Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 361 Alchemist Fair

The next morning, with the bright sun slowly rising from the moonlight sky in the east, the temperature that had dropped sharply at night warmed up again, and the huge red square once again regained the prosperity of yesterday.

A succession of shouts and greetings slipped in through the gap left by the tent curtain, awakening Wright's consciousness in time while he was still sleeping.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Wright lazily sat up and stretched out on the bed.

The difference between Egypt and the UK is not only the huge difference in climate between the two places, but also the considerable time difference between the two countries.

For example, it is eight o'clock in the morning in Egypt time. If it were the UK, it would still be only six o'clock in the morning.

However, these are all trivial matters. As a qualified retired late-nighter, a mere two hours is still within Wright's tolerance. Just treat it as going to bed early last night.

After spending some time in the small tent, after Fleur also came out of her room, Wright invited her to hang out in the red square outside.

As the opening time of the International Alchemy Conference gets closer and closer, the flow of people in the Red Square is also increasing. If there were some open spaces yesterday, today there were only some paths that could accommodate people of the size of ordinary human wizards.

As the number of participants (or ordinary wizards who were attracted) became more and more, the crowd also began to be mixed with some real people from three religions and nine schools. But at the same time, these wizards will also bring some weird things that they have created, discovered, and accidentally refined, and among them, there may be some things hidden that can truly be called treasures.

Of course, this all depends on Wright's vision.

Wright is naturally not bad at things like eyesight. Even if he lacked enough experience to judge whether an item is a treasure, in the past half year, Nicolas Flamel has made up for the lack of knowledge in this area. It's almost done.

However, what Wright lacked was luck.

It seems that because he came to Africa from Europe, Wright felt that his destiny had changed from a European slave to an African chief. I spent nearly a day wandering around the trading areas divided into red squares, but I didn't gain anything real. At most, he only saw a few pieces of rare magic ore, and he was quick enough to prevent other wizards who also saw the value of the ore from getting there first.

Apart from this, there is almost nothing that can be called a "harvest". Most of them, in Wright's opinion, are "foreign specialty souvenirs" bought for friends.

When the sky gradually darkened, Wright held onto Fleur, who still had some unfinished thoughts.

Of course it is!

After all, Fleur is a girl. Even though she is a mixed-race Veela, the shopping instinct hidden in all women's genes still made this French girl full of energy and spent the whole day shopping, regardless of the differences between Egypt and France. time difference.

"It's getting late. If it goes on for a while, the temperature will probably drop another level. Let's go back now." Wright said, "If you really want to hunt for treasures, Fleur, the alchemy event in a few days will The Alchemist Fair is the real eye-opening place. According to what Teacher Nicoléme said before, most of the things at the Alchemist Fair will be unusual items. If you are lucky. If you are good enough, you might even be able to get some unexpected treasures, such as complete technical blueprints for manufacturing flying broomsticks..."

After hearing Wright's words, Fleur took one last look at the still brightly lit red square and nodded reluctantly.

This was the first time she had come to such an exotic place. Whether it was the endless yellow desert on the edge of the square or the wizards coming and going in the square and speaking different languages, it was all a new experience for Fleur, who had just left school. Nothing could be newer. She hadn't had such a novel feeling for a long time.

And the most important thing is that since leaving Beauxbatons, Fleur only felt as if she had broken free from some constraints.

Although this statement is somewhat inappropriate, it is definitely not an exaggeration.

During most of her time at Beauxbatons, Fleur had to maintain her identity as "Madame Maxime's most valued student", and she had to maintain her "good reputation" when facing other classmates of the same age (especially female classmates). "Arrogant and cool" princess character; and in front of Gabrielle, she must be a qualified and considerate sister.

It's not that Fleur didn't like her previous days at Beauxbatons, but sometimes she also wanted to get rid of that almost same life and live a new life alone.

Now in Egypt, where almost everyone is a stranger, everything she sees is something she has never seen, heard, or felt before. Fleur can't help but suddenly feel like a fish in water, free.

Thinking of this, a touching smile appeared on Furong's beautiful face involuntarily.

Wright didn't know what this beautiful Veela girl was thinking in her mind. He didn't even notice Fleur's expression. Wright, who was walking towards the tent, was thinking about another thing.

What he just said to Fleur was not wrong.

According to the experience given by Nicoléme, in almost every International Alchemy Conference, the "Alchemist Fair" is the one that most attracts the attention of ordinary wizards.

As for the "Alchemist Trade Fair", the bargaining chips used for trading in it cannot be just currencies such as gold Galleons and silver Sickles. The most mainstream trading method is to return to the traditional "barter" method. things".

If an alchemist happens to like another alchemist's items, then even if the wizard's currency transaction is not supported, the former must also come up with items that can satisfy the other party in order for the transaction to be successful. Otherwise, it is estimated that we can only look back and sigh and give up sadly.

In the next few days, Wright was no longer busy hanging out with Fleur and browsing exotic scenery. Instead, he locked himself in a tent and prepared to refine some "alchemy items" that could impress people.

Fleur seemed to be aware of the tense atmosphere surrounding her, and began to review and sort out her alchemy knowledge in the tent.

A few days later.

The first ray of light in the morning broke through the remaining curtain of the night. The gray tent, which was sandwiched among a number of luxurious "magic houses", finally slowly opened the door curtain that had not been opened for a long time.

Wright walked out of the tent first and took a deep breath of fresh morning air. He touched the mok bag on his waist and couldn't help but smile. Although the time was a little rushed, he had refined some items before, and many of them survived and were placed in the mok bag.

Considering the alchemy level of the "other alchemists" mentioned by Nicoléme, Wright vaguely felt that he might be one of the few alchemists with "rich wealth" in today's alchemist trade fair.

After a while, Fleur also packed up her belongings, opened the door curtain and walked out.

Seeing Fleur's energetic look, Wright smiled and asked, "Are you ready?"

Fleur nodded and said, "Let's go and see what's so great about today's Alchemist Fair."

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