Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 359: Tents from all over the world

Following the guidance booklet given by Bill, Wright and Fleur wandered around the unusually vast red square for half an hour, and finally found the so-called "participant residence" on a small platform near the north. "Point" is actually just a small open space.

Looking at the small empty space, Fleur couldn't help but frowned and complained: "Is this the 'attitude' of the Egyptian Alchemy Research Center towards us Beauxbatons?"

"If I have to be strict, I am from Hogwarts and I represent Hogwarts." Wright corrected, "But it is obvious that this is the attitude of the Egyptian alchemists towards us."

"But Fleur, didn't you find something else?" Wright continued to ask.

"What?" Fleur looked around, "See, everyone else has their own tents, but we are the only ones with an empty space?"

"Don't you realize that we need to bring our own tents to rest here?" Wright said with a wry smile.

Near the small open space assigned to the two "representatives" of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons by the Alchemy Conference, there are "tents" of various sizes and shapes. It can be seen at a glance that they have been enchanted. The "tent".

Not far away, there is a "tent" that is particularly conspicuous. It is like a small palace. There are even several European white storks tied with golden ropes at the entrance of the palace; a little further away, there is another tent. The building is like a wooden pagoda, with staggered layers and flying corners; a little further over there, there stands a small and exquisite Japanese-style attic, simple and elegant...

According to Wright's judgment, these relatively obvious "tents" should come from Germany (the white stork is their national bird), China and Japan respectively.

There are also some other ordinary types of tents, which should be the residences of alchemists from other smaller countries. The largest number of tents is the pyramid-shaped tent, probably because it is the best-selling tent in the area.

Wright couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, because he was not sure whether he should take out the Golden Tower as a resting place at this time. For no other reason than the fact that the main construction materials of the Golden Tower really have the temperament of the nouveau riche, who else in the world, except Nicoléme, would be so luxurious as to use so much pure gold? How about making buildings?

Fleur didn't know what was causing Wright's difficulty. She just felt her ears were burning. She had been paying attention to the situation around her along the way, and she had said such words without much thought just now.

But in fact, no matter it was Hogwarts or Beauxbatons, only one person came on this trip, and they were all underage students. Originally, every country should have its own leader, and some Respected professors, some of whom are experienced teachers...

But what about now?

Neither Dumbledore nor Nicolas Flamel came...

As for why Madame Maxime was not mentioned, it is naturally because she is compared with Nicolas Flamel... Well, in fact, there is no need to compare at all. Although Madame Maxime is a very good principal, her Alchemy attainments or...

It’s no wonder that the Egyptian Alchemy Research Center only provided such a small open space.

Fleur took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "Wright, did you bring a tent? If not, I have a spare two-person tent here."

"Ordinary tent or magic tent?" As soon as Wright finished speaking, he immediately patted his head. How could Fleur, a mixed-blood Veela who had never been out of school, buy an ordinary tent?

"It's the kind of magic tent sold in the magic travel shop. I checked it with Gabrielle before. Although the area is not very large, it still has two bedrooms and two living rooms, including a separate bathroom." Fleur explained.

"That's it, let's put up the tent quickly, and then go to the main square over there." Wright said immediately and cheerfully.

In many cases, Wright is not a very strict person. After all, he has lived in Juan Children's Welfare Home for such a long time, and most of the time he is a relatively qualified "pragmatist".

And in Wright's opinion, comparing his own golden tower with those people's tents was a bit too arrogant.

Fleur said nothing and took the tent out of her own mok bag.

Then, she looked at Wright without saying a word.

Just as Wright was about to roll up his sleeves, he vaguely felt something was wrong.

He looked up and saw Fleur standing there with her arms folded across her chest as if it had nothing to do with her.

Wright gave Fleur a quizzical little look.

Unexpectedly, Furong also returned a puzzled look.

"Aren't you ready to come over and help?" Wright couldn't help but ask.

Fleur said: "What can I help you with?"

"Of course I'm setting up a tent. Are you going to let me set up the tent by myself?"

"But this is not an ordinary tent. This is a magic tent. You don't need to build it with your own hands at all."

"That's not impossible." Wright said, "Then you have to give me an instruction manual, right? It's not my first time building a tent, but it's my first time using something like a magic tent. Without the help of the instruction manual, I can't say no. There must be something wrong with the installation, such as installing the pole that was originally supposed to be installed on that side to the other side. At that time, it is estimated that the space inside will also undergo certain and unpredictable changes due to changes in the external structure. "

This time Fleur was silent again.

"Where's the manual?"

"No more..." Fleur said in an extremely low voice, "After riding it once before, it was thrown into the water by Gabrielle..."

Wright's brows twitched. If it weren't for the fact that all aspects of his body's abilities were optimized by the shadow energy, he might not be able to hear clearly what Fleur was saying.

So where to start now?

It's not like Wright has never set up a tent before. When he was in elementary school or during festivals, the school or the welfare home would organize activities similar to outings. Sometimes the children still needed to build the tent themselves.

But it was really my first time to set up a magic tent.

However, he basically figured out where the poles and screws should be. If the conflict with the magic system was not considered, the two-person tent was still easy to erect.

Soon, a bulging, dusty tent was put up.

After glancing at Fleur who was waiting a little bored, Wright bent down, opened the tent door curtain, and took advantage of the gap to peek inside to see if anything unexpected had happened.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened this time.

Wright walked straight in, and Fleur followed him, bending down and walking into the tent together.

This is a very standard two-bedroom and two-living room, but Wright estimates that the small hall used as a kitchen will not be used much; the layout of the room is also very simple, and there are not many items with personal style; the air inside There was also a faint smell of dust, and it smelled like no one had lived in it for a long time.

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