Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 348 Christmas is coming

Unknowingly, November has passed and December is halfway through.

Beauxbatons Castle, located in the mountains, shines with a bright and dazzling white light in the increasingly clear winter days. The castle is filled with a festive atmosphere exclusive to Christmas, and the romantic France is alive. The professors have decorated their classrooms with colorful holiday lights, and even the forest fairies in the dining room have taken off their original single-color clothes and put on red and white Christmas clothes.

The students in the castle were happily discussing the holidays. If it were not for special reasons, almost no students would choose to stay in school at this time.

On Christmas Eve, Wright walked into Beauxbatons' banquet restaurant alone and enjoyed a sumptuous French meal amidst the serenade of the woodland nymph.

The next morning, the first thing Wright saw when he woke up was a small pile of packages at the foot of his bed. The situation this year was different from last year.

It’s quite interesting to say.

During Christmas of the first year, due to the conflict with Chang Chu and the lack of familiarity with other classmates, the Christmas gifts that time were extremely meager.

During Christmas in his second year, he received quite a lot of gifts, including gifts from Chang Chu, Hagrid, Penello, and even Hermione sent gifts;

He didn't remember the gift from the third grade very clearly. Regarding the memory of that day, Wright could only recall the two Villettas, the almost fatal sentence "I'm doing my Potions homework", and a big Hermione Cat girl.

As for this year, he himself was not in Hogwarts, and he had much less contact with his school friends, and the number of gifts was also much less than last year.

Wright put on his clothes, got off the bed, and roughly looked through the pile of packages.

"Chang Chu sent it - homemade chocolate again?" When Wright opened the box, in addition to the chocolates, there was an envelope.

While chewing the sweet chocolate, Wright opened the letter and read: "Merry Christmas! I went home during the Christmas vacation and did not accompany Harry in school. Wood did not want me, Ravenclaw's chief enemy." Lurking around his precious Seekers, but Hermione and Ron stayed. We absolutely beat Hufflepuff at the end of November, and I love you so much! Chang Chu.”

Christmas? A trio? Wright recited the words in Chang Chu's text message. Now Harry should know the surface level of what happened that year, right? But then again, it doesn’t seem to matter much if you know? As long as Sirius appears directly in front of Harry, and then directly confronts Pettigrew, what happened back then will be completely revealed.

Putting aside the half-eaten chocolate box, Wright began to open other gifts.

"What is this?" Wright was the first to notice the package with a strong Hagrid style. It seemed to be moving. "Hagrid sent a living creature? This size..."

The size and shape of the package made Wright feel intense discomfort, because it looked like a large, yellow-brown, squirming **.

Enduring the nausea that slowly came up, and a little trust in Hagrid's usual style, Wright commanded his wand to open the package.

Let him use his hands? forget it!

Sure enough, what Hagrid sent over was a living creature, a growing Flobber caterpillar!

"How come this thing isn't stretched to death? And its head and butt are so hard to distinguish!"

It’s not like Wright didn’t know that the mucus secreted around the body of the Florob caterpillar can be used as a thickening agent for most potions, but he has basically no interest in potions! And he is a total face value party! This ten-inch-long (i.e. 25 centimeters) giant meat bug was completely outside his aesthetic range!

Wright quickly used a disappearing spell to get rid of the caterpillar and its package. He was afraid that if he continued to let the caterpillar stay in the dormitory, he would be tempted to cast a fire spell on the dormitory for cleaning!

What Wright didn't see was that there was a letter from Hagrid that disappeared with the package, which read: "Wright, can you help me find a way to cultivate Florob caterpillars? They don't like to eat lettuce. The previous group of Flobber caterpillars ate too much lettuce and died."

Because the Flobber caterpillar completely ruined his good mood, Wright didn't feel like checking the packages one by one.

After a rough look through it, Dumbledore sent some magic candies, but when he thought that these candies were placed together with the big caterpillar, Wright had no intention of touching them; Harry sent a beautiful The blue diary has a vivid picture of a soaring giant eagle on the hard cover; Hermione sent a book, "European Magical Education Assessment", which is a book that details information about the three most prestigious schools in Europe; Ron due to I was short of money, so I only gave away a little bit of nougat, and it didn’t look very good, but it didn’t matter, I wasn’t going to eat it anyway…

Villita didn't send anything over, and Wright could understand this very well, because she was in Nurmengard. If she really sent something over, there was only one possibility, and that was probably Grindelwald. private collection...

When he thought of using Grindelwald's things in Beauxbatons, Wright easily felt a sense of disobedience, as if he were using props left behind by Voldemort at Hogwarts.

Unlike Voldemort, who has achieved such a great reputation in the UK. Although Voldemort has a terrible reputation and has killed countless people, and is even listed by many as the first dark wizard in ancient and modern times, surpassing Grindelwald, the influence of the Two-hole Socket Man is quite limited. This is also A large part of this is due to the fact that he rarely moves outside the UK.

But Grindelwald is different.

Back then, Emperor Georg led a large number of his followers to dominate Europe and almost turned the entire European wizarding world upside down. Today, many wizards have an indelible blood hatred for Grindelwald and his men!

It's just that because of Lao Deng, Grindelwald rarely comes to England, and British wizards have very little fear of Grindelwald.

But Wright believed that if any unsophisticated British wizard dared to wear Grindelwald's symbol (i.e. the Deathly Hallows symbol) and wander around Beauxbatons or Durmstrang, he would not have to be arrested the next day. The moment he saw it, many people would apply to him for a duel.

And there are definitely not a few such people!

Wright sorted the gifts one by one and cleared away all the unnecessary things. Then he walked down the stairs and came to the dining room to prepare for Christmas breakfast.

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