Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 378 The End

Under the dim candlelight in the tent, the huge scripture held by Shreev showed a misty and dark black color. Densely packed magic lines were carved on the hard cover of the scripture, full of mystery. The unknown powerful feeling. The most conspicuous position on the cover of the scripture is inlaid with a palm-sized sun-like sculpture. Due to the distance, Wright can't see clearly what is carved in the sun's depression for the time being, but it is by no means simple. goods.

In addition, the five jade containers and bottles Shreev took out from his pocket also looked very familiar.

Wright looked carefully and realized that wasn't the shrine containing the internal organs of Immorton's lover Ansuna in the original movie?

Unlike most national cultures in the world, most civilizations respect the corpse after death. For example, China is very particular about "death is the most important thing". If there is no last resort, most people will bury the whole body and put it to rest.

But unlike Chinese culture that pursues intact corpses, the ancient Egyptians tried every means to preserve the existence of the body, even if they were cut into pieces.

The ancient Egyptians would first wash the body in clean water, then empty out all the internal organs and put them in specially prepared jars. Then potions, spicy oils and balsam are applied to the body, and then sesame oil and some type of antiseptic oil are applied to the outer layer.

The hollowed-out body would be bundled with layers of linen and sealed inside a coffin or a beautifully carved sarcophagus. After thousands of years of fermentation (?), what emerges is the common mummy. The jars containing the internal organs will be buried with the mummies.

At that time, Wright was shocked when he saw this content in a book about Egyptian customs. He originally thought that mummies were made directly from corpses, but he did not expect that mummies were just empty corpses...

The shrine containing Ansuna, the concubine of the Pharaoh and the beloved of the high priest, was naturally not made of simple materials. Under the illumination of candlelight, the mutton-fat jade-like shrine emits a warm and soft light, which seems to soothe the soul of the deceased.

The appearance of the five holy niches is also very different.

Carved on the outside of four of the shrines are the four descendants of Horus, the patron saint of the pharaoh and the god of the sky: Duamutef, who looks like a jackal, is responsible for guarding the shrine containing the stomach, which is placed on the east side; The eagle-shaped Qebshenuf is responsible for guarding the shrine containing the intestines, which is placed in the west; the baboon-shaped Hapi is responsible for guarding the shrine containing the lungs, which is placed in the north; the human-shaped Amshe Imset is responsible for guarding the shrine containing the liver, which is placed in the south.

Please forgive Wright's poor eyesight for the last shrine, but he was unable to identify the sculpture, and there is no record of the fifth shrine being used during funerals. After all, there were only four descendants of Horus. Who could Do you know what the extra fifth thing is...

Wright guessed that the image carved on the fifth shrine was most likely some special deity that Immorton found in the Black Book of the Dead, and what was inside should be the last internal organ: the heart.

But why are these two extremely important props in the hands of these two Ministry of Magic personnel?

Wright slowly thought about the reason.

For Immorton, everything in the world can be abandoned, but only the shrine containing his lover Ansuna and the "Black Book of the Dead" that can completely resurrect Ansuna cannot be lost!

But Immortun is not the only one in the world who knows where the Black Book of the Dead and the Golden Book of the Sun are stored.

Wright remembered that the plot in the original work was that Immorton had just started the spiritual summoning ritual to resurrect Ansuna, and was stopped by a group of pharaoh's guards who suddenly broke in. Afterwards, Ansuna failed to summon the soul, and Immorton was also sentenced to be eaten by insects and was sealed in a sarcophagus for more than three thousand years. The "Black Book of the Dead" used by Immorton to resurrect Ansuna was put back into the tombs of past pharaohs by the group of pharaoh guards.

It is unknown whether the location of the Black Book of the Dead has changed during these three thousand years.

In other words, the descendants of the guards of the Pharaoh's tomb might know the location of the Black Book of the Dead better than Immorton, a former user of the Black Book of the Dead.

Wright suddenly realized, that is to say, the two wizards in the tent now are the descendants of the guards of the Pharaoh's Tomb who were integrated into the Egyptian Ministry of Magic? I guess he's still a very powerful person? After all, not just any descendant is qualified to know about the Black Book of the Dead and Immorton.

Just as Wright figured this out, he realized another problem.

Indeed, Immorton, who had just escaped from the punishment of insect bites and possesses nearly four thousand years of mana, can indeed be called the "God on Earth" in this era where the gods are hidden.

In Wright's memory, Immorton went from just waking up to being completely resurrected. The abilities he displayed during this period include but are not limited to: controlling Egypt's ten major disasters, summoning a colony of scarabs, awakening sleeping mummy monks, and being immune to guns ( In other words, it is basically immunity to physical attacks), changing appearance (mimicry, or magical disguise), body transformation into sand, large-scale manipulation of people's hearts, transformation into sandstorms...

With such terrifying strength, placed on any wizard, he would immediately have the power to directly challenge a country! Even if you can directly capture most of Europe, it's not certain!

But the problem is that Immorton also has very, very obvious weaknesses.

Before being completely resurrected, cats will be the thing he fears most, because in Egyptian mythology and legend, cats are the gatekeepers of the God of Death.

After the complete resurrection, as long as a certain incantation in the "Sun Golden Sutra" is recited, the God of Death will send a messenger to come to the world and take away the high priest who should not belong to the world.

If such shortcomings were not known, Immorton could still challenge a country alone and do whatever he wanted.

However, the two employees of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic in front of him had already taken out the "Black Book of the Dead" and the shrine containing Ansuna's internal organs. There was no reason for them to not know what Immorton's shortcomings were.

So, probably, maybe, maybe I won’t even have to fight this time? Is this villain boss a bit too weak? It's not that the strength is weak, but that the shortcomings are too weak.

With an unprecedented sense of weirdness, Wright regained his consciousness and paid attention to the conversation in the tent again.

I only heard the wizard named Shreve say: "Before Immorton was completely resurrected, he had no shortcomings except for being afraid of cats, especially black cats. He was extremely powerful, could fly into the sky and escape from the earth, and could control the wind and rain. He was almost omnipotent. No; but once Immorton devours the last tomb opener and is completely resurrected, the people on our side will immediately activate the spell in the Sun Golden Sutra and take him away directly!"

The remaining wizard said: "Now, it depends on whether you are willing to take the responsibility of seducing Immorton, Miss Evelyn."

And Evelin, who looked sad, nodded almost without thinking. She had lost almost everything, her lover, her friends, her brother... At this moment, she had nothing left to lose!

The plot that followed was exactly what Wright had expected, or rather what the mausoleum guards had expected.

Immorton, who had regained most of his strength, couldn't wait to break through the fake guard point set up by the Egyptian Ministry of Magic, devoured the last tomb opener and was fully resurrected. After that, he rushed directly into the Crimson Square with irresistible momentum and brought Evelin to the mausoleum he had specially built to resurrect his lover.

The descendants of the guards of the Pharaoh's tomb who had been prepared rushed out just like they did thousands of years ago after Ansuna's soul was summoned, chanted the incantations in the "Sun Golden Sutra", and directly brought the majesty to the palace in the past few days. The arrogant Immorton was sent back to hell.

Egypt, which was completely destroyed, finally said goodbye to this heinous sinner and began to deal with the subsequent aftermath.

As for Wright, after watching a very high-level melee between millennium wizards and modern wizards, he returned to Beauxbatons with satisfaction.

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