Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 344: Teaching the Patronus Charm

Wright couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw that Harry's face looked much better because of the Patronus.

He had just briefly understood what Harry was thinking through a brief spell of Legilimency, so he really gave up on using the Happy Charm.

In Wright's opinion, if he really used the Happy Charm to make Harry laugh at this time, the true emotions in Harry's heart would be even more painful.

After all, Harry was only a third-year student at this time. Apart from the death of his parents, he had not personally experienced any death events that were extremely cruel to him.

Whether it is Cedric, Sirius, Dumbledore or Snape, they are all alive and well at the moment!

"Remember what I told you before?" Wright asked softly.

Harry propped up his arms and sat up from the hospital bed. Ron quickly picked up the pillow that was originally lying horizontally and placed it behind his back for cushioning.

"Thank you, Ron." Harry thanked Ron first, then turned to look at Wright, "I remember, but those dementors... I feel like I can't use the Patronus Charm at that time. ”

"It is indeed difficult to cast the Patronus Spell when facing a dementor," Wright said. "At that time, you may not feel the happy memories required to cast the Patronus Spell at all. I can only recall some painful and sad things.”

Chang Chu nodded with concern. When she faced the dementors on the train, she almost failed. If it weren't for the charm on the necklace at the skirt and Professor Lupin who arrived in time, she, Hermione, and Luna would have been directly attacked by dementors that time.

"And because of your own terrible experience, Harry, when you face Dementors, you will face much greater difficulties than others." Wright said to Harry, "But this is both a training and a challenge. If you can actually cast the Patronus Charm against the pressure of the Dementors, even once, you may skip the stage of the incorporeal Patronus and directly summon a physical animal Patronus."

"But I haven't succeeded even once." Harry smiled bitterly. "At the best time, it just pops out some silver flakes from the wand, and it has no effect at all."

"Actually, this is pretty good, Harry." Wright comforted, "There are many wizards who cannot cast the Patronus Charm in their entire lives! You have succeeded in the first step."

Wright recalled the plot in the original work and continued: "I believe that if you meet Dementors a few more times, you should be able to successfully cast the Patronus Charm."

Harry showed a dumbfounded expression. How many times would he see this again? He just thought Wright was joking.

Harry felt that if he saw a Dementor again, he would probably go straight down to stay with his mother! The dementors won't let him go just because he has the reputation of being a "little savior"!

At this moment, Chang Chu suddenly elbowed Hermione's arm.

"Ah!" Hermione couldn't help shouting. She turned her head and saw Chang Chu's winking expression, feeling a little confused.

"Sorry, I forgot about you." Wright seemed to have just remembered that Hermione and Ron were still standing in the school doctor's office. "If you are interested, you can also learn this magic together."

"Patronus Charm? Can we?" Hermione asked quickly. At this moment, she couldn't care about Chang Chu's expression, nor could she care about her mountains of homework (there was still quite a lot of homework for all subjects).

"Is it the spell that summoned the transparent beast just now?" Ron pretended to understand, "Okay!"




Wright, Chang Chu and Hermione all gave Ron a big question mark expression.

"That's the Patronus, not the Beast Summoning Spell." Harry quickly pulled on his good friend's sleeve, "And it's not a beast, it's a tiger. Besides, didn't Dumbledore demonstrate it once before?"

"Tiger? What is that?"

"That's -" Even Hermione, who had been responsible for confronting Ron, was at a loss for words at this time. After all, except for Wright, she didn't know much about tigers. Most of what she knew about tigers before It comes from books, a small part comes from TV, and some comes from zoos.

Yes, tigers do not exist in the UK, and if they do, they are only in zoos.

Can you expect Ron, a kid with a wizard background, to go to an ordinary person's zoo? Why not tell him about the death of Audrey Hepburn in January this year! He doesn’t know any of it anyway!

"It's okay," Chang Chu said with a suppressed smile, "Ron, it's not a big deal if you think of it as a beast summoning spell. In any case, even if it is the king of beasts, the tiger is still a beast."

"Okay." Ron nodded vaguely.

Wright opened his mouth several times, not knowing how to refute Chang Chu's words. Although the black tiger is quite rare in the ordinary world and is almost extinct, after all, it is indeed an animal.

Wright never expected that Arthur Weasley, who knew the Patronus Charm himself, could actually teach an empty-headed son like Ron.

No wonder, after Ron became Gryffindor goalkeeper and put in a world-class performance to save the next quaffle heading towards the goal, Fred said that Ron would "maybe" make him and George proud as well. .

"They were seriously considering admitting they were related to him (Ron) and he told Ron they (the twins) had been trying to deny it for four years," Fred said.

In desperation, Wright had to bring the topic back to the Patronus Charm. He said: "The Patronus Charm is a very powerful spell, specially designed to deal with Dementors."

"That would be great," Ron whispered.

Hermione couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. Is the Patronus Charm so easy to learn?

"According to Miranda Gorshak, a magical patronus is a reflection of a wizard's most positive emotions, and a person's patronus form is usually the shape of the animal with which the wizard is most closely associated," Wright said, " When casting the patron saint spell, people need to concentrate all their energy and think about the most beautiful and happy things before they can summon the patron saint. "

"It sounds a little vague," Hermione said with a frown. She thought she didn't like such unclear descriptions. "How do I judge which thing makes me feel the most happy and beautiful?"

"I'm not sure about that." Wright shrugged.

"Where's the magic spell?" Ron asked.

"Call the gods to protect you."

Ron immediately pulled out his new wand and read loudly: "Calling the Gods to Guard!"

However, just as Harry and Hermione expected, nothing happened, as if Ron was just there waving his wand and shouting randomly.

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