Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 383 Draco Escapes

Draco was staggered by Hermione's direct hit. He tightly covered the place where he was hit on his face and almost fell to the ground.

Chang Chu, Harry, Ron, Crabbe and Goyle, who were standing by and watching, were all stunned, and none of them made any reaction.

Even Wright, who had already expected this scene, looked at Hermione with respect.

This is probably the legendary "power-speed double-A weak woman"! Although he looks weak, he is actually extremely powerful, and he is especially good at using his fists to solve problems, or to deal with the people who caused the problems.

At this time, Crabbe and Goyle, who finally came to their senses, quickly took Draco's arms from left to right and helped him up from the ground.

Crabbe asked with concern: "Malfoy, are you okay?"

"Let's go! Hurry!" Draco still covered his face with one hand, not looking at Hermione at all, muttering in a low voice and running towards the entrance of the corridor.

"Wait for me!" Goyle shouted as he took off and quickly left here behind Draco.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them had disappeared into the wooden corridor leading to the castle's front grounds.

The only thing left in the air was Draco's words, "Don't tell anyone about this! Do you understand?", which lightly reached the ears of Wright and the others.

Hermione stared in the direction where Draco, Crabbe and Goyle disappeared. Her flat little chest rose and fell violently, which seemed to indicate how excited her master was.

After a while, Hermione finally took a breath and said to Wright and others: "It feels so good!"

"It's not just good," said Ron, still looking at Hermione blankly, "it's absolutely amazing!"

Chang Chu walked up and hugged Hermione wordlessly, and slapped her back hard with his palms, making a dull thud: "I always thought Hermione that you were a nerd who could only read! It's true! I didn’t expect that one day I would see you personally use force to defeat the enemy!”

After several people chatted happily for a while, Wright urged: "Okay, let's leave quickly. If it's any later, we probably won't have time to understand the specific situation with Hagrid."

Chang Chu and Hermione walked arm in arm and walked at the front. Harry and Ron followed behind them. They walked down the stone steps together and walked briskly towards Hagrid's hut.

Wright turned his head and took one last look at the wooden corridor behind him. Thinking of Draco who had almost escaped just now, he shook his head secretly.

Speaking of which, among Draco's many dark histories that are not accepted by others (or may be actively ignored), what happened today is probably the most eye-catching one.

The majestic young master of the Malfoy family was actually blindsided by Hermione's punch!

Still with two followers by his side!

Wright knows one thing very well. As members of the vassal family of the Malfoy family, Crabbe and Goyle have a very distinctive (pendant) characteristic, that is, no matter what they do, they will first obtain Draco's permission. Will do it. Whenever Draco reacted, they would do the same.

But just today, Hermione gave Draco a face-breaking punch in front of everyone!

There is no problem with Crabbe and Goyle's reaction. After all, you can't expect two followers who only think about "eating, drinking and eating" and have the characteristics of "sharp eyes and quick hands" to be able to stop Hermione's fist in time.

Besides, neither Crabbe nor Goyle would have ever expected that Draco, the son of the school director and the heir to the famous Malfoy family, would actually be punched in the face by a little Muggle-born witch. superior.

So Crabbe and Goyle's first reaction was to be stunned.

Wright also noticed something just now. When Crabbe asked about Draco's situation, his little eyes still glanced at Hermione from time to time.

Obviously, if Draco gave them an order at this time, let them hit Hermione back. Goyle hasn't noticed the situation yet, but Crabbe will definitely rush up and punch him immediately, or use magic.

The Gryffindor trio, Malfoy and his followers, who were almost finishing their third year, naturally had different magic levels than they had in the first year. At that time, when there was a dispute on the Quidditch pitch, whether it was Ron, Neville, Draco, Crabbe, or Goyle, they all only knew how to solve the problem with their fists.

Although Wright was doubtful about Crabbe and Goyle's magical abilities, he was not sure whether they really had the brains to think of using a wand at this time. But at least one thing can be known. Even if Hermione has magic, Harry and Ron's support, Crabbe and Goyle will try their best to resist the attack of the trio. As long as Draco is a little more flexible, he can just stand aside and watch. , to remove himself from the serious violation of school rules in this "students' use of magic melee" incident.

If Draco had been smarter, he could have told Snape or even Lucius about it. In this way, it may be possible to severely punish (revenge) Hermione, Harry and Ron without any effort at all. If it gets serious, one or two of the trio may even be kicked out of the school. Even with Dumbledore's protection, Lucius will definitely not give up.

But it was obvious that Draco had been fooled just now.

He probably never dreamed that he, the "young master of a pure-blood wizarding family", would be taught a lesson by what he regarded as a "low-grade and dirty mudblood".

The mental shock caused by this moment had caused Draco to lose his original ability to be rational and objective, and all he could think of was "escape from this shameful place".

After all, Wright felt that Draco was really embarrassed at this time.

In society, I drag my brother, people are cowards and talk a lot of nonsense.

But... Wright suddenly thought of something else.

The course schedule in the school is planned by the professors. Most of the time, Slytherin's courses are arranged together with Gryffindor's courses.

In other words, whether it is correct or not, Draco has consciously or unconsciously watched Hermione study for three years. Even though he had never admitted it, Draco should have understood that his magical power was no match for Hermione's.

So was Draco running away just now because he knew that Hermione's magical power was stronger than his? If there really was a fight, it would be okay if the wand was not used. Once the wand was used, Draco would most likely face a tragic situation of three against one (the two pendants were really weak, and it was not until later that Crabbe had the chance to escape from Carlo Brother and sister learn the Fire Spell from there).

So this is called a tactical retreat?

Several people walked through a vegetable field filled with huge pumpkins. Buckbeak, who was covered in iron-gray feathers, was prostrate in the center of the vegetable field with his head hanging down. A thick iron chain was tied around his neck.

Hearing the sound of Wright and others approaching, this quite humane Hippogriff even raised his head and nodded towards them.

Harry walked to the front and knocked on the door, but it was half a minute before Hagrid answered the door.

"It's us, Hagrid." Harry raised his head, looked at Hagrid, and said softly, "We are all here."

"You shouldn't have come!" Even though he said this, Hagrid still took a step back and let Wright and the others walk in.

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