He also insisted not to let Madam Pomfrey throw away the pile of broomstick remains in the package and put them under the bed.

But what really makes Harry unhappy, or troubled, is not the broomstick, but the dementors, which are also "unknown".

This was already the second time he had been attacked by a dementor. Every time Harry thought of this dark and terrifying creature, he felt nauseated, as well as sadness and sadness pouring out of every part of his body.

Harry had never told anyone about this incident. Even Ron and Professor Lupin, who had witnessed him being accidentally comatose due to dementors on the train, had no idea that he was encountering dementors that time. When I heard it, what was the sound that I heard in my mind.

But this time, he knew it and heard it again.

It was his dead mother's voice.

Harry heard his mother's words, her screams of agony, and her terrified pleas to Voldemort to spare his life.

Even in his sleep, Harry could dream of the voice begging for mercy with deep despair.

And "unknown".

The first time I came into contact with the unknown was in Professor Sybill Trelawney's divination class. The crazy female professor comically predicted his death using the tea leaves left in the cup.

Harry still remembered what Professor Trelawney said at that time: "That big ghastly dog ​​that haunts the cemetery! The most terrible omen - the omen of death!"

Although in the later Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall used her language arts to help Harry get rid of his fear of the "unknown", but the first time it appeared, he himself flew from the sky about fifty feet above the ground. Falling off a broom and nearly dying.

This made Harry worried.

"That leprechaun... the cloaked man... the little dragon..." Hagrid racked his brains to think of something to say, because he felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Harry's expression.

He knew very well how much pain the child he had taken out of the ruined house in Godric's Hollow had gone through, and he also understood who the murderous traitor who escaped from Azkaban Prison this summer was. What did you escape from prison for?

Hagrid would never allow the criminal who escaped from prison to harm Harry! If he could, he would definitely tear Black into pieces before he took out his wand! To undo his mistake of letting Blake go!

But seeing Harry's increasingly empty expression, Hagrid's mouth felt as if it was covered in batter. He couldn't open it any more and could only mutter Harry's name sadly.

Wright stepped forward, patted Hagrid's arm, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Hagrid, Harry will be fine."

Before Hagrid could speak, Madam Pomfrey, who was holding her pocket watch, walked up to him and said seriously: "Professor Hagrid, your visiting time has been ten minutes, and the boy Potter still needs to rest. ”

"Ah! Sorry! I'll leave right away!" Hagrid quickly stood up from the edge of the hospital bed. He looked at Wright beggingly, his eyes seemed to say "Help Harry, Wright".

Under Hagrid's gaze, Wright nodded slightly.

Hagrid, who was like a child, immediately turned around with a silly smile, gently stroked Harry's head with his huge palm, and said: "Harry, I hope that when I see you tomorrow, you will be completely fine. Goodbye. ”

"Hagrid, goodbye."


Several people in the ward looked at Hagrid's retreating figure and waved goodbye in unison, even Harry on the bed.

Wright sat where Hagrid had just been, and Chang Chu stood behind him, putting his hands on his shoulders.

"Harry, as far as I know, you accidentally fell from the sky when you met those dementors during the game, right?" Wright said straight to the point.

"Everyone knows about this," Ron, who was standing on the other side of Harry's hospital bed, rushed to say, "otherwise, with his skills, how could he encounter such an unexpected situation."

Harry looked directly into Wright's eyes, feeling as if his eyes could see through people's hearts.

"I know you are feeling very uncomfortable right now. Apart from the Nimbus 2000, there must be something else that affects your mood." Wright calmly withdrew his Legilimency and said slowly, "Originally, I I want to follow someone's advice and cast a happy spell on you. If I remember correctly, you should learn this spell in the second half of the semester, and Professor Flitwick will definitely teach you well."

Chang Chu squeezed Wright's shoulder gently.

"But I don't think it's a very good idea to use the Happy Spell at this time." Wright pretended not to feel Chang Chu's strength and said, "Although the Happy Spell can make a person feel satisfied and even laugh out loud, but Its lasting effect is quite short-lived, and its method of action is very mechanical. I personally don’t recommend it.”

"Maybe you can try this," Wright tapped his wrist, and the saprophytic wood wand originally wrapped around his wrist immediately slid down smoothly and fell into the palm of his hand, "that is, the Patronus Charm. "

"Invoke the gods to protect you." Wright said firmly.

The wand drew a mysterious arc in the air, and a faint silver light poured out from the tip of the wand. In an instant, a huge illusory silver tiger came out of the wand. It was as tall as a man and not intimidating. The face of self-anger, with markings of different shades, unbridledly vents its power outwards.

Dragging a long silver-white light tail, the silver tiger wandered freely in the mid-air of the school doctor's room. Finally, it circled around Wright and Chang Chu, dissipating into thin fluorescent lights in the air.

Madam Pomfrey, who originally wanted to stop her, hesitated for a moment after witnessing such a patronus, and finally chose to leave silently.

The school doctor's office does have rules that cannot be broken, but Madam Pomfrey also understands that sometimes, rules are dead and people are alive.

Madam Pomfrey had always known how weak Potter was when facing the Dementors. In her opinion, instead of letting these mindless monsters obey the Ministry of Magic's orders and stop breaking into the school or even harming students, It would be better to let capable people teach Potter how to face this kind of monster correctly.

Madam Pomfrey would rather see such inappropriate teaching take place in her school doctor's office than see any more children sent here because of Dementors!

After all, if that day comes, whoever is sent to the school doctor's office will not know whether it is a living person or a living corpse.

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