Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 377 The Black Book of the Dead

As night gradually falls, the red square located in the vast desert is once again dyed in a layer of blurry night.

The fierce sea of ​​​​fire caused by the meteorite that fell from the sky has been extinguished with the joint efforts of dozens of wizards. The originally empty red square now only has some dark scorch marks and scattered incompletely burned firewood. The rags looked extremely miserable.

The hazy darkness and the charred smoke left after the fabric was burned filled the square, adding a somewhat mysterious atmosphere.

While Wright kept strengthening the Disillusionment Curse on his body, he also used his innate talent of shadow to try his best to cover up his traces.

For Wright, who had long speculated on the cause of what had happened in recent days, he naturally knew that this disaster that involved the entire Egypt was hidden behind an old monster that had lived for thousands of years—I Morton.

No announcement has been received so far, which proves that the attitude of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic is still unclear. But it goes without saying that they will definitely not be willing to involve a foreign wizard like Wright who has nothing to do with the matter, at least not at this stage.

Wright also understands this kind of relationship. Although he rarely interacts with the Ministry of Magic, he still knows a little bit about this "face" relationship.

For Egypt, a country with an extremely ancient and powerful wizarding civilization, their Ministry of Magic represents the most authoritative institution in Egypt. If something happens that even the Egyptian Ministry of Magic cannot solve and can only rely on foreign assistance, that is definitely something that no Egyptian wizard is willing to accept.

But if Wright could just understand the difficulties of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic and withdraw from it voluntarily, it would not be his own idea. As mentioned before, Wright also wants to see the "Black Book of the Dead" and "The Golden Book of the Sun"!

So in order to avoid being discovered, Wright had to pay attention to hiding his whereabouts.

But is Evelin really in the Red Square at this time?

If not, was she taken away by the two wizards suspected of being from the Egyptian Ministry of Magic?

And I remember that when I saw Evelin during the day, she seemed to be completely unconscious, and she didn't even open her eyes very much. Or, did the female pig trotter in the original plot encounter some unexpected treatment?

With such uncertainty, Wright looked towards the direction where Evelin was taken away in his memory.

When Evelin's consciousness woke up from the chaos, she was horrified to find that she was no longer where she was in her memory, but sitting on a chair in the middle of a room she had never been to. Although her hands and feet didn't feel bound by anything, if she wanted to move her wrists and ankles, she would find that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move and could only move within the most basic range of space.

The yellowish lights and candles swaying back and forth came from overhead and all around, seeming to reflect many eerie and dark ghost figures.

The swaying black shadow forced Evelin to divert her attention from her bound hands and feet. She was about to look around, but she immediately saw two mysterious people who completely shrouded themselves in pitch-black cloaks.

"Ah!" An uncontrollable scream instantly burst out of Evelin's throat.

"Silent!" The cloaked man standing on the left pointed the small wooden stick about the length of an arm in his hand toward Evelin, and uttered a strange phrase that was not even a word.

Evelin immediately discovered that she could no longer make any sound, as if there was a layer, no, several layers of super sound-insulating material blocking the front of her mouth.

Evelin looked at the cloaked man on the left with horror on her face. What kind of magic did he use? Or is it that he is no longer in the world, but has been cursed to death because he unintentionally violated the sleep of a certain pharaoh? Are you in hell now?

I only heard the cloaked man on the right speaking: "Shut up! Muggle woman! Don't you think you have caused enough trouble? Our Ministry of Magic finally used an extremely precious ancient potion to heal your almost broken soul. I didn’t come back just to hear you cluck like a hen!”

What Muggle women, Ministry of Magic, potions, souls? Evelin couldn't understand these words at all, but she could hear the tone of the cloaked man on the right. This man she had never met was sarcastic about her actions just now.

Remembering that she could no longer make any sound, Evelin could only try her best to open her eyes wide and glare at the cloaked man on the right, regardless of the fact that she could not see the cloaked man clearly at all.

"Forget it, Shreve." The wizard from the Ministry of Magic on the left reached out and patted his colleague on the shoulder, "Don't argue with Muggles like this. Even if things happen in front of their eyes, they won't listen well. Isn't it? They don't know how to look at it. They don't even know how much trouble they have caused, and they have to drag us to clean up their escape. "

The wizard known as Shreve waved his hand impatiently and said: "No matter! Ask quickly! After I finish dealing with the things here, I have to go back! I don't know what will happen to these disasters today. What a load of work it’s added to me! Damn it Immorton!”

Wright, who was standing outside the tent and secretly observing the situation inside, took a breath. Did the people from the Egyptian Ministry of Magic already know that Immorton was the one who caused this disaster?

Yes, Wright had discovered the tent where Evelin and two Ministry of Magic employees were staying earlier. He also witnessed the two Ministry of Magic employees pouring a bottle of brown-green potion into Evelin.

Looking back now, what they just said was that Evelyn's "soul is about to be broken"? In other words, this original female pig's foot was subjected to something similar to the powerful Cruciatus Curse or the super powerful Oblivion Curse, causing her brain to turn into a pile of hot tofu brain?

Before Wright could recover from his sympathy for Evelin's tragic experience, he suddenly heard the words of the Ministry of Magic employee named Shreve.

People from the Egyptian Ministry of Magic also knew that Immorton was the one who caused this disaster?

Wright thought about it for a while, then nodded as if he had a sudden realization.

In fact, that's right. In the original movie plot, the characters can be roughly divided into three parties, that is, the male and female protagonists, Immorton and his younger brother, and the one who has been guarding Hamna Tower for thousands of years. The mausoleum guards.

Now it seems that O'Connor, the male protagonist, is missing and has most likely been brutally killed; the heroine's soul is almost broken. If it were not for the ancient magic potion from the Egyptian Ministry of Magic, she would probably only be a vegetable for the rest of her life; from today's Judging from the meteors and fire showers, Immorton has recovered most of his strength and is about to return to his heyday.

Then the only ones left are the descendants of the guards of the Pharaoh's tomb who have not shown up.

In this way, have these descendants of the guards of the Pharaoh's tomb been integrated into the Egyptian Ministry of Magic? But thinking about it, no matter which country's Ministry of Magic it is, it will not allow such a group of wizards with superior strength to be independent from the control of the Ministry of Magic. Just like Fudge has always been vaguely dissatisfied with Old Deng, right? It is quite reasonable to say that the descendants of the guards were absorbed into the Ministry of Magic.

Just when Wright was about to continue reading, the wizard in the tent suddenly took out a dark book from nowhere and placed it on the table. He also took out five containers and bottles that looked like mutton-fat jade one by one.

That is! Wright's eyes widened instantly, "The Black Book of the Dead"!

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