Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 384 Execution time

Very different from the previous situation, this time Hagrid did not cry, nor did he throw his arms around Harry or Ron's neck. There was only an expression of isolation and helplessness on Hagrid's furry face, as if he didn't know where he was and what to do now.

"Would you like tea?" Hagrid asked, reaching for the teapot with trembling rough hands.

Harry pushed down Hagrid's hand holding the teapot, sat next to him and asked: "Is there any other way, Hagrid? Has Professor Dumbledore -"

"Dumbledore tried his best," Hagrid said. "Dumbledore told the people on the Dangerous Animals Committee that Buckbeak was not in danger, but they still didn't care. You know, those people at the Ministry of Magic and Lucius We have a good relationship with guys like S. Malfoy. The executioner who came today, MacNeil, is Malfoy’s old friend..."

Hagrid choked up and continued: "Dumbledore said he was coming over today to give Buckbeak a gift. Good man, Dumbledore..."

Hermione said with red eyes: "We will accompany you too, Hagrid."

After saying that, Hermione immediately lowered her head to prevent Hagrid from seeing the tears that were about to flow down her face.

Hagrid turned and looked out the window. Buckbeak was pecking at bugs on the ground with his sharp beak in the vegetable patch, seemingly unaware of the tragedy that was about to happen to him.

"Oh, look at Buckbeak." Hagrid whispered, "He likes the breeze that blows through the Forbidden Forest, free and fresh. But now he has to be tied here by me, just for-" for……"

Hagrid said it several times, but couldn't get the last sentence out.

Harry looked at Hagrid and asked doubtfully: "Why don't we just let him go? Anyway, Buckbeak originally belonged to the Forbidden Forest. It's a very reasonable explanation that he can't be found in the Forbidden Forest." ”

"They will suspect, or know, that it was me who released it." Hagrid shook his head and said, "Besides, this will also bring trouble to Dumbledore..."

With one last look at Buckbeak, Hagrid looked away from the window.

"By the way, you can't stay here any longer." Hagrid said, "You have to go back to the castle. I said, you shouldn't have come in the first place. You won't let you see such killings, no." "

Without giving anyone a chance to speak, Hagrid said: "Let's go after you finish your tea. Let's all go. By the way, before leaving, Ron..."

In the sight of everyone, Hagrid walked to the cupboard and took out a small thing from an old light blue iron box. It was thin and dry, with only a layer of fleshy skin that had lost a lot of hair stuck to the frame. It looks very uncomfortable.

"Your mouse." Hagrid carefully held the little thing in his hand and handed it to Ron.

What he just took out wasn't Ron's rat Spot, so what could it be?

"Scabbers! You're still alive!" Ron jumped up from his chair in great surprise, walked straight to Hagrid, and took back his long-lost pet from his hand.

Banban looked scary. He was thinner than before. The areas where he had lost a lot of hair had lost a lot of hair during this period, revealing large bald spots.

"Keep an eye on your rats, Ron," Hagrid said.

Hermione also stood up from her chair and walked towards Ron: "I think you still owe someone an apology now."

"Well, yes." Ron said with a smile, "I will apologize to Crookshanks next time I see him."

Hermione looked at Ron and said sternly: "The 'who' I said refers to me!"

Before Ron could answer, he only heard a faint whistling.


The huge clay pot that was originally standing on the table suddenly shattered, and all the sand inside fell onto the table.

"How terrible! What's going on?" Hagrid said with some sensitivity.

Wright looked towards the window and showed a faint smile. This is the magic of time! Pity……

Hermione frowned and rummaged around on the table for a while, then quickly took out the gray stone that was a very different color from the surroundings, and put it in her hand to observe.

"How...how could this happen..." Hermione was wondering in her heart, but she heard Harry yell again.


Harry clutched the back of his head with a painful expression and glanced out the window in the direction of the Forbidden Forest, but accidentally saw Dumbledore, Fudge and McNeil walking this way.

Under the dim cloudy sky, Dumbledore's beard did not shine as silvery as before; instead, the ax in executioner McNeil's hand seemed to be emitting a soul-stirring cold light, as if Buckbeak's neck would be slashed in the next second.

Ignoring the pain in the back of his head, Harry quickly called Hagrid: "They are coming..."

Taking two steps out of three, Hagrid walked to the window and looked out. Harry saw that his usually red face suddenly turned as yellow as parchment.

I heard Hagrid murmuring: "Merlin, they are coming..."

"You go quickly." Hagrid said, he was shaking a little. "It's late, it's getting dark, you go. If you are seen wandering outside the castle at night, you will be in trouble, very big trouble."

"Especially you, Harry." Hagrid pushed Harry's shoulder and motioned for him to leave quickly.

"Hagrid..." Harry looked at Hagrid sadly. He really didn't want Hagrid to bear this tragic moment alone.

"Let's go," Hagrid pushed Harry again, "Go through the back door, you all know the way."

Seeing that Harry still refused to leave, Hagrid had no choice but to look at Wright: "Wright, take these children away! Fudge and the others are coming soon, you can't all stay here with me."

At the same time, the sounds of Dumbledore and Fudge's conversation drifted in from the window.

"This is it, Mr. Minister, this way." Dumbledore said, "Remember?"

Not only Wright, but Chang Chu, Harry, Hermione and Ron all heard the voices of Dumbledore and Fudge. Even Scabbers, who had been struggling in Ron's palm, stopped screaming at this time and lay motionless in Ron's palm, as if dead.

"Let's go, Harry." Wright tried to dissuade him, "It'll be okay, everything will be fine."

Harry had no choice. He followed the Wrights, silently opened the back door of the hut, and walked outside.

When Wright and others closed the wooden door, the front door just opened, and Hagrid invited Dumbledore and Fudge in. As for the executioner, McNeil, he stayed outside alone and found a stone anywhere to polish the axe.

Buckbeak's head turned around as if he wanted to know what was going to happen, and he pawed at the pumpkin patch uneasily.

The moment they left Hagrid's cabin, Scabbers, who had been covered by Ron in his pocket, immediately began to become restless. Scabbers screamed wildly, but his voice couldn't cover up the sounds coming from the yard behind Hagrid.


A whoosh.


There was a dull sound of an ax hitting something heavy.

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