Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 391: Good and evil will be rewarded in the end

Almost at the same time, Wright heard a very loud sound of nausea coming from Ron.

The poor child, holding such a dirty middle-aged man with an ugly appearance, a fat body, a wretched expression, and a bad personality, slept in the same bed for so long, ate and lived with him for so many years...

There should be no childhood shadow more cruel than this in the world.

"Remus...little Sirius...?" Peter Pettigrew's voice was high and thin, with a panicked expression, "My old friend..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Peter Pettigrew picked up his legs and tried to run towards the door, but was immediately pushed back by Sirius and Lupine standing over there.

Wright glanced at Chang Chu, who touched his wrist knowingly.

Several vines rose up again, and Peter Pettigrew was immediately tied tightly and fell to the ground.

"Good girl!" Sirius immediately praised Chang Chu, "Well done!"

Harry saw beads of sweat appear on Peter Pettigrew's pale face, making the face as dark as speckled fur even more stained and dirty.

At the same time, Peter Pettigrew also saw Harry.

Peter Pettigrew twisted on the ground, raised his head as much as possible to look at Harry, and said humbly: "Harry, look at you, you look so much like your father, so much... James, we Used to be best friends..."

"How dare you talk to Harry!" Sirius walked over angrily and kicked Peter Pettigrew far away, "How dare you mention James in front of him!"

"Peter, you betrayed the information about James and Lily to Voldemort, right?" Lupine said critically.

"Actually, I don't want to do that!" Peter Pettigrew seemed aggrieved and said helplessly, "The Dark Lord, God knows what terrible weapons he possesses!"

"Ask yourself! What would you do?" Peter Pettigrew called to Sirius, "What would you do?"

"I would rather die!" Sirius said without hesitation, "I would rather die than betray my friends!"

"Because that's you! So you are Sirius Black!" Peter Pettigrew immediately said.

"You've always been like this, Peter." Sirius said through gritted teeth. "You've always liked to fawn over those who are stronger and more powerful than you. You've always liked to make powerful friends so that you can get their care, haven't you? In the past? It was me... me and Remus, and James... and then Voldemort!"

"You must be crazy! How could I know Dark, the Dark Lord..." Peter Pettigrew stammered, with more and more sweat on his face.

"At that time, Lily and James asked you to be the secret keeper after listening to my suggestion! Only those who keep the secret know the exact location of the place protected by the Fidelity Charm! If Voldemort hadn't gotten the information from you, there would be no way he could have found it. Potter's house!" Sirius said with disgust, "I thought that was a clever plan! But you told Voldemort directly! Voldemort!"

Peter Pettigrew's face instantly turned an ugly color like dust, and he mumbled some words incoherently that no one could hear clearly.

"Can I ask?" Chang Chu asked with some confusion, "If Peter Pedro betrayed the Potters, why didn't he hurt Harry? Aren't Harry and Ron in the same dormitory? We lived together for three years.”

"Yes! This is evidence! Proof that I am not a spy!" Peter Pettigrew's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had grasped the last straw, he shouted loudly, "I have never hurt Harry! Never! Not even a hair was touched on Harry! It was you who broke into the Gryffindor common room with a knife in the middle of the night!

"I'll tell you why! I'll tell you why you didn't hurt Harry!" Sirius looked at Peter Pettigrew with hatred, "Because you won't do anything for anyone if you think it's not good for you! Voldemort He has disappeared for twelve years. It was because he believed you that he went to Godric's Hollow and was defeated by Harry! You don’t even dare to do bad things right under your nose!”

"Besides, if Voldemort really comes back to life, the first person he wants to find is you! After all, it was you who tricked him into the Potter's house and defeated him, wasn't it?" Sirius said angrily, "I think. I'm not the only one who wants to kill you! There are still some of Voldemort's remnants in Azkaban who are still alive! If you let them know that you are still alive, Peter-"

This time Peter Pettigrew was completely silent. He just sat there with his head lowered and his whole body shivering.

Sirius turned his head and looked at Harry, but this time Harry didn't turn his face.

"Believe me, Harry, believe me." Sirius said hoarsely, "I have never betrayed James and Lily. I would rather die than betray them."

Harry finally believed it. His throat was tight and he couldn't speak. He could only nod.

After sniffing, Sirius asked Lupine: "Shall we kill him together?"

"I think so." Lupine said gloomily. Harry was not the only one who learned the truth tonight. Lupine, who was a member of the Marauders Four, finally knew what happened that night and that he had just misunderstood Sirius all along.

James and Lily... Lupine felt sad in his heart.

"No! Don't!" Peter Pettigrew seemed to come to life. He raised his head and looked at Sirius and Lupin, shouting in great horror, "You can't kill me!"

But neither Sirius nor Lupine seemed indifferent to Peter Pettigrew's plea for mercy, and Sirius spat directly.

"Harry, James won't let me die!" Peter Pettigrew turned around and begged Harry for help, "Your father, he will spare me, he will spare my life!"

Harry turned away in disgust.

Peter Pettigrew turned his head instantly and shouted to his previous owner: "Ron... I am your good friend and good pet..."

Ron was still vomiting there, as if he was about to vomit out his soul.

Peter Pettigrew looked at Hermione and Chang Chu, but Wright moved to cover the two girls from his sight.

"You should have understood, Peter, that if Voldemort had not killed you, we would have killed you." Lupine said softly, "Farewell."

A moment of silence.

"No!" Harry shouted.

Lupine sighed, without looking back, and said seriously: "Harry, this person is..."

"I know who he is," Harry said, "but you can't kill him."

"Harry!" Sirius roared, "This is the villain who killed both your parents!"

"I know!" Harry gasped, as if he was making an extremely difficult decision, "You can't kill him, you can't. We can take him to the castle and hand him over to the dementors. The ghosts will deal with him. Peter Pettigrew can go to Azkaban, but you don't want to kill him."

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