Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 386 Sirius Black!

Hermione, who was in a panic, grabbed Chang Chu's arm so tightly that Chang Chu's palms and fingers were pinched with blood, and the fingertips even began to feel slightly numb.

Chang Chu patted Hermione's shoulder gently, she nodded and finally let go of her hand.

It wasn't until this moment that Chang Chu had the time to look at the house that Hermione judged to be the "Screaming Shack".

Chang Chu is no stranger to the legend of the Screaming Shack. In fact, within this semester, she took advantage of the Hogsmeade weekend to visit the Shrieking Shack with the Gryffindor trio at least twice. It's just that every time they just looked at it from a distance outside, they had never directly entered the Screaming Shack like today.

But what Chang Chu knew was only the superficial history of the Screaming Shack.

Wright stood silently next to Chang Chu, his eyes moved slowly, looking at all the items in the room.

What is known and widely disseminated to most British wizards is the superficial history of the Shrieking Shack. The deep factors hidden behind the surface can only be understood by those who have experienced it at that time, and only those who have activated the "omniscient hook" like Wright.

Decades ago, the villagers of Hogsmeade would always hear noises and screams coming from this room, but when people were sent to investigate, nothing was found.

The unknown is always the scariest.

As rumors spread, the villagers in Hogsmeade began to believe that the screams and roars coming from the shack were the sounds of some extremely ferocious ghosts.

Dumbledore, who really knew the truth, firstly did not want Lupine to suffer any strange discrimination when he was a student, and secondly, he asked everyone to stay away from the werewolf during the transformation to avoid being bitten. So he encouraged people to spread such rumors, which kept almost everyone safe.

However, Wright knew that the so-called "Screaming" shack, which was rumored to be magical throughout the British wizarding community, had never been haunted. So of course, there are no vicious and cruel ghosts in the Screaming Shack. The screams and howls heard by the villagers of Hogsmeade were actually caused by Remus Lupine when he transformed into a werewolf.

The Shrieking Shack, the tunnel leading to the shack on the grounds of Hogwarts, and even the Whomping Willow planted at the entrance of the tunnel were all built for Lupin, who had just entered Hogwarts at that time. .

The Shrieking Shack provides a shelter for Lupine, who transforms into a werewolf on a full moon night. The underground passage is the path that the castle staff must take to secretly take Lupine out, and the dangerous Whomping Willow is also used to avoid A curious student accidentally stumbled upon Lupine when he encountered him during a dangerous period.

Wright quietly scanned the deep marks scratched by sharp claws on the wall, as well as the dilapidated furniture scattered around the house. These all witnessed Lupine's terrible desire for destruction when he transformed into a werewolf.

Fortunately, in the past ten years, a talented pharmacist named Damocles Belby invented a magical potion called "Wolfsbane Potion".

Before the invention of wolfsbane potion, almost all innocent wizards who were bitten by werewolves would have to face the terrifying experience of transforming into irrational werewolves every month. Although the wolfsbane potion cannot prevent wizards bitten by werewolves from deforming, it can keep them conscious during the deformation and wait for the waning of the moon to return to human form.

It is precisely because of this that Lupine was recruited to Hogwarts by Dumbledore and became the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this school year. By the way, Damocles Belby, the inventor of Wolfsbane Potion, also received a Second Class Merlin Medal for this magical potion.

At this moment, a creaking sound suddenly came from above the heads of several people, as if something was moving upstairs.

Wright motioned to Chang Chu and the others to stand behind him, and walked to the front alone to clear the way for them. As for the anxious Harry, he temporarily calmed down and walked silently behind Wright. Hermione and Chang Chu walked arm in arm at the end.

Everything in the Shrieking Shack was covered in an inch-thick layer of dust, but that was not the case above the floor. On the originally dusty floor, a bright and wide trace flowed out extremely conspicuously. Next to the trace, there were countless messy, plum-shaped black spots, as if something had been dragged upstairs.

"Ron." Harry couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Wright turned his head, made a silencing gesture towards Harry, and then continued walking forward.

Soon a few people reached the second floor.

Wright raised his hand and picked off the fluorescent lamp floating in the air, then stuffed it into his pocket. The only thing left in the screaming shack was the dim light coming from the drafty wooden wall.

Only one door on the second floor was open, and there was constant noise coming from behind the door: Ron's painful and whimpering moans, and the cat's meowing.

Wright closed his eyes, and a faint shadow energy penetrated from under his feet. All the scenes in the room fell into his mind. He also instantly "saw" Sirius holding the wand that belonged to Ron. , standing silently behind the door panel, waiting for their pursuers to appear.

Just when Wright was about to take out his wand, Harry and Hermione, who had already seen Ron, couldn't bear it anymore and rushed into the room and ran directly to Ron's side.

Then an extremely hoarse voice came out: "Expelliarmus!"

Wright and Chang Chu, who were standing outside the door but had not yet entered, saw clearly that Harry and Hermione's wands flew away from their hands in an instant, flew high into the air, and were caught by a thin, dry black hand.

Chang Chu couldn't help but hold Wright's hand.

Then, Ron's voice full of pain came out: "He is that dog! He is an Animagus!"

"I expected that you would come to help your friend, Harry..." The owner of the withered palm walked out of the shadows behind the door, and his figure was also exposed to everyone's sight.

A mess of dirty, tangled black hair hangs down to her elbows. Hidden in the deep eye sockets are a pair of deep eyes, with a breathtaking bright light emitting from the pupils, as if the next moment they will directly Bite off the neck of the enemy in front of you, gnaw the bones to pieces, and then swallow them into your stomach. Because the skin on the body has not seen sunlight for a long time, it shows a pale waxy white color in the dim light. From a distance, it looks like a skeleton of white bones coming out of the flesh and skin.

Sirius Black!

Black continued to speak, his voice as rough and hoarse as ever: "Your father would do the same to me... Harry, you are very brave and did not go to the professor... This will be much easier to handle..."

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