Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 390 Pettigrew

"Merlin, look..." Lupine looked back and forth between Scabbers and the photo in the newspaper, and shouted softly, "its front paws..."

"So what?" Ron asked angrily, and he directly hid the iron cage containing Scabbers behind him, so that Lupine, the werewolf, could no longer see his pet.

"He's missing one of his claws, the second claw on his left hand," Sirius said, pointing out Scabbers' flaw without missing a beat.

"Who knows if you have colluded and come to fool us?" Ron said, "One is a professor in the school, and the other is a prisoner in the wizard prison. If you want to cooperate, wouldn't it be easy to die? And you are still friends! Maybe it was you, Lupin, who helped Black break into our Gryffindor common room!"

"You mindless idiot!" Sirius taunted angrily, "It wasn't Remus who helped me at all! Besides, Remus just said that he didn't become my brother again until now! He really helped me. Yes, it’s those two kittens!”

"Who knows if this crazy cat is really crazy? He only knows how to pick out mice all day long!" Ron said, and he said to Chang Chu, "I'm sorry, Chang Chu, you know, I'm not talking about Phillip Shia, I'm talking about Crookshanks."

"Are their names Crookshanks and Felicia?" Sirius said hoarsely, "They are the smartest cats I have ever seen. When they saw me, they immediately knew that I was not ordinary. dog. It took me a while to convince the two cats and get them to understand what I was looking for..."

Two little traitors! Wright knelt down, pinched the back of Felicia's neck, and threw it to Chang Chu. As for Crookshanks, he quickly ran to Sirius's side without being too dirty. He rubbed his furry head against Sirius's trouser legs, and his flat cat face actually showed an anthropomorphic look. Feeling of pleasure.

"Crookshanks..." Sirius squatted down and touched Crookshanks' head with his bony right hand, "It has been helping me and helped me steal the password to Gryffindor Tower. , help me bring Peter over directly..." Sirius looked at Felicia in Chang Chu's arms again, "That little black cat always brings me some food with novel tastes. I have never seen it before. If I eat that food, I won't have to live my life eating rats in the Forbidden Forest..."

Wright felt a pity in his heart for no reason.

After all, Sirius had already made up for the mistakes he had made with twelve years in prison. Not just any wizard could withstand the influence of a large number of dementors that lasted twelve years. The punishment was enough to punish him for his fault.

In other words, Sirius used his life and soul to survive the twelve years in Azkaban. After escaping from Azkaban, the once suave and high-spirited eldest son of the Black family was reduced to feeding on rats and insects, as if he were a homeless stray dog.

This difference between before and after is like the highest heaven and the abyss of hell.

Anyone else would have given up on revenge and surrendered directly to the Dementors, but Sirius struggled to escape from such a terrifying prison just to kill Peter Pettigrew with his own hands!

The expression on Wright's face couldn't help but soften a bit.

He lowered his voice and asked: "So, what does it mean that Banban is missing a finger? What if it accidentally knocked it off? Or maybe it was caught by Crookshanks?"

"That time, before little Peter transformed," Sirius said simply, "I forced him to have nowhere to escape, and he finally jumped to a Muggle street and shouted loudly that I betrayed James and Lily. . And before I knew it, he blew up the entire street with the wand hidden behind his back, killing everyone within twenty feet, and escaped into the sewers with the other rats!"

"You hear that, Ron?" Lupine said, "The biggest piece of Peter's remains that's ever been found is..."

"Peter Pettigrew's finger bones..." Harry whispered in a daze.

"Yeah, that's the piece that rat is missing!" Sirius growled, looking straight at Ron.

"Impossible!" Ron refused, "Scabbers is already staying at my house..."

"Twelve years!" Sirius roared, "Can a normal mouse live that long?"

Harry suddenly remembered something. During last summer vacation, Hermione said she wanted to buy a pet. At that time, the female clerk in the magical pet store said that a normal mouse could not live for such a long time...

No! It's all just accidental! Banban is no ordinary mouse! It has always lived in the wizard family!

The hatred and persistence that had been pent up in his heart suddenly emerged. Harry never thought that for a whole year, he had just misunderstood Black, but allowed the real murderer to live freely under his nose!

Harry shouted angrily at Sirius: "This is sophistry! You just admitted it. You already said that you killed them! My parents!"

"Harry, I mean, I almost killed them." Sirius said softly, "I am as guilty as Peter."

"Harry, don't you see it?" Lupine said hurriedly, "We have always thought that Sirius betrayed your parents and Pettigrew was the one who hunted him! But the fact is exactly the opposite. The real situation is , Peter betrayed your parents, and Sirius went after Peter!"

"Prove it to me!" Harry yelled a little uncontrollably, "Prove it to me. Prove it to me. Prove it to me. Prove it to me that this mouse is the Peter Pedillo you are talking about!"

"One effective way to prove the truth is to use a spell to force the mouse to reveal its true form," Wright said. "If he is really a wizard, an Animagus."

"Give it to me! I'll do it!" Sirius said immediately.

Ron looked at Wright nervously. He didn't want to hand over his Scabbers to such a murderer, some Animagus, some Peter Pettigrew. In Ron's opinion, these were all lies fabricated by Black!

"Ron, leave Scabbers to me." Wright extended his left hand to Ron, "If Scabbers is really an Animagus, my spell will force him to return to his original form. But if Banban is just an ordinary mouse, so the power of the curse will not harm it."

Harry also said: "Leave it to Wright, Ron."

Ron hesitated for a while before reluctantly handing over Scabbers, passing the iron cage to Hermione next to him, and then to Wright.

"Hurry!" Sirius urged anxiously, "If that doesn't work, let me do it!"

Wright glanced at Sirius, used a levitating spell to levitate the iron cage containing Scabbers into the air, and then peeled away the iron cage body bit by bit, revealing the mouse hidden inside.

Banban tried his best to twist his body in mid-air, but an inexplicable force directly bound him there, unable to move.

A bright blue light erupted from the tip of Wright's wand, accurately hitting Spot in mid-air.

Ron yelled.

Banban fell to the ground, and a faint flash of light lit up, just like the process of Professor McGonagall performing the transformation spell.

The pointed rat face was suddenly elongated under the power of magic, and a head with messy hair came out; the body, whose fur fell off and exposed a lot of bald spots, also swelled instantly, followed by the torso, limbs...

A moment later, a very short man appeared where Banban had fallen, cowering and wringing his hands.

It's Peter Pettigrew.

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