Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 349: The Gloomy Hogwarts Part 1

Today is the first day of the Christmas vacation. Unlike Wright, who is enjoying a French meal alone in Beauxbatons and is in a happy mood, the atmosphere in Hogwarts is simply gloomy.

To be precise, the atmosphere in the Gryffindor common room is so heavy that one can stay away from it. Apart from the dry firewood crackling in the fireplace, there are only two people trying to suppress it. Breathing.



Hermione and Ron spoke at the same time, then stopped at the same time and looked at each other.

There was obvious disgust on Ron's face, directed not only at Hermione, but also at Hermione's obnoxiously large ginger cat: Crookshanks.

This was not the first time that Ron complained to Hermione about Crookshanks. In his opinion, this ugly big yellow cat was a completely crazy cat, and it always wanted to kill Scabbers! This is his absolute! Absolutely not allowed!

Yesterday morning, Crookshanks, who was brought into their dormitory by Hermione, actually wanted to grab the sleeping Scabbers directly from his breast pocket!

Merlin's beard!

Poor Banban, he used to be chubby and cute, but in the past few months since school started, he has become skinny and skinny, and has lost patches of hair on his body, which makes him look very distressed.

Ron could swear to Merlin that he would never let that crazy cat hurt Scabbers!

And Hermione, who was standing opposite Ron, didn't look good either.

In her opinion, it is natural for cats to catch mice. Although she doesn't understand why Crookshanks only targets Scabbers, this is something she can't control, right?

She doesn't have the Parseltongue ability to communicate with animals like Harry! What Crookshanks wants to do is entirely driven by his own ideas, but Ron keeps blaming her for his mistakes!

Besides, when I bought Crookshanks in the pet store in Diagon Alley, the female clerk said that Crookshanks had a bit of catnivet blood in him, so he was very smart and could recognize good and evil. Good or bad! Crookshanks is targeting Scabbers so much. Maybe that dirty mouse has done something bad before?

The two of them looked at each other angrily for a moment.

Finally thinking that today was the first day of Christmas vacation, Hermione closed her eyes, took a deep breath, calmed down a little and said to Ron: "I have locked Crookshanks in my dormitory. Now I’m going to talk to Harry.”

"Scabbers is so lucky that I still have him with me today, otherwise he might be killed by some bad cat that sneaked out of the dormitory later!" Ron said in an extremely sharp voice.

Hermione suddenly frowned. She didn't want to continue arguing with Ron today.

She held back her anger and said word by word: "I'm going to find Harry now. If you can, please make way for me. Thank you."

"Don't go, Harry doesn't want anyone to disturb him now." Ron passed Hermione and sat on the chair closest to the fire. "His face looked ugly this morning, as if someone called If you wake him up, he will die immediately."

After hesitating for a short while, Hermione finally gave up and went to ask Harry directly. She followed Ron and sat next to the fireplace.

"Harry, does he look ugly?" Hermione asked in a low voice, looking at the fireplace instead of Ron.

"Yeah," Ron lowered his head and played Wizard Chess by himself, "What we heard yesterday really scared him. I think he must be extremely sad. After all, not everyone has the courage to face it. Such a tragic reality.”

"Actually, I think Harry has the courage," Hermione said, "He has always been brave."

"Yes, he will be brave enough to go directly to find trouble with Black!" Ron suddenly stopped what he was doing with a look of horror on his face, looked up at Hermione and said, "What did I just say?"

"You said, Harry will, he will go directly to find Black's trouble." Hermione stammered.

"No!" Ron stood up from his chair and shouted loudly, "This is absolutely not possible! He will never be Black's opponent! That is a murderer who killed twelve people at once!"

"Although Harry is his godson, Black will never spare his life! Just like when he betrayed Harry's parents, he will definitely give Harry a killing curse without hesitation!" Luo En said, "That's why he escaped from Azkaban in the first place, wasn't it?"

Hermione gave Ron a rather rare look. Although this guy seemed unreliable most of the time, what he said today did make sense! No matter what, Harry can't go looking for trouble alone with Black!

Hermione still remembered what the Minister of Magic named Fudge said before.

At that time, Hagrid wanted to take revenge on Black. Fudge retorted that if he wanted to catch Black, only the well-trained strikers of the Magical Law Enforcement Team could have any chance of winning.

And a school student like Harry would never be Bright's opponent!

"Then we have to try our best to convince Harry later." Hermione made up her mind and said.

"But what reasons should we use to convince him? If it were me, and I encountered such a despicable villain, I would never let him continue to live in this world! Either he dies, or I die!"

"Don't be stupid! Ron!" Hermione said sharply, "It's not worth dying for a scoundrel like Black -"

Before Hermione could continue to speak, a sound of light and feeble footsteps came from the spiral staircase of the boys' dormitory.

Hermione and Ron immediately fell silent, and they exchanged glances. They were the only three of Gryffindor who were still in the school during the Christmas break.

Sure enough, a while later, a disheveled Harry appeared at the entrance of the stairs. His hair was messy, even messier than before when it was not trimmed; there were two big dark circles hanging from his eyes, as if he had no sleep at all last night. He didn't sleep well; his shoes were hanging on his heels, and he looked like he had completely lost his energy.

"Harry, you look really bad." Hermione looked at Harry and said worriedly.

"I'm fine." Harry said reluctantly, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was not at all what he should be like when he was fine.

"Harry, listen to me, I know you must be very sad right now, but the important thing is that you can't do anything stupid." Hermione said.

"Like what?" Harry asked.

"Such as going to Black," Ron said without thinking, "it's not worth dying for someone like him!"

Harry looked at his two friends. He could understand that these two were doing something good for him, but they didn't seem to understand him at all.

He didn't want to answer what Ron and Hermione said now, and he didn't know what he wanted to do now. He only knew one thing: Black was still at large, and he was doing nothing.

Thinking of this, Harry couldn't help but close his eyes with a tired look.

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