Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 360: Feelings on the first day

Wright took out his wand and cast several cleaning spells on the entire tent. The thin layer of dust that originally fell on the ground was also swept away by him with a whirlwind, and the entire tent was immediately clean and tidy. appearance.

After Fleur picked a room first, Wright also brought his things into the remaining room.

As time passed slowly, accompanied by the starlight, the dim night slowly poured down from the sky, wrapping the entire red square in a vast darkness.

In the north of Crimson Square, in front of a small gray tent among a group of luxurious magic tents.

Wright stood alone in front of the tent, looking up at the extremely bright stars in the night sky, thinking about something in his heart.

After setting up the tent at noon, after lunch, he and Furong went to the main square for an afternoon stroll.

The scale of this international alchemy conference was far beyond Wright's expectation.

In his opinion, this International Alchemy Conference should be a competition between alchemists from all over the world, and he will also compete with the most talented alchemy geniuses from all over the world.

In fact, no one except Wright seemed to have such an idea.

In the eyes of many wizards, this International Alchemy Conference is actually more like a "product introduction meeting."

Yes, after thinking for a long time, Wright found such a suitable word to describe his feelings about the Alchemy Conference today.

On the road leading to the station from the portkey arrival point, Wright and Fleur did pass by a bustling red square, but the wizards on the square were not just alchemists.

Just like Diagon Alley at the beginning of the school year every year, by that time, Diagon Alley will not only be filled with students who go to buy school supplies, but also local residents living there, and magic companies that produce goods. A shop vendor selling items…

In the square of this long-prepared international alchemy conference, the alchemist who was supposed to play a major role only occupied a small space worth mentioning. Most of them were tourists who came to visit, waiting for opportunities. Motivated investors, businessmen ready to sell their overstocked goods...

"I just hope that the situation will be better after the conference opens... My previous expectations for this alchemy conference have been completely blown away! I originally thought it would be a highly professional knowledge exchange meeting, but what I didn't expect was that, There are always more people watching than actually participating, and there are really too few alchemists.”

"Alas, actually I shouldn't have thought so much. The inheritance of European alchemy ended hundreds of years ago. Teacher Nicoléme still relied on the knowledge he got from angels to collect so much from everywhere. This is what led to today’s alchemical attainments. There should be no alchemist with more knowledge than him in Europe—it should not be said that there is no one in the entire West.”

"When I come to the Alchemy Conference this time, I'd better see what surprises the wizards in the East can give me. In addition, I can also take a look at the alchemy of other countries to see if it can inspire me."

Wright smiled bitterly in his heart and was about to turn around and go back to his room, but a sound of gentle footsteps coming from the right attracted his attention.

Wright turned his head and looked there, only to see Hibiscus wearing a moon-white robe walking towards here. The moonlight from the sky poured down and shone on her gorgeous silver-white hair, emitting bursts of dazzling brilliance. It's like wearing a thin moonlight gauze, giving it a more delicate look than in the daytime.

"came back?"

"has not rested yet?"

Wright and Fleur asked at the same time.

Wright smiled and spoke first: "I was about to enter the tent, but I heard a sound and didn't expect it was you."

"I'm just in a bad mood and want to go for a walk and relax." Furong slowly walked over and said.

As if he guessed what Fleur was thinking, Wright smiled and said, "Are you missing Gabrielle?"

Fleur nodded and said softly: "This is the first time I have left that child. After Gabri was born, I stayed with her almost all the time. After she came to Beauxbatons at the age of six, we We are almost inseparable, we have never been apart for such a long time.”

But didn't you just leave Beauxbatons during the day? Wright couldn't help but cursed, and since the temperature difference between day and night is so big, he wouldn't be afraid of the cold even if he went out for a walk so late at night.

But to be honest, Fleur was indeed the most beautiful girl Wright had ever seen, except for the underage Gabrielle. Even in front of Chang Chu, Wright dared to tell the truth.

Although she knew that this kind of beauty came from the inheritance of her bloodline, even if she guessed in the dark side, Fleur might not be able to show some physical characteristics that only Veela would have when she loses control.

But at this time, facing such a beautiful girl and saying fragile words with such a sad expression...

Wright really couldn't bear to spit out what was in his heart.

"If you really miss her, can't you just go back?" Wright said. "Anyway, our wizards' travel methods are quite convenient. We can quickly return to France by apparating or using a portkey."

"But aren't we here to attend the Alchemy Conference?" Fleur said, "How can we leave during the time to attend the conference?"

Wright said: "This International Alchemy Conference will indeed last for half a year, but how many days can it really be effective for us? I even checked the schedule in the afternoon. Among us students, There will be one competition in February, one in April, and the last one in June. Most of them are professors who come out of nowhere to give us lectures.”

"But to be honest, I think that instead of listening to lectures by those unknown professors, it is better to go back to Beauxbatons directly and ask Teacher Nicolas Flamel or your Beauxbatons alchemy professor. They are more familiar and better. Can find out our level.”

Fleur shook her head and stopped arguing with Wright about these irrelevant topics.

In her opinion, a conference is a conference. When participating in such an international event, no weak emotions are allowed to show. After all, at this time, she represents not only herself, but also the face of Beauxbatons. !

Thinking of this, Fleur apologized, opened the door curtain and walked into the tent.

Only a messy-looking Wright was left on the spot.

"Did I say something wrong?" Wright shook his head and followed Fleur into the tent and returned to his room. "Anyway, I won't stay here honestly for more than half a year. In this little tent.”

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