Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 385 The Screaming Shack

The weather was very gloomy as the evening approached, and there was no trace of sunlight. The dim light shone on everyone's face, making it difficult to see what their faces looked like.

A gust of cool evening breeze blew from the Forbidden Forest behind her, and Hermione's body suddenly swayed on the spot.

"They started..." Her voice sounded dazed, completely different from the confident and arrogant tone she used to have. Her tone was full of hesitation and uneasiness, "I don't, I can't believe it, they actually did it. out……"

Harry was also shocked, his mind almost went blank.

Just a few minutes ago, Harry had seen Buckbeak crawling in the vegetable garden full of pumpkins, nodding hello to them as they came here. But in the blink of an eye, Buckbeak, who was still looking forward to whether his dinner would be a mouse or a ferret, was beheaded by the executioner.

Buckbeak died like this?

"Hagrid..." Harry whispered, running towards Hagrid's back door without thinking.

Wright quickly grabbed his arm.

"No, Harry," said Wright, "at least not at this time."

"Hagrid will be even more uncomfortable if those people in the room know that we are here..." Ron, who was pale, also tried to dissuade him, "There are principals and ministers of magic in the room..."

"They - they actually..." Hermione choked with red eyes, but she still couldn't say a complete sentence.

Chang Chu put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and patted her gently to comfort her.

Hermione hid her face on the back of Chang Chu's neck and let out a low sob.


"Scabbers, be quiet!" Ron held his chest pocket tightly with his hands and whispered.

But Scabbers was still twisting like crazy, and wouldn't stop until he broke free from Ron's grasp.

Ron had no choice but to lower his head and prepare to stuff Scabbers deeper into his pocket to prevent this long-lost little pet from wandering into a place where he couldn't find it again.

"Scabbers, what's wrong with you? You stupid mouse! Stay still!" Ron glanced at Hermione, who was crying softly, and lowered his voice again.

But the next moment.

Ron screamed in pain: "Ouch! It bit me! It's bleeding!"

Ron, who was bitten painfully by Scabbers, couldn't help but let go of his palm. The mouse slipped out from between his fingers and fell to the ground, disappearing as fast as possible.

Ron ignored the blood oozing from his fingers and ran directly after Scabbers' figure.

"Ron!" Harry sighed softly and ran after him.

Hermione sniffed, wiped the tears from her eyes, and prepared to follow him.

However, three figures walking over quietly made Wright, Chang Chu and Hermione, who were still standing there, stunned.

Six eyes, two ginger, two emerald green, and two bronze.


Hermione picked up Crookshanks who was squatting on the ground and sighed: "Scabbers must have noticed Crookshanks' arrival just now, so he ran out of Ron's hands. Oh, bad Crookshanks ”

"What's going on with Felicia?" Chang Chu also squatted down and hugged Felicia in his arms, "And Lu Wei, hasn't it been sleeping in the rose scepter?"

Looking at Lu Wei's eager little eyes, Wright was speechless for a moment. Does this stupid dog have any idea of ​​its own size? Do you still expect him to hold it in his arms like Chang Chu and the others?

"I don't know why, but I had a sudden idea this morning and let Lu Wei out for some exercise." Wright gently kicked Lu Wei's hind legs. "As for why it suddenly came here... I guess it's Someone called it."

"Never mind this, let's go after Harry and the others!" Hermione said nervously, "Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic, they should be out soon. Harry and Ron cannot be discovered by them. "

"Let's go!" Chang Chu hugged Felicia and ran away.

Hermione also followed her, running straight in the direction where Harry and Ron disappeared just now. The speed didn't seem to be much slower than Chang Chu.

"Let's go too," Wright rubbed Lu Wei's big head, then used the shadow energy to turn into a rope and pulled it around Lu Wei's neck, "When I don't let you move later, you are not allowed to transform casually. , understand?”

Lu Wei nodded humanely.

"Very good!" Wright nodded appreciatively.

The three of them began to run quickly in the direction where Harry and Ron disappeared. After a while, they could hear the chaotic thumping footsteps in front of them, and they could also hear Ron scolding Scabbers.

"Stupid mouse! Don't you even know who I am? I am your master! You actually bite me! Bad mouse!"

When the three Wrights arrived, Ron was lying on the ground, biting his finger to bleed. Scabbers had returned to his hand again.

As for Harry, who ran a few steps ahead, he was about to walk towards Ron.

Ron, Harry, and Wright just formed the three vertices of an irregular triangle.

Before Ron had time to say what he was about to say to Harry, his expression suddenly became very frightened, his eyes were wide open, and his fingers were pointing tremblingly at Harry's back.

Banban's squeaking screams became more shrill and harsh.

"Harry! Run! It's 'unknown'!" Ron screamed.

"Ron, I've already told you, I've never really seen an unknown person once." Harry said with some confusion, "Since the summer vacation, the only black dog I've seen is Wright's. A three-headed dog, but that’s not no…”

Before Harry could finish his words, he heard the sound of paws touching the ground lightly, as if something like a beast was running towards him.

It is a large black dog with gray eyes.

Harry reached out to draw his wand, but he couldn't match the speed of the big dog.

"Harry!" Hermione screamed, and Crookshanks jumped from her arms to the ground.

Chang Chu obviously didn't react for a moment and was stunned. The arms that originally held Felicia tightly relaxed their strength at this moment.

The big dog jumped up high, and its black front paws hit Harry's chest.

Harry felt as if he had broken several ribs at this moment, but the black dog's target was not him at all. The big dog's front paws had just rushed towards Harry's chest, just trying to push him away.

The real purpose of the big dog is Ron behind Harry!

"To be precise, it should be the mouse in Ron's hand." Wright whispered in his heart, "Scabbers, or Pettigrew, Peter Pettigrew."

In the blink of an eye, the huge black dog transformed by Sirius knocked Harry away and jumped directly in front of Ron.

Lying on the ground, Ron couldn't react at all. Before he could even let go of Scabbers on his hand, Sirius bit him directly on his right leg.

Sirius dragged Ron along as effortlessly as he would a ragdoll stuffed with cotton.

"Harry!" Ron stretched out his free hand in Harry's direction, shouting for help with a look of despair on his face.

Harry rushed forward without thinking, but his speed could not match Sirius, nor could he catch up with Ron, who was dragged away by Sirius.

"Ron! Ron!" Harry shouted loudly.

Sirius dragged Ron into the shadow of the Whomping Willow tree on the school grounds, preparing to drag Ron upside down into a large hole between the roots of the tree.

Ron struggled hard, but his strength was no match for Sirius. His head and most of his body disappeared into the black hole in an instant, leaving only his left leg hooked to the root of the tree still in Harry's sight. middle.

With a terrible snap, Ron's left leg was broken, and his only remaining foot disappeared.

Suddenly, Harry received a heavy blow on the face from nowhere, and he fell to the ground instantly.

"Harry!! Ron!!" Hermione let out a deafening scream.

In the blink of an eye, Hermione's two best friends in school, one was dragged into an unknown black hole by a strange black dog and disappeared; the other was hit directly in the head by the terrifying Whomping Willow and fell to the ground unknown. life and death.

Hermione instantly lost her ability to judge rationally and was about to rush forward!

"Silly girl! Are you crazy! This is the Whomping Willow!" Chang Chu took Hermione's arm and pulled her back to the original position. "This is the Whomping Willow! We can't get through without anyone's help. !”

"But Harry! Ron!" Hermione was so anxious that she almost cried, and could only call out the name of her good friend weakly.

"Lite!" Chang Chu screamed, "Hurry up! I know you must have a way! This is not the time to joke!"

The Whomping Willow has completely awakened. The thick and strong willow branches creak as if in a strong wind, whipping back and forth like a whip, and can even make shocking sonic booms from time to time.

"Ron!" Harry, who was dazed, came to his senses and shouted, trying to rush over, but a thick branch whipped menacingly in the air, forcing him back.

Hermione was originally happy to see that Harry was fine, but after seeing Harry's actions, she was almost frightened out of her wits, and shouted in horror: "Harry! Come back quickly! We have to find someone. help!"

Wright pulled out his wand and cast the spell commonly used by Professor Sprout on the crazy Whomping Willow: "Immolulus!" The spell cast by the Whomping Willow is not a fabrication. 】

The effect of the spell took effect instantly. The wicker that was twitching back and forth stopped in mid-air in an instant, and even the leaves stopped shaking, as if it had turned into a stone tree in an instant. After a while, the dancing willow branches gradually returned to their original place, no longer attacking people.

Harry closed his eyes tightly and put his arms in front of his face and breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he would be hit by the Whomping Willow again this time!

However, it was not just Wright and the students who were approaching the Whomping Willow at this time, there were also two small animals running towards the pothole.

Crookshanks belatedly pressed a front paw on a knot at the bottom of the tree. Felicia also waited obediently for Crookshanks to press the knot before following him. The back ran into the tree hole.

"These two cats?!" Hermione exclaimed in confusion.

"They are friends with that dog!" Harry walked over and said with a stern expression. His face was mixed with liquid that was not sure whether it was blood or sweat. "I have seen the three of them together!"

"Stop talking about this and go in quickly." Wright said pretending not to know. "If it's any later, something will happen to Ron. Come on, keep your wands in your hands."

Within seconds, Wright, Chang Chu, Hermione and Harry rushed to the tree trunk.

Harry climbed into the hole immediately, crawled headfirst inside, and slid down the slope into a very low tunnel. A few seconds later, Hermione slid next to him, followed by Chang Chu, and finally Wright.

"This way!" Harry said shortly, bending to follow Crookshanks.

"Where's Ron?" Hermione asked, "And where does this road lead?"

"I have never walked through this passage before. Fred and George had a Marauder's Map and gave it to me. Although the twins knew about this passage, they said that no one had ever come in." Harry explain.

Chang Chu bent down and followed at the end, listening quietly to Harry's words.

Since this place was too low, Wright simply let Lu Wei stay outside and didn't let him in. As for Wright himself, he had turned into an Animagus form. Anyway, if he had to bend down to walk the entire distance, he would probably have his back broken after he got out.

The tunnel continues to stretch forward, seemingly endless.

Harry's breathing was rapid and his chest hurt because he was running forward with his head lowered and bent. Then, the tunnel began to rise; a little further forward, the tunnel became winding and Crookshanks disappeared. But through a small opening, Harry could see a blur of light.

The bright light of the fluorescent lamp dispelled the darkness ahead and saved Harry and Hermione from having to use the fluorescent spell.

What appeared at the end of the passage was a room, a messy, gray room. The wallpaper that was supposed to be on the wall has peeled off a lot, and the scratched walls are exposed. The floor is all over the house, and the furniture is all broken. It seems that it has been violently destroyed, and all the windows have also been damaged by someone. Sealed with a template.

It was only then that Wright returned to his human form and silently looked at this dusty room.

Harry looked at Hermione, who looked very frightened, but still nodded reluctantly.

Harry got through the hole, followed by Hermione and Chang Chu.

Finally, there's Wright.

Finally arrived, the Screaming Shack.

At the same time, Hermione grabbed Chang Chu's arm and whispered: "Little Miss Chu, I think we have arrived at the Shrieking Shack now."

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